why aren't you supporting this man who can legally conceal carry?
Well Sup Forums?
some facts
>he had a carry permit and therefore no record
>he informed the officer of his permit and gun
>officer ordered him to get his ID and/or wallet
>officer didn't think about having just ordered the man to put his hand near his gun
>officer shit his diapers and fired four rounds, killing the man for obeying
>"but muh officer safety! what...about...muh...officer...safety!"
Sup Forums lost one of it's own today, this is a day of mourning
>anti faggot
>pro gun
>anti jew media
press f to pay respects
Actually, yeah. He had a concealed carry permit, and the cop didn't care. Therefore, Obama is after all our guns.
Whether the gun was legally carried is immaterial to whether the shooting is justified. The officer either thought he was reaching for his gun, or he didn't.
Huh.I guess the police screwed up this time.The other guy was a nog though,this guy deserved real attention and not that cd seller
For once not a nig nog
Op you shouldn't have put in 'well Sup Forums?'
Most people filter that as they are used by shills.
Start a new thread for this guy
He fucking told him to reach for it.
Once the facts are settled, I hope the NRA immediately makes a public statement on his behalf, just like they fought for Shaneen Allen.
Or have the liberals already forgotten that?
Because he is a nigger gorilla.
nobody should even give a shit about this nignog. they're shouting institutional racism when in fact hundreds of nigs are killed by their own kind after shit like this goes down.
This guy is a worthy case,not like other nig nogs.This time,the officer dun goofed.
>Show me your wallet
>Reaches for wallet(has a gun in same pocket)
He had a record just nothing serious
Out of any shooting this seems really one of the bad ones. Unfortunate. He shouldn't be reaching but the chink cop did overreact a bit
but still did nothing wrong
Generally yes that's the point of the media attention.
>ordered to put his hand near his gun
>gets shot anyway
No I won't defend this, the cop needs to be brought to justice, or did you think Sup Forums is just like SJWs who ignore whatever doesn't fit their narrative?
>see the difference?
Yes, that guy has the drop on the officer, if the cop goes for his gun, he WILL die. His only option is to diffuse the situation. Retard
>some facts
>some shit the nigress """witness""" cooked up
Remember Dorian Johnson? OP is a shill faggot.
Cop was def wrong on this one.
Jesus?And most middle class jews are pretty good
those aren't facts
those are events as told by the guy's gf, the facts will be what the dash cam audio picked up
the only fact there is the permit and weapon
of course Wayne LaPierre will support Phil.
he had a concealed carry permit.
this nig might have been a Sup Forums user, well never know.
There are some based nigs here on pol.Shoutout to them.(Or is it holla?)
Fucking girlfriend...Did you hear the way he moaned when she said they killed him when he wasn't dead yet? You never want to say that shit to someone who is bleeding out..They will start to believe it and just give up.
(((F A C T S )))
Are these actual facts or "He was on his knees holding his hands up saying don't shoot, he dindunuffin" """"""""facts"""""""""?
Halfway through reading that I realized he was rapping. Or doing slam poetry, or whatever the fuck.
Black on black crime is a separate issue.
Just because it's happening doesn't mean that you can't deal with shit that is also happening, like the police having a shoot first, ask questions later mentality that gets people of all races killed.
Dont really think you can excuse this shooting here, going to have to put the cop under the bus here, he was Asian though so at least that takes a bit of wind out of the sails of the "white man is evil" argument.
That other guy in Louisiana had it coming though and the cops are not to blame there.
Cause he's black
It's a seperate and much larger issue yet blacks give precisely zero fucks.
10,000 blacks die from black on black? Not a single fuck given. 1 criminal black shot by the cops after a shoot out? HE DIN DU NUFFIN DAY RACISS.
>Da NRAs be racist cause dey don't release a statement about erry black dude gettin shot, especially when dey didn't even had the whole story
Where did this stupid shit come from all of a sudden? One of my co-workers was basically saying this same shit early except he included all gun rights advocates.
I'm so sick of this inflammatory, race baiting shit after every news story.
That's not how the rest of the world greets each other, BR
Based nigs give me hope, but I've met at least a million black people in my life and only a small handful weren't total coons
>nothing serious.
This thread isn't about him.
Another nigger got shot?
could be the third tail light senpai
Read the tweet in the OP. Based on the name he was part Hispanic.
hearsay, but if true, why would Sup Forums not defend him?
take your strawman bullshit the fuck outta here, baby doll
>dumb bitch
>Tweet before 6am
This shooting was a bad one, he got conflicting orders from the cop, that cop is losing his job and hitting the court bench.
this was a seemingly unjustified shooting, the other was not. whats so complicated about that
The NRA absolutely should.
And that's why blm and the race baiters will ignore this one and focus on captain dindu. It's sad how obvious it is they just want to milk it for feel good points rather than change anything.
Gentle giant
i think if all of those things turn out to be true then the majority of Sup Forums would be on the victims side - but see, the majority liberals and probably every single black person would NEVER be on the side of a cop who shoots a black man for literally any reason
this. Cop was in the wrong
If true, sounds like the cops fucked the dog on this one.
RIP black man
f x 1000
>he informed the officer of his permit and gun
>officer ordered him to get his ID and/or wallet
From what I'm reading, this actually happened the other way around. The officer asked for his ID and then while the guy is digging in his pockets he tells the cop that he has a gun. Still doesn't justify the shooting, but easy to see how the cop could have panicked in that moment.
This proves that chinks make bad police officers, not white people.
An upstanding member of the alt right, F
Wait, we're anti gay again? I'm on this board daily and I can't keep up with this shit.
Fucking liberals seriously.
Yeah the second nigger getting popped was fucked up. I don't think there's a lot of arguments there.
Unfortunately the first nigger will take all the headlines and attention away since he was first and a walking stereotype.
Yeah I had a real indentity crisis too. I knew pol would back the police officers without a doubt but I couldn't justify it in my mind at all. It's sickening.
>Asian cop shoots black guy
>whites are collectively to blame
Still basically there
I want to say it's a spectrum
>No I won't defend this, the cop needs to be brought to justice, or did you think Sup Forums is just like SJWs who ignore whatever doesn't fit their narrative?
This is largely true, though. You're an exception to the rule.
as a mix breed mongrel myself who usually leans to defend police when blacks act up in front of them, this looks like a fucked up mess on the police's end.
based black man probably wanted to MAGA
Yeah, this one made me sad
Praise Kek, he has claimed one of us.
That bearded dude in the first pic is the one that tried to bum rush Trump and got taken down by secret service.
This time, the cop should be hung out to dry. This was voluntary manslaughter at the very least, possibly even second degree murder. Absolutely unacceptable. I just hope that BLM/Sharpton/etc don't poison this instance with their bullshit criminal-apologist diatribe. It looks like a good man died here for no reason, and we need to rally behind him irrespective of what other groups do. If we, as gun owners, fail to do so, then we're hypocrites.
The nignog in Baton Rouge was justified though, good riddance and give those cops a bonus.
Lol even if this is true the cop wasn't white. So it's hard to take people who say "dis wuz dawhyte cops fault" seriously.
I'm a police officer and I hate the way that cop handled that. CHL holders are our friends. It's proof that they don't have a criminal record, it's proof that they paid money and spent hours at a range learning how to carry. And the guy said that he had a gun on him and that he had a CHL.
This police officer will go down, don't worry, SJWs.
One isn't directly fighting with officers.
I do support that man the cop clearly fucked up and should face consequences
Fuck you . If another nigger had shot cd man you wouldn't give a flying fuck. You are just one nore virtue signaling faggot.
>Police departments are a white institution so anything any police officers do is entirely the fault of whites
t liberal mental gymnastics
>we're anti gay?
>guess that means I'm anti gay now!
Sup Forums is too retarded
"Carnal knoweledge of a juvenile" mean he saw a young boy/girl naked. It's not rape or attempt to rape or something, he saw just someone fucking naked.
Litteraly nothing by all the standard, including German one were you can see everywhere naked pple.
All these judgements with no knowledge on what happened. All we know is. He had a gun, which the cop knew about. His girlfriend says, "You told him to get his ID." and the cop says, "I told him not to reach for his gun!"
We need to know more information to see if the man was refusing to listen or if the cop just freaked out. The idea that any judgement can be drawn currently is ridiculous.
You're fucking retarded
Blm is a movement designed to increase racial divides in this nation which is why they deliberately go after clear cases of the cop being in the right and ignore case the cop is in the wrong.
Leading to people who actually care about the truth having absolute disdain for them.
Indeed. This is fucked up. The idiot cop needs to hang honestly.
So all of Sup Forums is on the spectrum, got it.
Carnal knowledge means sex.
I was too quick to judge. This guy was based. RIP.
This isn't a thread about that violent nig nog, this is a thread about a law abiding black man who was unlawfully shot 4 times by a stupid rookie cop.
This is a fucking tragedy
that's a brake like..
I'd be okay with black people make this guy a martyr and not that other rapist drug abuser pedophile
Carry in peace, my son.
Well obviously I have my own opinion but I never let that get in the way of a good rally cry
Yet this is not labeled as rape or something, which mean both agreed to have sex.
litteraly nothing.
Who said I don't? Cop fucked up end of story. That being said he should of kept his hands on the wheel and asked permission to step out of the vehicle to speak with the officer. You think cops don't see all the niggers on social media calling for violence against police? You think they don't see any black man and have it in the back of their head how wrong things can go? They are on edge and it's wise to take every precaution as a permit holder to keep yourself from ending up like this man. It doesn't matter what your skin color is, don't be so careless when dealing with law enforcement if you are a permit holder. End of story.
The NRA doesn't make statements two seconds after every incident happens because they aren't fucking retarded like sjws.
and because it's a clear case were carrying a gun cause the death of the man that felt obviously safe with it.
So demonstrate how phony and stupid NRA policies are.