Well Sup Forums?

why aren't you supporting this man who can legally conceal carry?


some facts

>he had a carry permit and therefore no record
>he informed the officer of his permit and gun
>officer ordered him to get his ID and/or wallet
>officer didn't think about having just ordered the man to put his hand near his gun
>officer shit his diapers and fired four rounds, killing the man for obeying
>"but muh officer safety! what...about...muh...officer...safety!"


Sup Forums lost one of it's own today, this is a day of mourning

>anti faggot
>pro gun
>anti jew media

press f to pay respects

Actually, yeah. He had a concealed carry permit, and the cop didn't care. Therefore, Obama is after all our guns.

Whether the gun was legally carried is immaterial to whether the shooting is justified. The officer either thought he was reaching for his gun, or he didn't.

Huh.I guess the police screwed up this time.The other guy was a nog though,this guy deserved real attention and not that cd seller

For once not a nig nog


Op you shouldn't have put in 'well Sup Forums?'
Most people filter that as they are used by shills.
Start a new thread for this guy