So now, a person with no crime record, got shot in his car.
He had a license to carry and got shot 4 times after reaching out for his ID.
Posting the video later
So now, a person with no crime record, got shot in his car.
He had a license to carry and got shot 4 times after reaching out for his ID.
Posting the video later
Other urls found in this thread:
he had a record
he was a member of the crips
nice try colgate cuck
Small offenses.
Sucks how they didn't film the actual shooting. This wouldn't even hold up in court.
Sup Forums jumps straight on the case of yesterday but i haven't seen a single thread about this one.
the retard was arrested numerous times without a drivers license and he drove with it suspended. it wouldn't be too far fetched if his firearm license was suspended too.
Doesn't really justify him getting shot now does it
>Small offenses
Small bullets
If he was a known member of the crips that is not a small offense.
A self entitlled post he made 5 years ago got him shot today... Hm... really makes you think...
2 black killings this fast? Or is this old news
>but i haven't seen a single thread about this one.
Misschien je ogen uit je zak halen, imbeciel...
Speak english kankerlijer.
If you don't like this one fuck off to another.
This one happened today. But the media censors the videos sometimes and turns shit around. It's difficult finding new info.
Waarom boos? Het is niet mijn schuld dat je met je ogen in je zak bent geboren.. Hier, een paar draadjes om in te janken.
Speak english or fuck off.
There is no (public) video of this shooting, just of the aftermath. You seem to be the one turning things around. The guy is called Philando Castile... Plenty of information on this incident.
That's what I said
Not really
I don't care when a nigger gets killed.
Then why are you here
At some point you have to care about finding the truth in a story. You may as well be a right-wing SJW with that attitude.
>passenger seat
>not immediately putting your carry piece locked and cleared on the dashboard
>setting both you and the officer up for failure
Such is life in the Zone.
The media isn't censoring shit (besides some fuzzy blocks over bloody bits) and isn't turning anything around either. You're full of shit.
Tevens verschikkelijk boos. Waarom?
Om je dat mede te delen.
Seems so. But this one sure is a doozy. Plot is thick and difficult to filter. Almost seems convenient.
Get out of my thread
Then you're not only a moron but blind too
This notorious crip meme is based on a throwback picture posted by one of his friends on his Facebook, where he's wearing blue. That's literally the only basis for it.
Don't believe everything you read on Sup Forums.
Seriously toothpaste?
Er is niets van jou bij, sahbi..
The "throwback" was also probably 15+ years. He looked like a teenager.
Great argument. You can leave now.
I'm actually trying to find some more proof on this shit and completely debunk the whole story. Thanks for helping guys.
>Driving with a suspended license is grounds for execution
This board gets worse and worse every day.
no one knows what happened before the video, what the officer said/didn't say
what the gf is saying is not fact or evidence
it might turn out to be though, if the dash cam video/audio supports what she is saying
That's my point. We have nothing to go on. This wouldn't even hold up in court.
>when you realize he got killed because he named the Jew and not because he is black
Thanks for inventing the toothpaste strawman meme.
>Great argument. You can leave now.
Maar hij heeft gelijk. Je bent letterlijk blind en achterlijk als je de andere draden niet kon vinden..
>proof on this shit and completely debunk the whole story. Thanks for helping guys.
Anders laat je dat gewoon over aan de Amerikaanse autoriteiten? Jezus wat een zelfoverschatting...
>implying you know what happened anymore than anyone else that wasn't there
Ek kan praat Afrikaans, dit is sleg Nederlander praat! I cool guys?
No not at all.
So this could be another false flag.
Afrikaans is negernederlands. Letterlijk.
He was a nigger
so that makes him wrong in my book
and my book has rarely been wrong.
Great. Can't wait for the day of the rope. Filtering the bad ones and all, to secure a good future for my children.
Lots of 1488 on Sup Forums today. Almost like there are some shills trying to tarnish our reputation in the wake of mainstream media attention...
Conspiracy theories aside.
We'll never know what actually led to the shooting, but the video did not look good.
The cop just stood there after shooting the man with his gun still drawn. His girlfriend and kid were in the car.
Yeah it doesn't look good for the police. Ben Shapiro commented on it as well. Called it a false flag and all.
Are you really that fucking bored with your life OP?
Go outside for fucks sake
Not an argument
I have not seen video, heard testimony, etc. Most likely he moved when cops said "Don't move", or reached for carry permit, or said, "I have a gun" instead of I have a PERMIT". Too many black dudes apparently fight cops, express indignity loudly... I hoe this is fully investigated. Interesting that Jystice Dept started investigation immediately upon incident. Not waiting for request for investigation -- just acting instantly.
PS why does every black person I know still believe Mike Brown was gunned down w/o reason by a racist cop? It's as if a grand jury/investigation holds no water for many of them.
You make a fair point. We need to stay sceptical.
>no chucks
>no camo paint job
>starchy white pale skin for that killer sunburn
>no sling
>no time piece
Would not operate with.
It doesn't even sound like she cares
That's what I responded with before getting attacked by 5 niggers.
Yeah it is. 32 people were killed in chicago last weekend by black people and you don't give a damn. you only care when a black person's life is taken by a white man. stop spreading this cancer you utterly stupid piece of shit.
Do not say I have a gun
Do not touch your gun, wallet, ID, holster, phone
Do remain stock-still
Do put hands on wheel
Do inform cops you have a PERMIT (not a gun)
Do ask cops "how do you want to proceed?" Let cops direct the action!
It's eyewitness testimony, and admissible in court, especially given the short interval between the event and the statements.
>It's as if a grand jury/investigation holds no water for many of them.
>jury of peers
We wuz kangz, got no peerz
>jury of peers
Das raycis
Day kuverinitup
Justus nao!
> You don't give a damn
Says who? Wow I made a thread to discuss it because I don't give a SHIT about black people. Look at me go.
Maybe if you stopped bumping my thread to the first page it would stop existing.
Gee....I wonder who this could be?
People need to see what a cuck, brainwashed bitch you are. bump.
I'm sure your mexican friends agree.
> do not say "I have a gun"
> suddenly reveal undeclared gun while reaching for ID
> get shot
> say "I have a gun"
> follow police instructions to slowly and carefully remove gun and turn it over to them
> don't get shot
Of course, this case sounds like
> say "I have a gun"
> dumbass rookie cop doesn't know how to handle situation
> pulls own gun and demands ID
> declared gun is suddenly revealed while following cops' orders
> get shot
Seems like an honest mistake to me. Cops need better training and different firearms. Maybe a smaller caliber as well to maim instead of kill.
1. There is no training that can prevent rookie mistakes. Everyone starts as a rookie, and only making mistakes can make a rookie into a veteran.
2. There is no such thing as a gun that only maims. Every weapon, even fists, can always be deadly.
3. This shit will always happen. Punish the people that make the mistakes, not the people that don't.
Yeah it seems redundant to hate cops out of the sudden like these people seem to do.
They want all white folk dead but that doesn't seem like a proper solution to me.
the one nigger who didn't do duffin
>openly spoke out against the jews
>Cops need better training and different firearms.
>Maybe a smaller caliber as well to maim instead of kill.
el e el No.
Don't be this kind of nogunz. Just admit you don't know what you're talking about and either move on or educate yourself.
You could go as small as a .22LR and still smoke someones ass from across a car. There are also many many cases where criminals have been shot multiple times by multiple cops at the same time with calibers in the range of .40 and .45 and survive.
Moot point.
Criminal record or not, in America, you are innocent until proven guilty by trial of your peers. You have a right to remain silent and a right to an attorney. It doesn't matter if you have a record of cold-blooded murder, rape, pedophilia, or drug possession: You are granted DUE PROCESS UNDER LAW no matter what. It's an immutable and inalienable right to all American citizens.
Threads like these just prove how BRAINWASHED anons are into believing they are "redpilled", when they CRIMINALIZE a person to the point of apathy.
>First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
>Because I was not a Socialist.
>Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
>Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
>Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
>Because I was not a Jew.
>Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
— t. Martin Niemöller
>bootlickers will defend this
>with no crime record
His record makes it clear that he never should have been driving.
Exactly this. He didn't do jack shit. Mistakes were made and now blacks have a proper reason to be pissed off.
This is why nobody should have guns ever, I'm a hillary missile now
>Cops need better training
>and different firearms.
>Maybe a smaller caliber as well to maim instead of kill.
You're a fucking imbecile.
Ik hoop echt dat jij geen stemrecht hebt..
I'm not nogunz. I heard about the army wanting to adopt .22LR to maim, so that the opposing side needed more men to get their wounded soldiers off the battlefield.
This nig was alright. He had a strong dislike for Jews and actually worked for a living. This is a tragedy.
Man it doesnt justify for him to get shot, now I don't know what the cop told him to do, but if he's license is in his wallet and the cop asked for it, why would he shoot him if he was going for his wallet?
Post the record because I've been unable to find it.
Here's the video of the shooting
based nigga
this isn't the video of the shooting you fucking mong
What army? Your army? Where did you hear this?
That's fucking a lame brain idea and I'm sure they've never considered it.
The US and former Soviet nations already use centerfire .22(5.56) and .21(5.45).
Well this one I'll say certainly sounds like the cops fault.
Yes my army. But still. The guy got shot 4 times which seems uncalled for. A warning shot is better.
>maim instead of kill.
You might not know this but that's illegal in the states.
>Ik ben een imbeciel
Nee, maar echt.. Ga weg, user.
>Yes my army
>Wat is 5.56 NATO
They should change that because pepper spray doesn't seem to do the job.
>A warning shot is better.
The only warning is verbal.
Let's shoot near him so he's legitimately in fear for his life and draws to return fire. Turning this into a full on gun fight.
Calling you dumb would be an offense to dumb people.
Him firing back would give complaining blacks less reasons to complain now wouldn't it? The video literally shows him doing nothing.
Feel free to disagree.
Rookie cop on adrenaline-rush and trigger-happy. Something much less like a smile and respect for others would have ended in no harm to anybody. Even as a white guy I have wondered when is the right time to say I have a CWP and am carrying legally. I think it would be after handing my license over and not before reaching in the other pocket to get it. But I understand how this could possibly occur. In any case, the cop is 100% wrong. There is no margin to distribute any blame to the victim imho.
I would just ask to step out of the vehicle and let the officer take it off me. That way I don't get blasted for reaching close to my gun. I have thought about this before as my wallet and gun are carried on the same side. Then again, I'm white with no record.
Asian cop
theres already another thread up about this you faggot
I absolutely agree. But now people are just fighting instead of coming up with solutions. Which is a damn shame. Cops need more training in my opinion to deal with agressive civilians and/or with firearms.
Go there then
In my state we have to immediately declare we're carrying. Failing to do so can get you a misdemeanor. I don't know how it is in your state but I would think it best to just be upfront about it and let the officer do everything after that.
Must really suck getting shot while your kid is there with you.
One thing I noticed while sitting and posting on Twitter is if people think you're white and racist you're automatically wrong.
Even though blacks can make tons of racist comments.