Christian General- Summer edition

Lets drink wine and discuss our Lord.

Other urls found in this thread:

first thing he says
>lets drink
Why am i not surprised?

Was Joseph the original cuck?

Is this true OP?

Bump for Spiritual Ubermenschenism

For Christ's sake, put some effort.

Thursday of the Fourteenth Week in Ordinary Time
Lectionary: 386

Today's reading:
Hos 11:1-4, 8e-9
Mt 10:7-15

Responsorial Psalm:
Ps 80:2ac and 3b, 15-16

R. Alleluia, alleluia.
The Kingdom of God is at hand:
repent and believe in the Gospel.
R. Alleluia, alleluia.

Today's Saint of the Day is Bl. Ralph Milner.

Thread theme:

Reminder, that /csg/ is for all Christians: Catholics, Orthodox and Protestants.
Theological discussion is good, but keep it civil. Try not to bitching too much. about denominations and if thist or that church is valid.
Jews, Muslims, and other pagans and heathens are welomce to learn about faith.
We kindly pleas atheists and agnostics to not act like animals.
Rejoice in Christ.


you came to the wrong neighbourhood, heathen

thank you my polish friend. You're right.

If God is real then why did Ted Cruz not win the Republican nomination?

You know things are bad when you have to have an autism disclaimer in your thread.

don't be a cuck

It's just a obligatory formula that was used when we have /csg/ for weak without stops.
The reality is pic.

American Orthodox master race

Oh. And Orthodoxies get unpleasant lately. Probably because of council and that Pope is a cuck.


Silly goys.




Lapsed Catholic twink reporting :3


Thread needs more Christ-chan.

Isn't that supposed to be Torquemada?

How do I into the rosary?

Rate my bibles Sup Forums

> using Catholic and twink in same sentence
> gtfo

Someone explain me this meme of God helping/punishing or interacting with humans in general?
If, say, a person begs God to heal him of some disease or save him from death and God responds but then later in life the said person commits sin, then wouldn't the sin be partially Gods fault? When I thought about it with God being wise and all, he should realise that it is a possibility, and sin would be on Gods hands, thus he avoids any interaction with our lives.

honestly I'm atheist but islam is clearly far more red pilled than christianity


>what is Orthodoxy

>wouldn't the sin be partially God's fault?


Orthodoxy has more branches than a tree tho

Why are anglican anons so rare?

Is Anglicanism ded?

Because every nation gets to have their own national church, with liturgy in their own language.

It's accomodating like that.

its beautiful like that :D

Has Christian General heard anything about the mandela effects involving Bible passages?

Could this have been why it's stated that you need to have the world of God in your heart for the end times because the actual word is changing?

yeah but there are some that aren't in full comunion with the others and all that.

which is the most redpilled?

Irish used to be among the most religious people in Europe, there's been a brutal shift in the last two decades and nowadays most people identifies more as culturally Christian than religiously Christian.

Even when there is only sin and depravity, in God, and through God, you will find peace, beauty, honour and comfort

God bless

55 Maxims for Christian Living - Fr. Thomas Hopko(memory eternal)

It's nearly ded in England. RIP CoE


Bumping for God.

It's been three years now