So I'm a Swede and I've been in the U.S for 3 months now. I generally enjoy it here other than the weird police state feeling (some areas have expensive Dodge Charger/Challenger police cars). But one thing I noticed is that most people in those 95%+ white areas look like pic related... wtf is wrong with your genes Amerifats?
So I'm a Swede and I've been in the U.S for 3 months now...
Other urls found in this thread:
The vast majority of Americans have the mixed genetic lineage of Europe's peasantry.
So look at your own working poor. And the working poor from other European countries. And mix and match.
It's less genes and more everyone is overweight
White American's genes are mostly English, Irish and German.
>not realizing you are literally ancestors of europe
>not realizing "americans" are just a made up term for europeans not good enough to live here
>not realizing the actual americans look like fucking mexicans
High carb diets. Their bodies cant burn fat.
tons of inbreeding
I think they are mutated Europeans via GMOs, environmental pollution, and maybe something in the water. Pesticides. Etc.
They look weird even if they weren't fat.
White Americans in the richest areas tend to be better looking though. Also I would see two fat as fuck parents and somehow they'd have a hot daughter.
You're right in that it's a lot of wear and tear on our bodies. Corn Syrup causes large-scale gut flora changes which affect insulin and leptin production.
That being said, most kids being raised with a proper diet these days have weak as fuck immune systems because kids just don't get cripplingly sick like they used to.
I have saw this same topic or a variation of this topic with the same image multiple times in the last few days.
What purpose?
Useless amerifats...
The vast, vast majority of white Americans are descended from the sort of people that had to leave Europe for reasons such as:
>Being religious zealots
>Dodging conscription
>Committing crimes
>Not being able to afford food
If you go to the places where they descend from (not Norway or Finland or Bavaria or whatever the hell they claim) the people look similar.
No real identity for most whites in all white communities, free to be molded by whatever mass consumer culture comes along!
this is next level indoctrination. The world knows about /pol, its over.
I think it encapsulates perfectly what I'm trying to say. I promise I'm not part of some anti-American conspiracy, I love America I just think Europeans are better looking.
Fair point
>I love America I just think Europeans are better looking. Based on what though? Some fat/ugly upper-middle class family at Starbucks?
And what Europeans? Look at an actual normal crowd of Brits or what have you. They don't look like anything special. It's like the Asians being attractive meme on here.
Based on me being from Sweden where an average girl there would be a goddess in America.
I've been all over Europe too. North. West. South. East. I've been there.
It's nothing against Americans: I think they are harder working people than Europeans, but overall they're much less aesthetically pleasing other than the top 5% of people.
agreed also add: dodging their murder at the hands of some crazy king/dictator who tries to instill his own religion/philosophy after coming into power.
Unless thats what you mean by "committing crimes"
Hard to know with tricky Europeans, being not of the King's new religion was in fact a crime.
Where in the United States did you actually visit? Ethnicity and origin varies so much. Might as well visit Poland and say French people are ugly.
hopefully Trump wins so we can import more whiteys from Germany, Eastern Europe, maybe even Italy.
From what I heard Obama has done the opposite. He's made it incredibly hard for Europeans to immigrate here, while making it easy for Somalians and co.
That fucking thing literally lives 20 minutes from me. I live about 15 min feom Akron ohio and even ended up seeing her on a dating website. I almost threw up
nothing is wrong with them bro. They look like 2 people in their late 40s that had kids in their mid 30s. That's how people look when they get old. The kids... well the boy looks normal and the girl is slightly chubby--too much junk food. This specific does look like they have bad eyes though.
Not to mention they are in casual wear. No gel in any of their hair. Just a family at Starbucks on the weekend.
Listen fuckwhore. Not everyone in the world looks like a supermodel.
No he means actually crimes you subhuman
You've just been seeing too many Irish people
I didn't know this existed in real life...
You aren't a Swede
no, they're just a fat ugly family, i'm guessing you have one too based on your
OP that's how people look in the suburbs and small towns, city people are generally the more attractive variety of americans
I landed in New York since the majority flights go there. I knew that NYC isn't representative of general America so I bought a cheap car and started driving to different parts. Anyway off of the top of my head:
New Hampshire
New Jersey
Illinois(mostly just Chicago and outskirts of Chicago)
Wisconsin (mostly Milwaukee)
Separate time I flew to Orlando and used bus services and uber/lyft/public transport to go to Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee North Carolina.
Separate time I went to DC and northern Virginia.
Separate time I went to Vegas with a couple friends and Arizona.
Went to LA with family a long time ago.
Still haven't been to:
Texas, San Francisco, Seattle, all the northwest and north north west areas.
I will say that I LOVE going to college campuses and pretending to be an international student there. Girls love it, and they think Sweden is some paradise. Kek. I play into it anyway
You got us on this, Sven.
It's somewhat related to income, but it's basically everywhere.
It disgusts me too.
Middle aged couples both look vaguely fat and androgynous.
You and me Sven, we are going to kill ourselves together due to our respective national shames.
In urban areas white people are generally thin and in shape. Minorities are fat
In rural areas everybody is fat.
Why is this true, too fucking expensive for food in the city?
When shit hits the fan in Sweden let's just export half of all Swede people.
Make America Great Again and help ethnic Swedish refugees!
There aren't many whites in the majority of your cities and most of them are there to commute to work from the suburbs.
In Europe even poor regions have many beautiful girls
My kids are both lean and muscular.
I'm not a nazi about eating, but sugar/flour snacks are generally not around.
I make sure they get a lot of vigorous sprinty exercise most days.
I can't imagine how much more they'd have to eat and how much less they'd have to move in order to look like that girl in the pic.
most people are just pretty ugly desu
t. uglyfag
I think genes are also in play. I'm also originally from Europe and ate whatever garbage food I could when I was young here. I never got fat, mind you I was always playing outside but still.
there was a period of time where I literally didn't eat anything other than pizzas from the pizzeria I worked at, and sat around doing nothing for a month. I gained like 5lbs after a whole month of eating pizza and barely having much movement other than to my car, work, and then back.
Generally weigh 150-160, it fluctuates.
>Dodging conscription
kek I am literally here because a war was going on.
I took my kids to an indoor water park this winter (Wisconsin dells).
Tits and bellies on middle school boys was very common.
Knowing how hard it is for kids to get fat, these fuckers must eat 90% garbage and go into video game hibernation.
Fucking ridiculous. No excuse. None.
My grade school in the 80s had that one fat kid. One.
The Dodge Charger is the most common police cruiser in the United States today
>It's less to do with genes and more to do with modern living in the States. If you're not killing yourself in the rat race, you're sitting on your ass in front of some sort of electric Jew. You have too many people who don't lead an active lifestyle anymore (besides work).
yeah... I think part of the thing is that people ITT weren't ever alive then. So they think it's normal. I wasn't alive then either, but I've seen a lot of pictures and videos from the 80s.
Americans used to be attractive people even outside of big cities. I mean a lot of Hollywood actors are from the boonies.
It's the disgusting food and environment for sure. And technology.
Yeah well it was weird to see half of the street be these police cars even in just quiet suburbs... I understand police being everywhere in Brooklyn but it was weird.
Cultural differences.
Not saying city people aren't hard working, but rural folk usually have jobs in manual labor. So after a long day of physically demanding work, it's super easy to just sit back and try to do the least possible. And that includes not preparing wholesome food and instead eating fast food or junk.
I grew up working on the family farm. You didn't have time to get fat, being in the tobacco fields from sun-up to sundown.
When I became a cop, I tried to stay in shape (too many rowdy niggers and rednecks around here). But too many people I worked with let themselves go, and gained weight like crazy, thanks to living off of the "convenience" of fast food/junk food.
you bought a car, or rented one? also how can you afford to fly over here so often? most americans save up their entire lives to afford a single week in europe.
They are mongrels. Most """"white"""" americans have nigger and spic admixture in addition to their germanic. That's why they are so ugly.
Dude come to upstate New York, fingerlakes region.
huh? The suburbs aren't rural, and the suburbs is where the lard asses congregate too. People in the city are usually malnourished skinny, normal or fit. The people in rural areas are usually normal looking, with maybe a little more muscle than normal from everyday life being pretty active.
Bought but it's not a Benz or anything like that.
Previous trips were family trips but my solo trip nowadays is from my own money. I got lucky and won huge online poker MTT tournes on Pokerstars and other sites (6figure payouts) then did safe investments with it and now have a lot. But I still don't overspend.
Tilts me so much that all Americans can play on is Bovada. C'mon Obama.
Great Lakes is quite underrated. Great places.
so why were Americans so good looking from the 1900s til 1980s? it's not like they exclusively started fucking blacks and Mexicans.
>t. muhammad ahmedsson
Not as mongrelized. You get more and more mongrelized by each and every single day.
Ahmedsson doesn't sound that bad actually.
Regardless, I think these weird phenotypes have done damage on the "brand" and "reputation" of the title "white people" in general.
People like OP are why whites are characterized as being fucking lame and stuff, even though we create the most art and music.
When there's someone cool that is why, like an actor musician or athlete, they never get called white, it's only when it's some goofy dorky fuck "HAHA LOOK AT HOW *WHITE* HE IS HE'S SO WHITE"
*op's picture I mean
>It's like the Asians being attractive meme on here.
That's not a meme though. It's a biologically based sexual preference. On average, some people (me included) find asians more attractive. Based on asians here in the west. That doesn't mean that asians "are" more attractive, but rather which traits you prefer. I only like asians visually, I can't really be bothered listening to one speaking (except japanese or korean, maybe).
Asians tend to be more feminine looking overall (even males), and [spoiler]they look more like children[/spoiler, I know that doesn't work here].
Ahmed plz
We don't look any different from you pal.
We aren't THAT fat
they're ok but definitely not better than a hot white girl
You are delusional if you think so. Please come visit us the before the Muslims ruin it anyway
Whites actually have a lower overweight and obesity rate than blacks or hispanics (asians are much lower though)
There are also significant variations around the country
Well, I'm just a bit saturated on "hot white girls" I guess. But it is a preference, you can't really do much about it.
>Hot white girl
Post one.
They are just fat. The parents and the girl would look fine if they weren't fat.
There is no conspiracy theory like many here mentioned as to why they are fat, they are fat because those fucking "coffees" all have like 800 calories in them.
swedish "girls" look like men
nah just go to any college campus in a white area, it is pretty good.
>some areas have expensive Dodge Charger/Challenger police cars
Yeah? You have expensive mercedes and bmw police cars.
Lmao in southern New Hampshire there's a huge Swedish and Finnish population. Whole towns, almost
>being not of the King's new religion was in fact a crime.
No it wasn't, you fucking retard.
Puritans weren't a mere spiritual wave, they were a political faction openly opposing the authority of both the State and the Church.
As for the Pilgrim Fathers they moved to America by their own decision that it was a better place to experiment and live according to their beliefs.
Modern religious tolerance was born in Europe, with its origins in the wake of the bloody 30 Years War, and matured among European elites through the 18th century, before being imported to North America, along with all the intellectual novelties that would erect the basis of the US.
Look at OPs pic That's what an average american woman looks like. A sort of melted wax goblin.
At least taking their daughter out on a date in the future will be cheap. You just bring her to the nearest McDonalds and buy her two Big Macs.
Not 20 of them on one suburban main street.
Overall I'm still more positive towards America. I love the food, people are much more open and friendlier than Swedes are. Considering moving here if shit continues the way it's going in Sweden.
You talk a lot of shit for a country with an economy smaller than some American states and a dick smaller than some American clits.
Wtf I hate the Constitution now
some areas have expensive Dodge Charger/Challenger police cars
Euros are jelly
Americans are fat burger eating mutts, still only Super Power on earth
When your the best, everyone wants to throw stones at you, especially as they watch their own countries disintegrate to liberalism, lack of nationalism, lack of pride, and cultural enrichment.
We have a lot of fatties. There is no secret, it is not from carbs or other crazy schemes. It is from consumption of to much sugars. Sweets and soda consumption alone account for the majority of obesity, then throw in the snack culture that eats more snacks (chips, cookies, etc.), and a lack of excercise you get obesity.
America has a large work long hours and stare at a screen (either TV, computer, smart phone) culture. The poor and economically poor areas have the most fats, the affluent economically viable areas have the fewest.
There are still areas that are very active and have much less fatties, these are usually areas that are known for outdoor activities and attract people that are looking for a better quality of life than just a normal asphalt jungle.
Many Americans just work, eat, watch TV, and sleep. This is usually those that are not succeeding or moving forward with there careers so have just gone into sustain mode.
There are many that are successful, fulfilled, and enjoy a very high quality of life. No chronic issues with obesity in this group.
I'm guessing every country has them, America just has regions of them. Find a economically failing town and you will find a concentration of fat people. Find a Walmart, there will be tons of fat people.
Don't over complicate it. Pretty simple explanation.
I've read many studies that purport that the artificial ingredients cause DNA damage, and that the damage is so bad you pass it on to your offspring though.
obviously overeating is a big reason, but it doesn't help that on top of all of those calories, there is poison.
Not the only thing. Lots of searches, "checkpoints" and that kind of thing.
>Euros are jelly
literally all of those lists/charts are memes
>expensive Dodge
>implying there is anything wrong with this
calling everything a meme is a fucking meme. so annoying
All of those lists/charts are genuine reports and statistics from both national administrations and international organizations.
yeah but they don't mean anything
wow I hate Americans now
This image disturbs me.
The bag is flimsy!
>expensive Dodge Charger/Challenger police cars
You do realize those are not very expensive cars over here in the us right? The departments that can afford the more expensive option usually go for the Taurus SHO's or the Yukon's
what the fuck are you talking about?
i've never seen a "checkpoint" or been searched by cops in my life unless you count metal detectors at places like airports etc.
asians are fucking shitugly, ive been to china, japan, taiwan and my yellow fever went away right when i landed.
they are flat, no ass, and 90% of them have caked up ugly faces.
kek, americans look at this typical arrogance of a ethnic swede.
This is literally everone i know in Stockholm, they are all anti-rascist, but at the same time look down on all over foreign societies and people.
Those types of whites are usually nice enough people, half autistic. They are still fucking ugly and short most of the time. I don't think it is a case of bad genes though, it is a case of their growing up on the garbage food we have here. Very few people consider the ramifications of daily bread and soda. The whites who consider their health look very normal, at least in my area in Florida.
I can buy that, then again that's true for pretty much any place you go to. Protip: The vast majority of people will be ugly, or unattractive at best.
I've seen plenty of attractive asians in person just in sweden, though. Them second-generation thai-wife import girls are pretty hot, desu senpai.
Well there's your problem. Scania represent.
(Help, we're drowning in hummus, stop voting for them already)
Depends on your preference but an average asian is better than a fat white girl for sure. If every white girl was hot then you'd be right, but if only a small % of white girls are dating material then you're gonna get a lot of white guys going outside their race.
forget to turn your proxy off?
my nicca you fucking dumb
I got a buddy that is going to Sweden to play pro basketball. It will interesting to hear his Sweden stories. He's white and blonde hair so should fit in pretty well. Going to live in the Malmo area. Any places he needs to avoid?
How culturally enriched in Malmo?
I didn't even read your original post...
What state, the white ancestry is kinda mish mash per state too but basically a lot of the weirdness in the Midwest comes from what others already pointed out, the biggest issue right now is the food we eat is terrible for us.
DNA does not explain the distribution of obesity between people who are successful at their job and those that are not likely to advance their career and/or are doing poorly at their career.
Also economically prosperous areas and economically depressed areas.
DNA issues would be equally spread throughout the population base.
It still seems that the fulfilled successful people are much much less likely to be fat. The unfulfilled less successful people are much more likely to be fat with that chance increasing with the level of dissatisfaction in their life and lack of goals and successes.
Not sure DNA would cause that.
It's OK, you were a super power once. Once.
Maybe you can be a Muslim super power in the next couple of 100 years or likely sooner since you seem to excel at surrendering. Enjoy your Sharia law.