Since the founding of America, who does Sup Forums think is the worst president of the United States?

Since the founding of America, who does Sup Forums think is the worst president of the United States?

My vote goes to
B Clinton


4-way tie between Obama, Bush-Jr, Clinton, and Reagan.

Every president since Nixon has been the worst ever

> not knowing about Rutherford B Hayes and him ending reconstruction

Either obama or gw bush

Bush doubled the national debt

Obama multiplied by 1.5.

To be fair the only time we were debt free was andrew jackson i think

>Most recent presidents

That's only because you're twelve and poorly educated. The majority of historians agree that the worst was James Buchanan (1857-1861). He was a not very well closeted faggot who saw the country heading toward civil war and did nothing to prevent it. He hated the country, literally wanted to destroy it, and fully intended to be the last president of the United States.

Obongo and Clinton

Harding was a douchebag, Corrupt as shit.

>that ass tho
Reminds me of my figure skating ex. I didn't come here to feel.

Also, how the fuck has nobody said Woodrow Wilson?