are you ready for the new season of waifu kino comrades?
Are you ready for the new season of waifu kino comrades?
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Down with the proletariats brains
KEK no it's been down hill every season and glosses over every single plot point in favor of gay drama that no one outside of tumblr gives a fuck about.
Dropped it at the end of season 2
>2 seasons released
>it's been downhill every season
>dropped it at the end of season 2
good for you user
more like M1 according to Major
>that headshot
Can no one stop his killstreak
>those feet
that tender sole...
Imagine you are about to have anal sex with Liv and she's just eaten the brain of a shy inexperienced girl, leaving her all wide-eyed and nervous at the though of your dick in her tight little ass.