What's your excuse going to be this time?
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hes a nigger. who cares
His pants weren't.
He was going to use one of those super powers you get if your melanin levels are high enough
>dead drug dealer
What's in his pocketses, precious?
He reached for a gun and resisted and fought the cops to the point where two of them were unable to put on cuffs.
Cops have a stressful job. They were called up because a man was threatening people with a gun, that man happened to weigh about 300lb and resisted arrest.
Let's face it, most people who consider being a cop are assholes who love guns and want authority because of bullying and other psychological issues.
So this is nothing surprising.
>He was going to use one of those super powers you get if your melanin levels are high enough
I don't see how he could have shot a 3 pointer from that spot.
Couldn't they have just tazed him while he was pinned?
Couldn't the cop that was pinning him just pulled the gun out his pocket before the other cop shot him?
Couldn't this black guy have been cooperative from the beginning?
Dont need an excuse to kill A nigger.
He was a nigger so he probably deserved it.
>dead pedophile and drug dealer
How can nigger in America still try to defend this
Thankfully he was disarmed in time.
he was a convicted felon resisting arrest. who cares?
>resisted arrest
>went for his gun
>got shot
It is kind of correct. Like most people who are loud about gun rights are kind of addicted to them, not normal citizens. People who just think about them a bit too much.
And the cop who shot the negro was a gun nut too. Never give a gun nut authority.
Lol this naive bitch really thinks he was only selling cds. Adorable.
He was REACHING for a gun with a pistol pressed to his chest, telling him not to. Of course he's not going to be faster than a bullet.
>hands were empty because he was shot before he could pull the gun out
Why don't they say what was in his pockets? Because he dindu nuffin rite?
maybe don't reach for a fucking gun when the cops are on you? hmmmmm
All actual males like guns
Right? How fucking hard is it to obey the man with the gun
>okay here
>well he is wearing a police uniform so I'm going to fight him because I'm black and that's racist, nevermind those kids I raped and the gun I was waving around a few minutes earlier
Just OBEY THE MAN WITH THE GUN POINTED AT YOU, it's not that fucking hard
He had not yet reached the gun he was reach for, which was in his pocket
Yes, but being a gun nut is a bit different isnt it? I cannot trust people who love their guns just a bit too much
Why should they? Why should they try to go to extra lengths and risk their lives to try and save a guy who is trying to kill them?
wow with blatant racism like that i'm guessing you must be a police officer
>dead nigger
good nigger
What is too much then?
>right to bear arms
>government says only the government should be allowed guns and tries to disarm the populace
>this does not worry you
Not the brightest bulb in the room eh?
Freedom of the press was a mistake.
>a patient died but its ok, dr jobs are stressful
>right to carry concealed weapons
Not if you're a felon like homeboy.
I'd have to agree. I know a lot of cops through work, and although they are great people most of them do have a dominance thing and love guns.
>tfw I've seen Hitler quotes framed and hanging on the wall of a police station
>taze man
>oops, turns out he had a heart condition
>faces the wrath of BLM activists
Not saying cops were in the right in this case (we'll have to wait and see what evidence comes forward on it), but even tazing or hell beating a man with clubs will get SJW and blacks after you.
If I recall correctly, just a few months back black activists were up in arms because some cops used a baton on the legs of a black man resisting arrest.
Daily news is a trashy tabloid.
a dead sex offender who was dead beat dad got shot... and the world is still turning
You just proved yourself a dumbass. Nothing else you post will be read or considered. Remove yourself from this thread now.
You need to shut the fuck up, or do you support how muzzies deal w a free press?
>Dead nigger
>Also making the police state look bad
It should be a win-win. A shame it's turned into a race issue instead of a police state issue.
Niggers are already well known to be trash. So nothing much to be gained on that front.
He is a nigger
i dont get it OP, since when posting subversive information in social media and dressing in nigger attire carries a death sentence?
I don't. All our morality goes out the window for other geoups. They want to genocide us with policy so we shoot them.
You should all go back to Africa. If you blacks think it's not safe now wait till the rest of us start pitching in.
Yes, that worries me too, as we're talking about exactly that here. See police and/or military.
But guns dont do much without people, and giving people the authority to use deadly force for whatever reason is a complex thing.
US cops arent the only cops in the world who have guns, in fact most cops have guns yet US cops seems to be JUST A LITTLE BIT too trigger happy if you know what I mean.
And you could say they're paranoid or whatever but we can expect a bit more professionalism and bit less fucking PANIC from cops when they have a gun.
So in the case of this negro, so what if he had a gun and tried to reach it? What if he had a knife? You're a fucking COP trained especially to take care of these things WITHOUT killing people. He was already restrained yet you shoot him because he might have a gun? Lets not forget this happened to people already handcuffed too. It's like you're in panic mode and have no idea what the fuck you're doing.
Which means you're not cop material, period.
He had a gun. He was resisting arrest. Cops repeatedly told him to stop and not grab gun. Cops couldnt contain him. He went for gun. If he gets his gun out cops get shot. Cops shoot.
If he was white, same thing happens. No one bats an eye.
Are you implying doctors can save all patients or are you just retarded?
Thats a "LOADED" question. HAHAHAHAHA.
>waiting for him to actually get the gun in his hand before shooting him
They knew he had a gun on him because that's what was reported. He had already proved he wasn't going quietly. He was digging in his pockets. They shot him before he could get the pistol out. His hand flopped to the side as he was dying.
Cops then pulled the gun out of his pocket and threw it to the side so he couldn't reach for it again. I'm not sure what's so difficult to understand.
So you're completely fine with race baiting tabloids causing riots and millions in property damage, even deaths, by fabricating a false narrative and obscuring the facts?
>Doctors have a 100% success rate
>Doctors don't have to pay malpractice insurance because they fuck up on occasion
>Dealing with sick people has the exact same risk factor as dealing with highly aggressive, armed, and dangerous segments of the population
Nigger logic, friends.
Sure, if you're just going to disregard that BLM is encouraging cop killing and actually killing cops for being cops. These people are no longer taking risks.
Reaching for your gun with a gun to your chest is just the height of stupidity. If it was a thug and not a cop, I'd still say the thug did the right thing in protecting his own well-being.
It's just common sense. To an individual, his or her individual safety is the most important safety so why take chances with a fat pedophile who was waving around a gun not 5 minutes before.
>He was going to use one of those super powers you get if your melanin levels are high enough
This is actually true. Stay woke nigga lmao
stop this shit bro
>putting a photo like that on the cover
what the fuck america?
hands are empty
palms sweaty
knees spaghetti
Good trigger control. All I see is a loving father trying to teach his children proper respect for firearms.
If you listen to the beginning of the videos, they did taze him. But he's a 300 pound negro and he was angry. He was on the ground with them and the tazer was no longer an option.
Also if somebody is about to pull a gun on you, you don't taze him until he stops. especially if the tazer didn't work the first time.
im implying that is incompetence if a patient dies because the dr was stressed out. Just like if a policeman kills an innocent person because the policeman has a stressful job. if you cant handle it then quit. mind you that most police get paid 6 figures after a couple of years.
Police are supposed to be trained individuals that should be able to handle situations that are dangerous for lay people. That's why they are paid for. They are ought to be hold to a higher standard than you or me when it comes to this situations.
Fucking media is responsible for a lot of this. They dont care about the truth, just stoking a potential ratings hike. They deceitfully report things and should be held accountable. Look back at brown, grey, ect. They lie and push agendas and try to drum up ratings then months later when the actual evidence is presented in court, these cops are exonerated. The media has to start being responsible instead of pushing thus mon rule mentality.
>a patient died but its ok, dr jobs are stressful
That actually happens, regularly. DRs make mistakes, and when they do occasionally people die.
If someone resists arrest and the police fail to restrain them they could very easily find their own lives in danger. Particularly when it is someone who is physically strong and suspected to have a gun.
>If he was white, same thing happens. No one bats an eye.
The left and blacks would also be laughing at the white person shot and call them "inbred, hillbilly cracker trash."
Fight with the cops get shot its pretty simple. There was no way for the police to know he didn't have a concealed weapon he was fighting with them and being aggressive. The only thing he could have done to prevent this was comply and save his shit for a judge like a normal person. as far as I am concerned nothing of value was lost.
>Also one post by this ID so saged and hidden.
You're an idiot lol. Your average patrolman does not get paid 6 figures ever.
>A Police Officer earns an average salary of $48,815 per year
nice strawman idiot.
innocent people killed by negligent police rarely get compensated. And morally getting insurance money because dr berg killed your daughter is still morally reprehensible
You get paid accordingly to the job you do. Its called economics, the police man should know what the risks are and take responsibility when things dont play out.
>Sideways cocked pistol
>Good respect for firearms
Pick one
"Sterling Was Registered as a Sex Offender After Impregnating a 14-Year-Old Girl When He Was 20, But His Family & Friends Say He Wasn’t a ‘Bad Guy’" lol whatever. Videos show the guy resisting after being told to stay down and "if you move I fucking swear to god" and he moves. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what would happen. Honestly I wish people would stop getting up in arms the moment a black man is killed by cops, amazingly not every single instance is racism
For a second i thought it was that cow-tits retard who makes her scenes in the verge of crying.
Now i realize that it is that disgusting manjawed kike
>Says the dumb nigger who equivocates dealing with sick people and dealing with violent criminals on a daily basis
Lol, GTFO, Tyrone.
They should be sued for continuing to push the false narrative e.g. "Hands up don't shoot"
Have you ever dealt with the violently insane. Dealing with a violent criminal is exactly the same thing. They both intend to cause bodily harm to people if they don't get whatever crazy thing is in their head at that moment.
Im reporting this to the FBI. Not gonna stand around and ignore these threats anymore.
People defending this are scum.
It's less about being black and more about the fact that you shouldn't fucking end someone's life in response to resisting arrest.
>pointing their guns at the person holding the camera
he obviously committed suicide
that does not make it right, medicine has its own set of problems
As I said, policemen are trained to deal with unarmed people that resist arrest. They are trained to defuse dangerous situations. Pulling out your gun and start shooting at point blank at the first sign of resistance is something the average joe would probably do, but police are not supposed to be average
>what bonuses
>what are benefits
no you are the idiot
oie cy :v
Maybe if he didn't commit a crime in the first place, then compound the problem by resisting arrest in an attempt to escape the consequences of his actions he would be alive. This should be about personal responsibility the police merely did their job and protected society from an obviously violent criminal.
>All doctors work in psych wards
Not doing too well for yourself, Tyqueesius.....
such race baiting
That doesn't contradict what I said at all. Your average patrolman even with benefits factored in doesn't make over $100k. Did you even read what you linked? You just might be a genuine retard.
>you should have the right to shoot cops who confront you for breaking the law
Hope you have your assault fork ready,
Come on guys. Do I need to point out sarcasm of this magnitude?
Your the reason blm exists
You have obviously never been to a max security psych ward with armed orderlies. They are basically prisons staffed with a few shrinks because the prisoners would kill the doctors if not shackled. I recommend you spend a week in one before making more stupid comments. The insane are no less dangerous than criminals when they become delusional and it is no excuse for them committing crimes.
is it confirmed that the item the cop took from suspects pocket was a gun?
So let's ban all guns and make sure only cops and the government has them :^)
His hands were empty
But his pockets weren't
He was black
i didnt say "average police man" i said "after a couple of years". Almost half of the average policeman only has 0-1 years of experience and even then when you add the benefits they still are at 78k on average. remove those that have little experience and you get the 100k figure idiot.
NY daily news is garbage. Gersh Kuntzman is a writer.
Who the fuck is this burger and why are americucks telling me to care for him?