Brit/pol/ - Negotiating Table Edition










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praise tengri


Results of second round in an hour.

>11. Bacon Bukkake (japanese edition)


>Put away the rhetoric and get around the DJ table

good post

>Put away the rhetoric and get on the dance floor


>Angela Eagle - "I have the support to run and resolve this impasse and I will d-do so if Jeremy doesn't t-take action soon"

Eagle's own constituency party overwhelmingly backs Corbyn and tells her to drop her challenge

As of now the pound is plummeting again. It rallied to 1.30$ bur now dropped 0.5 cents expect the pound to drop 1.5 cents by the end of the day

>Is it time to panic yet
No. Brexitters are still in complete denial. Their view on this swings between saying it will bounce back or it will sink further and benefit our exports. But as we all know, Brexitters are economically illiterate. A few days ago they were showing the rise in FTSE100 as a sign of our success because they don't realize that index is made up of companies that get most of their revenue from foreign markets. A weak pound will not do any good to out exports because we have almost no natural resources. We rely on a strong currency to import raw material. Any competitiveness that would be gained from a drop in the pound is offset by the fact the products we manufacture will become more expensive to make.

Fun fact: if the Pound drops to 0.9 EUR (it most likely will by the time the new PM takes office) our economy will be officially smaller than Italy's.

There is also a very high chance we will experience double digit inflation. We will be the first developed economy to achieve this since the 1970s. When inflation starts to creep in and eat peoples' income, then it is time to panic because we will enter a vicious cycle of eroding income and sky-rocketing government spending/borrowing

>10. Just Give Me a Chance
Poor Ed ;_;

God the swedish cunt has returned


African Diplomacy:

Fun fact: Britain became uncompetitive in the manufacturing market due to over valued currency, Post war Germany became Europe's strongest economy by taking advantage of its devalued currency

Quick post nationalist girls

It's this pasta posted by the Swede again.

He's got to do something whilst Jamal fucks his womenfolk.

>House of Lords is having an icecream party out on the terrace while I'm stuck in class too tired to pay attention
What level does my runescape character need to be to get icecream instead of doing work?

What will happen to London 20 years when whites in the city only will be 20% of the city population

Will tourists still go there?

>I should be leader
>Jeremy cannot win a general election
>but I explode into treats when I have a little squabble

oh angie

If you remove Scotland, Norn Iron, London and Gibraltar, turnout was 75% and Leave got 56%.

Give them all independence except London who can STFU, and I'd call that a happy nation.



This is something a lot of people overlook.

A lot of Thatcher's "necessary economic reforms" were a result of Oil helping the value of the pound.

I forget if it was Healey or Callaghan, but one of the Labour guys from that time mentioned that they set up all of the infrastructure for the oil, but were out of office by the time the country saw any benefit from it.

"It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of heaven."

"The whole secret of existence is to have no fear. Never fear what will become of you. Depend on no one. Only the moment you reject all help are you free."


More people voted to remain in the united kingdom than voted to remain in the eu.
The SNP can go fuck themselves.

>mfw remainians have no arguments and so they ad hominem the entire working class of Britain and a fair percentage of its middle and upper educated classes

>mfw remainians at work praise Juncker for handling the situation 'maturely' and being 'really good' about dealing with Farage

What lovely people they are

The plan is to crash the economy with no survivors so all the muds leave when the gibs dry up. Phase 2 is Deutsche Bank.

oh god that was embarrasing and hilarious. oh man

Reminder that Corbyn survived the coup by planting turnips

Yes they do

The pound is becoming like the zimbabwean dolllar, which means it's literally a meme currency. All brits will be 20% poorer because of thise idiots who voted brexit and guess who gets hit the hardest those who are the poorest won't be able to put food on the table and expect a lot more people to use foodbanks predictions are that by 2020 there will be 5 million foodbank users and the british gdp will be lower than spains gdp.

Thanks a lot brexiteers, you all are morons

>you voted leave because you're a rich banker taking advantage of us working people
but I make minimum wage
>oh you poor soul, you must've understood what you were voting for

Leadsom is to Thatcher as Miliband was to Blair.

This tory leadership shit-fest is the ultimate come-down after the ecstasy of brexit.

"It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of heaven."

"The whole secret of existence is to have no fear. Never fear what will become of you. Depend on no one. Only the moment you reject all help are you free."

>atheists who care about money are angry at brexit

its a suddenly everyone loves and has heard of Juncker episode, the ride never ends

I noticed you didn't respond to

>"This year the maize has done very well. It’s been a great year for maize."


The Zimbabwean dollar is hyper-inflated. Our inflation is at 0.3%.

>More people voted to remain in the united kingdom than voted to remain in the eu.
Largely irrelevant given things split down different lines (i.e. at least some no voters will have voted remain and changed their minds, and some yes voters will have voted for brexit.)
Better Together wrought this for themselves when they used the EU membership as a point of attack in 2014 while knowing full well we were going to have a referendum on this (fuck off, Ed Milliband was never going to be Prime Minister.)

Better Together, regardless of your opinion on the constitution, was a fucking godawful campaign. They let the SNP take independence from

So realistically what's the most that can happen to Blair now?

Taken to court for misconduct in public office and finally named and shamed by Corbyn?

If he's still a Labour member, could Corbyn kick him out if he really wanted blood?

>it's this fucking swede again with his copypasta

Do you ever stop and think about why you value economy over freedom, liberty, happiness, national pride?

I WANT the economy to go to shit. Prosperity is a total meme. If you prosper, you attract millions of immigrants, and then they ruin the prosperity. See: London, Stockholm.

If the economy is literally ruined and we all get poorer - great. I welcome it. In fact, I desire it. Literally the only issue in politics for me right now is immigration, specifically, lowering it. There is literally nothing more important to me. If I have to downsize, or I get fired, or if I take a pay cut. Fantastic. As long as immigration goes down.

Problem is that when economy has crashed, the government will put muds first and let the native brits starve.

That's how evil the elite is. Expect nothing else.

They write "unsatisfactory" if he uses them as a reference

poverty and the reemergence of winterchan will cleanse this isle

>Fun fact: Britain became uncompetitive in the manufacturing market due to over valued currency, Post war Germany became Europe's strongest economy by taking advantage of its devalued currency

No it became uncompetitive due to tacthers policies according to sources if the uk never joined the eu. The uk econmic growth would be comparable to argentinas and new zealand econmic growth, which means a gdp per capita lower than spain. The eu helped britain a lot whether you like it or not and the uk manufacturing has been on the decline since the 60s and it's now rising due to the acces to the singlemarket. And also have fund being 50% poorer and you"lö be making stuff for the chinese middleclass

Give it time, leaving the EU means that future governments have the power to correct mistakes made by previous ones.

Don't reply to le troll patrol.

>they used the EU membership
Exactly as meme tier as this Swede posting. No one voted to remain in the UK because they love the EU. Another independence campaign will fail and just waste time.

This lad gets it, the eternal Swede will never understand it though.

Just because they might have been useful in the past, doesn't mean they're still useful now.

Amazing isn't it. Truly amazing how Orwellian and brainfucked our society has become.

Classic Islingtonite Upper-middle class argument. They live in the whitest areas in England and Scotland, then call those who live on the ground racists. Classic.

Gods' Will. I hope all the fucking Remain shitheads can go live in Sweden already, then daddy Junker can protect them with his drunkard decadent overpaid arms.

>blah blah blah I'm suddenly an expert on international economics the single market the single market the single market nobody can ever have fun or money if they're out of the single market bla bla PLEASE DONT LOOK AT THE USA CANADA OR EAST ASIAN COUNTRIES THEY DONT EXIST REEEEEEEE GET BACK IN MY MULTICULTI HELL

I'm loving every laugh, Sven

Totally agree.

He's more likely to be the eternal Somali.

>No one voted to remain in the UK because they love the EU
Except perhaps European citizens who got a vote based on residence.
Or those who, while not concerned with the EU itself, have had their opinions changed by what the Brexit vote represents to them.

Another independence campaign failing wouldn't be a waste of time at all. It would remarkably stabilize British politics by kicking independence into the long grass (or possibly to death.) or granting the inevitable.

>No one voted to remain in the UK because they love the EU

Pretty much this.

The referendum might as well have been
"Can you be bothered to leave the EU?"
yes - 52%
no - 48%

Well yeah that sort of goes without saying.

>I WANT the economy to go to shit

So you want millions of people to lose their jobs due to bigoted narrowminded leavers. Guess who will be hit the hardest the youth and the poorest. And that will lead to a huge brain drain in the uk, which in turn leads to the goverment importing more labor from other countries due to low birth rates. The only good thing about brexit is that london and the uk house prices will fall and all the bigoted kippers will be happy about london becominf more white due to muslims and indians leaving the city searching for a better place

lammy on TW tonight can't wait for THE NEIL to destroy him

Oh god and Molly's on, going to be a right cracker.

Over valued currency makes goods less desirable, that's just a fact Sven

>mfw Scottish independentists think that they will be welcome in Europe
>mfw they pride themselves on being "European", but Europeans don't even know who they are
>mfw they think we know or give a single fuck about the "Auld Alliance"

I hope that they get independence just to see them crushed and demoralised when Europe spits in their smug faces. Fuck Scotland.

>stabilize British politics by kicking independence into the long grass
No, it just sets the precedent for having a referendum every time the SNP disagrees with Westminster.

>Except perhaps European citizens who got a vote based on residence.
No one has said EU people that are already here would be removed, this isn't an issue.
>Or those who, while not concerned with the EU itself, have had their opinions changed by what the Brexit vote represents to them.
Scotland would still not be able to get into the EU anyway. It won't be a choice between EU or UK. It would be a choice between UK with no EU or no UK and no EU.

Thanks Wales.

> voted leave because you're a rich banker taking advantage of us working people

Have you seriously heard people say this? The bankers wanted us to leave? Seriously?

Remember what the Swede said yesterday, if your currency is worth less that means you're poorer than countries where theirs is worth more.

Keep to your script moron.

On all levels except physical you are a fucking nigger.

>a Frenchmen bantzing scots this hard

Be honest mate, are you on holiday

England and Wales join the Anglosphere/Commonwealth Alliance, and Scotland is left alone in the world sitting on a pile of worthless oil.

yes, despite the bankers saying stay in, i have heard people doublethinking and spouting off that Leave voters are capitalist bankster fuck-o's

>I hope that they get independence just to see them crushed and demoralised when Europe spits in their smug faces

Same here my Franco friend, I wasn't too fond of the idea of them leaving the first time around but I'm praying they do it next time. Would be fucking hilarious watching them flounder around aimlessly.

>except physical
Doubt it.

>implying that hasn't already happened

Various things from my gfs Facebook friends, Rich Bankers are just the goto villain for these people

I have. I've even heard leave being called a capitalist coup.

It can't get any worse for them, they don't care. The midlands and the north look like a post-industrial ex-Soviet wasteland. Elites built ivory towers in London and fucked the rest of the country over. Now it's time to pay the price.

Your crystal ball is astonishingly accurate, I mean its amazing, you know exactly what will happen in one year, in ten, in twenty... how do I see the future too?

>Prosperity makes people have more babies
Au contraire, you are an idiot and uneducated if you think this. Prosperous nations have less babies on average with a consistency that is almost comical - please shut your mouth, you know nothing, Jan Snu.

Go back to rebbit/facebook. Meme word. Means you value your own culture, race, or homeland. Not an insult to me. Thanks for the compliment.

>millions of jobs lost
What, in EU funded cancerous uni programs, social scences, and other shit that feeds into the multi culti agenda? Sounds good to me. You've just been completely fucking brainwashed since birth into being a slave for your (((economic))) overlords.

>muslims and indians leaving the city searching for a better place

So exactly what I wanted? Great, I hope they go to stockholm and ruin your shit even more, cuck.

And it's in that situation that the proles shine and put the fear of God back in to these people.


I've heard comments and even articles on the Guardian and other leftist rags that brexit is the will the elites and that voting remain was going against it.

>Remember what the Swede said yesterday, if your currency is worth less that means you're poorer than countries where theirs is worth more

No I didn't. I said of your currency is worth less than that means you economy is poorer, which could lead to britain having an economy that is worth less than the french economy. And as of right now it is due to the value of the pound sterling, but if the brits prints money they could overtake france again

I like your flag.

>Lefties demonize and create a boogyman out of bankers
>The vast majority of the people in charge of banks are Jews


No you said we'd be poorer if the pound goes lower than the euro and that we'd be poorer than italy because of the above. You were called out on it and got real quiet.

Prior to 1997:
>nonwhite migration had been running amok for 4 decades

Blair comes to power
>bombs the shit out muslim countries and kills hundreds of thousands of them in the Iraq war
>starts importing millions of E.European redpilled whites

Based Blair

this is why corbyn wants to leave

>This narrative was sponsored by Goldman Sachs

nice meme xD

I don't think you realise just how hopeless vast swathes of the population feel.

>Prior to 1997:
>>nonwhite migration had been running amok for 4 decades

>Blair comes to power
>>bombs the shit out muslim countries and kills hundreds of thousands of them in the Iraq war
>starts importing millions of E.European redpilled whites

>Based Blair

The north does not look like a industrial shit hole you moron stop reading the dailymail and the sun as news sources on the north. Btw inb4 you post pictures council estates it's only the uk who has that problem with ugly buildings in europe all rich western european countires have council estates even sweden. But due to brexit the north will end up decaying even more

Pic related:Manchester

This is where people i live work.

Literally wooden shacks in a market that has had no work done on it since the 60s. Roof leaks so much its basically not there.

Worst case scenario: Shack gets soggy

In a way. I'm usually on Sup Forums, but seeing the pro-EU/anti-democracy demonstration made me so mad that I have started to genuinely hate Scotland, and have come to Sup Forums.

I very seriously wish them to collapse and burn. When they were talking about being Europeans instead of British it was funny at first but now it's enraging.

Even we will be out of the EU by the point when they are able to join. Think about that. What a sad joke, a country that wants to commit suicide so desperately.

>No, it just sets the precedent for having a referendum every time the SNP disagrees with Westminster.
No it doesn't.

First of all because Westminster always ultimately has to grant those referendums, and second of all because two losses in such short order would cause chaos in the independence movement. Not to mention it would make "neverrendum" a valid criticism. (Also, getting the Greens to back a third referendum would be next to impossible: They are wishy-washy as fuck.)

>No one has said EU people that are already here would be removed, this isn't an issue.
They don't have to be removed to be pro-EU, or to be put off by Britain backing the side that (fully legitimately, I might add.) used immigration control as a point of argument.
>Scotland would still not be able to get into the EU anyway.
Let me guess, le Spanish veto meme? Or perhaps conflating Euro entry criteria with EU entry criteria?

1. Spain's position is based in constitutionality. If Scotland declared independence unilaterally against London's will, Spain would indeed veto it (but nobody would take such a declaration seriously anyway.), if however London recognizes Scottish Independence then Spain will do likewise because that would signal that Britain considered the secession constitutional under UK law. If Spain vetoed the accession of an independent Scotland which was recognized by London, it would cause absolute chaos in Catalonia by demonstrating Spain doesn't give a fuck about constitutionality and just wants to refuse them a vote come what may.
2. One can join the European union without meeting the criteria to join the Euro. While one has a notional obligation to join the Euro, one can opt out of this by refusing to join ERM2 as Sweden has done. The EU contains many Eastern-European countries who similarly don't meet the criteria. This is also, incidentally, why Scotland will never use the Euro.

Muslim countries like Serbia?

He essentially paved way for the creation of isis by destabilizing Iraq, and now we have the migrant crisis because of that.

Based Blair indeed.

Manchester town center*

Lol every city looks great because thats where all the wealth is you fucking mong. The places where like 75% of people live are shit holes.


>pic related: a cherrypicked gentrified area of an affluent northern city

Yeah man, Durham is a completely accurate example of the North East too, it's all like that, honest.

I'm not even supporting what he said but your post is full of shit

Cherry picking

Bradford, Yorkshire