How should a self-respecting right wing nationalist young man dress?

How should a self-respecting right wing nationalist young man dress?

Clown suit



The question is : how should he look undressed.

Pic related me

I did not even had to look at the wall to know you are from the north of France. How many years have you spent behind bars?

If that really is you, who the fuck took the picture?
Jesus christ, I need to start working out...

-no labels
-focus on neutral colored collared shirts, t-shirts occassionally
-long pants: dark jeans with no fade, chinos in neutral colors
-short pants- neutral colored khaki shorts. no patterns, only solid color
-leather or canvas shoes with no label. desert boots, low profile combat boots such as palladium, off-label converse sneakers

6 months
6 months
1 year




she's natsoc too

i dig it. ever get jumped or shit like that?

kek, almost every two weeks I'd say

It doesn't matter how he dresses. What matters is that his mind and attitude are correct.


His party certainly went off the charts in the last two years. He is still based but his party his filled with faggots and literal political opportunist rats

To blend in

I recommend black military pants with suspenders your choice of tshirt and black combat boots with red laces

>His party certainly went off the charts in the last two years. He is still based but his party his filled with faggots and literal political opportunist rats

A man cannot be a movement, he can only be himself. Opportunists are always attempting to appropriate the right, because they are by definition a populist movement.

Time for the lion to roar the word "Freedom!"

Agreed. I will vote VB next time, what about you? I refuse to vote for cuckservatives like NVA, Conservatives in UK, LR in France, PP in Spain, ...

FN, VB, SD, UKIP, ... all the way, they are the only option left

I'm a conservative shitskin. Should I be afraid of you? Are you a "moderate"?

Like this, so everyone knows how cool and edgy you are


It's over, his party got completely highjacked and infiltrated.

So yes, Vlaams Belang here.
>implying elections matter though

Expensive, but not too flamboyant clothes.

We are superior, lets let the filth of the world know it. If you're white and you wear sweatpants or sandals, you're a pile of shit that doesn't deserve to be a member of this race.

>tfw fat
>no matter how you dress you will look awkward and unfashionable


Smart and modest. Muted colours, but not monochrome. Invest in a good suit, a good coat and a good pair of boots, but don't spend too much money on designer gear or needless fashion trinkets or meme clothing. So no skinny jeans or anything like that.

Learn what looks good and doesn't look good based on your body type and go with that. Above all, remember that taking care of your appearance is a good trait. No one wants to talk to someone who looks like shit or who dresses like a peacock.

Plain t-shirts or are you allowed to have something on it?

Full Rick.

>hi /fa/, this is my weekly haul

gas yourself

Why don't we meme /fa/ into full fash fashion

>can't lose weight

I am also fat but I can still dress good.

I'm not fat neither bald

I've had fights with may more leftists and antifa than with shitskins and blacks. It happened though, but I will not attack someone if he is not acting nigger


-focus on neutral colored collared shirts,
-long pants: dark jeans with no fade, chinos in neutral colors

I've followed that style for a long time. It's incredibly inexpensive, people are more willing to trust you and you look professional no matter what you're doing but not over dressed. Oh and no piercing or tattoos but that should be obvious.

I really wish we could still dress like pic related. As much as I want to I never would now'a'days because I'd be called a faggot instantly.

>How should a self-respecting right wing nationalist young man dress?

Showered every day. Short, well-groomed hair. No hat. No facial hair. Cleaned and trimmed nails. Ironed, button-down dress shirt. Ironed slacks. Belt. Polished shoes (no sneakers, flip-flips, etc). Jacket and tie, optional. Chrome-colored watch (no gold). Antiperspirant/Deodorant and cologne of choice, lightly applied. Comb in pocket for maintenance. Even but strong tone of voice — no soft speaking, no yelling. No impulsivity — always thinking before doing.

Embrace a robust American masculinity, my friends.

I honestly have no idea why Europeans no longer wear their traditional clothing. Some of them looks pretty fucking good. Pic obviously not related.

Norway's Bunad for males is pretty fucking rad, so it Scottish clothing.

Are palladium boots actually good? I heard they fall about really quick for being "combat" boots.




White shirt
Black pants
Leather shoes
Leather belt

Black shirt
Black pants
Leather belt with metal buckle
Black boots

This please. Sup Forumsgb wants senpai to be sharp and powerful

Nazism and fascism is not right-wing. It is left-wing. It implies a large and omnipotent federal government and enforcement agency. Those are hallmarks of left-wing statism, and they are the very opposite of ring-wing individual rights.

Dress like a degenerate nazi with your shorts, sneakers, and hoodie if you choose. Make no mistake, you are no right-winger.

plain are best, can have something but obviously do not overdo it.

Shirts with things like:

are a public declaration of autism

Music band shirts are for edgy, pre 17 teenagers

What does Terrorwave have to do with Nazism?

I dress more milspo or earthtone anyway, I just find terrorwave entertaining.

pic related is me

>How should a self-respecting right wing nationalist young man dress?

1. Like the typical self-respecting right wing nationalist.
2. Why do you post a pic of a male feminist?

That'll do pig, that'll do.

Not like that since Daniel Craig is an EU loving cuck:

This will be my getup when I escape to yurop

shut up gypsy

Always wear a shirt, collar is important. In summer leather jacket in winter charkow parka,

No FUBU, I can tell you that much.


>uhhh... ur gypsy

You really are a fucking idiot Nazi Germany actually privatised large amounts of industry


A brand of niggerwear.

Stands for Farmers Used 2 Buy Us.

even ur swastika is flaccid you fat fuck

Only KPD voters wear a flat cap.

>escape to yurop
WHY would you do this? Go to Australia or something. Why would you want to come to Europe?

Dress like a grown up, not like a retarded child. What to wear depends on the occasion but you want to appear neat, tidy, in control of your own shit, well groomed but not effeminate.

See example in pic.

Like a true conservative.


When in doubt, put on fucking jeans and a white shirt.

funny isn't it?

meant for

>that pic
>not effeminate

Hahaha. Pic related. It's you.

This isn't /fa/, but for the sake of this thread, pic related is what I wear most of the time.

if this was 2008 i'd give you an internet.

Jeans, t-shirt, boots etc have to go.

That shit is way too corrupted by the media jew now. I strongly agree with everyone saying muted and traditional.

The look should contrast sharply with purple-haired degenerates and instantly create a feeling of identification in the crowd you want to win over - non-degenerate normal people.

Pictured - also not this shit.

Debating Switzerland or Wales. I have family in Wales so most likely I'd settle in the anglosphere.

The US is doomed. We'll be minority white in a few years, we're about to elect either a criminal or an incompetent celebrity and we've given up our roots and culture for globalism.


Make sure to also strike that pose whenever you stop at crossing waiting for the traffic lights or in a queue, it radiates power and every now and then an autist will come along and say 'you're a big guy'.

>Mr Juncker, I'm UKIP

Not including a HK USP and Uncle Mike's holster.
>You're not a big guy.

This isn't USA lad, otherwise I would without a doubt carry. I would also work in CIA. My life would be a meme and my autism could finally flourish.

Aryan as fuck

Only faggots wear suits. There's nothing less imaginative than a suit. Literally the most boring piece of clothing to ever exist in the history of mankind.

>extended mag

what is going on in this picture

>it's facing the wrong way

I usually just wear cargo shorts and a teeshirt with a breast pocket.


Sure, don't dress like that if you're a true blue collar oilfield roughneck. I'm assuming OP has a job and lives in or near a city you dumb fuck.

Wearing clothes that fit in neutral colors is perfectly appropriate. Shorts and white power t-shirts aren't outside of a trailer park.


Edgy hippie bullshit.

It creates associations of power and strength in the minds of 99% of normals.

Jeans and t-shirt and docs has associations of poor-ass ultraviolent losers.

>There's nothing less imaginative than a suit.

The modern mens suit sold at the local box store are probably the most boring thing ever but traditionally the suit was very imaginative and full of different colors and styles.

Very few people these days know how to dress themselves properly in a suit but the few that do prove that's it's by far the best look and has tons of different forms.

t. formerly worked for a tailor and made custom suits


>jeans for literal fatasses

Dressing like your pic related doesn't get you laughed at, at all. I dress like that all the time minus the tie. The tie is too much unless you work a legit business related job. I also wear a much more flashy blazer that's made out of snake-skin leather.

The reason why we make fun plebbit retards for dressing like that is because they buy cheap looking imitation 50s shit that you can tell was bought off the store rack. Dressing like that actually costs money and most people can tell the difference between the cheap shit or rich shit. The cheap shit is designed to fit on everybody regardless of how skinny, fat, short or tall you are.

All you really need is the expensive coat and people will start treating you as if you're a power broker, ceo or something. You can supplement the rest of the outfit with cheaper produce. The only two things people seem to look at are your shoes and coat. The pants & shirt have to be neutral if you want to pull it off without spending an exorbitant amount of money on your gear.

Fucking tattoos are fucking degenerate.

Look like a man who earns a salary. Your picture is a good start.

I Just put it there because of the comfott adds, all in all you neet to be fit to look good

>not wearing suits and looking sleazy as fuck
Also people here need to get /fit/ and browse /fa/ more.

Like a tool.
I doesn't matter what you wear as long as you didn't buy it new, us right wing drones are very conscientious consumers.

Be in a good shape.
Clean shaven.
Short and tidy hair.
Absolutely no piercings or tattoos.

For clothes this guy got it right
Dress to blend in.

Every grown man should own at least a dark suit for formal occasions. The suit look is hard to pull off, Gavin does it pretty well.

It's sad but people dress like retarded children nowadays, especially the anglos for some reason.

You have to have some provocative elements in your wear to be more likeable to woman, its a known fact.Modesty is good but woman are important too