Its bad enough BBC men are stealing our women. But they are knocking them up and leaving at record numbers. Actually bbc dads that have a black female are twice as likely to stay. Then if they knock up one of out own. Not only can we not get laid, but if we ever can our gfs might of had BBC or even worse a half black child.
92% of half black babies are born to single whores
This actually isn't the fault of bbc. It's because of breeding fetishes. It s new fetish that white women hwve sex with 30 bbc men at once and try to have a kid. My wife has two half and halfs by doing this. She fucked like 20 blacks in one weekend goy knocked up and she has no idea who the dad is.
But the article says out of wedlock not single moms. Many new couples cohabitat nothing wrong with that. My two black frienda both live woth their white gfs. One is getting married next week actually.
great cuck story m8
Does anyone know why this happens? Why do black men always leave their women with kids?
have you ever seen a black male/white female couple together with kids older than 3 or 4?
Even the president's mom was a slag who got pumped and dumped by BBC and got some asian cuck to raise young barack
She actually left him
Man women are fucking scary, here you have them getting knocked up and pretty much dooming herself to single motherhood and the child to a shitty life.
And yet they parade their little bastard like hes some kind of accessory, something to draw attention to themselves or to rub it somebodies nose.
I don't really care for white women, I stick to my own and it does annoy me whenever I see one mixing with a nigger or a haji too.
There are good God fearing women out there but it seems that single mothers are having these little bastards at a faster rate than good women.
How did it come to this, women fucking black men just to say they did and having these little bastards like some kind of trophy or item of attention?
horrific culture and inability to maintain a deeper connection with a person due to said culture. they are never taught anything by their parents, so everything they do is based on failure and lack of consequences.
Yes i have and its gross as fuck. These women could be dating a white man not a bbc. I mean our the cocks that big and great?
>implying this is a problem
A niglet is like a chest tattoo, neon hair, pierced cheeks and other daddy issue marks. Or being fat.
Blatant "DO NOT APPROACH" marker.
Be thankful.
Serves white women right.
But lots of races dump their kids. Even us whites. Especially after a divorce.
niggers should be sterilized.
if you disagree YOU are racist.
see how easy it is to turn there leftist bullshit around on them. then sit back watch them detonate.
you can literally beat a man retarded and he would not be half as stupid as these whores.
And i bet my dog some if not most of these cunts are fucking furious at white dudes because "surprisingly" they are not lining up for her.
nowhere near 92%. you have to base your understanding on statistics. moreover, if youd ever been around inner city black culture youd understand what a horrific calamity it is. kids that grow up with no instruction or guidance, completely unprepared for anything in the world then get older and have similarly uneducated and frustrated kids.
if it takes 50,000 man hours to raise a white kid into a functioning member of society, but anyone only ever bothered to spend 5000 on a black child, is it any wonder that they're violent savages unable to maintain a job, relationship or anything else?
For not dating us and turing over to BBC?
*jewish slag*
What a sick fetish. Is this really what goes on here? How many women are into this? I know cuckholding is on the rise but this is gross.
Most bbcs stay with their kids. I know because i let blacks fuck my wife all the time. Many blacks are educated and have jobs. Most of them have a family and raise their kids right. They just need some easy white pussy sometimes because monogomy is hard.
Yes my wifes baby daddys raise their kids.
And look how great oboma is because of this.
>into this
practically 0
it's a numale thing from the west coast/american northeast, peddled by jewish pornographers
This is what invading armies to do women, to decimate a rival population. Though the same thing kinda also happens within their own. Still, if you let this happen for a couple of generation, there will be lot more red pilled white women on the planet, since that trait will be a much bigger determining factor for success.
Also sold as "black", even though he was mixed. Melanin is the real skinjew.
All races have fuck ups that dont raise their kids. I mean 40#% of white couples divorce. But that's because thr women cheats with bbc. I mean if they would join the cucklife like i did maybe they would still be an item.
It's like HIV parties, essentially.
Its a free country and these women are actively using their freedoms to worsen their futures while doing damage to the culture at large. Its a shame, but its common and its a continuing trend going back over a hundred years at this point.
Maybe we'll get to a point where Western society has collapsed suddenly and we look back and realize there was never anything to blame but human choice. Maybe then we'll decide some combination of democracy and cultural authoritarianism is the right way to go about things. In the meantime, I'm perfectly content taking advantage of the (too many?) freedoms I have.
>a chest tattoo
Any tattoo*
Do you have to be American to find this attractive?
Seriously, is it because of slavery or something? What the fuck is going on there. We do have a little bit of these, but it is NOWHERE near the proportion it has in the US and it is mostly (white males) ---> (arab girls)
>6 posts by this ID
1 drop all it takes to be black
Come to think of it, I've never seen a black father and a white mother with kids older than the toddler range. I guess they can't put up with more than a couple years before getting tired of one white woman and her kids. Really makes you think, huh?
>but it is NOWHERE near the proportion it has in the US
Because i'm sure you know how things are in the US huh
Race mixing like that is a small number, obviously its disgusting and should never happen, but its not above 5%
Women hanging out with niggers?
Thats a tiny %, maybe 1.
Anyone have a good image for this so I can shitpost it on Twitter to slags?
>Not only can we not get laid
dude it's pretty easy to get laid, it's 2016 for fucks sake all the girls are sluts
>Because i'm sure you know how things are in the US huh
I actually have lived in the US you worthless canuck.
>Race mixing
I am refering to the cuck/interracial fetish; not to the amount of trash whores actually burning the coal.
>current year
So, they'll just die out.
And their offspring will either integrate into the society in some way or another, or die with them.
I truly see no problem here.
Lots of women are. Blacks are amazing and sex anf they have huge thick dicks. The hit the gspot more than any of us can. They often make the women squirt as well. Blacks are just far more aggressive at sex and can get way more rough than us.
women being whores is literally the only case where current year is a legitimate argument
You ever seen florida mandigo's? Check it out. It gets into how there are white women that willingly breed out of wedlock with black men and these women even have white husbands.
It's not just that they are stupid. These white women literally want to breed with blacks for an agenda. And that agenda is partially a white guilt one. These women are also perverted fetishists.
No that isn't true. The women enjoy bbc more. I mean yes a lot of men like watching their wives really get plowed as well. Some just do it so they dont get cheated on.
It's more often than you give credit for. And most women will purge their histories and photos after they realize it could damage their social value tremendously. So we'll never know the true number.
These sociopathic humans will simply get married and bury their past while kissing their kids goodnight.
This says the kids are born out of wedlock, not that the mother is alone.
>599 posts by this ID
you're an embarassing shitty numale. take your fetishes to a porn forum pls schlomo
only time I did was with a very well-off, college-educated black man, who no doubt probably gets shit for "acting white" all the time
Our women love to fuck nigs. Idk why maybe its their huge dicks. The only role jews played is telling the women how cool and hung black men are. Now all the women go for bbc.
Black men don't stay with the mother unless the Black man is really really (seriously) religious (rare).
Also, a lot of white women married to white men have black babies.
I can't take your post seriously if you refer to niggers as bbc dads. Many of them may in fact have small dicks, and your whole post just reads like some fetishistic fantasy.
Oh fuck, just move to some chinks country. Don't whine bitch.
It's white guilt.
It's the fetish of the "dangerous".
It's the fetish of pissing off their fathers.
It's winning the "not racist" arms race within their leftists circles.
>9 posts by this ID
dude are you posting from your phone now
you're seriously pathetic
The only Black people in my college is the football team and usually this makes black women pretty open to a relationship.
This isn't even taking into account how many of these bbc nogs end up murdering the niglet and baby mama after they get dumped for a beta provider male.
The entire white female population is so far gone it's basically a lost cause at this point. Chances are, if you're dating a white girl she has had some nigger dick in her at one point and will again. Better off finding a jap or Korean waifu who's already naturally red pilled to some degree and who finds niggers repulsive
Is this what we have todo to keep our women from cheating on us with bbc?
OP is a cuck.
You whine about how they keep you from getting with women, and you call them bbc? Jesus just admit you want the sloppy seconds, or that you want to be that, you disgusting faggot.
It's a single study with an unreleased sample size
Stop it with the race baiting and confirmation bias
>Oh, no. White women are breeding, but not with me!
Maybe you shouldn't be such a pussy
Yep then raised by white grandparents. Pic related
Maybe where your from. But in my city. Atlanta. White women go for bbc all day long. Its fucking gross. They would choose a black over us whites.
>us whites
There is no way she is that child's mother. That woman has never given birth.
People should really check out that video. It gets into how there is a ton of white women out there that have a huge fetish for being bred by black guys. The guy in the video even tells the interviewer how he has probably fathered children but may not know.
These mandingo (what they call themselves) even have group sex orgies where they knock a girl up cumming in her one after another. The documentary is very interesting and gives a pretty enraging perspective on the modern day white woman.
Mulatto reporting in, AMA.
>tfw dad is in your life
>tfw he is conservative, successful and based
Feels fucking good to win the lottery
It isn't.
She's a Turkish model and the kid ran up to her during a shoot in Indonesia.
Yes. Unfortunately this seems to be the case. There is nothing we can do. Us Caucasian Whites should just sit back and let nature take it's course. The women have chosen them over us.
Not here in Chicago. I see bbc getting laid with white girls all the time. I actually have never meet a black guy that hasn't been with a white girl. Or one that hasn't fucked my wife lol.
Rhineland bastards all over again.
Can't wait for the death squads. Growing closer every day with movements becoming more militaristic and having hundreds of soldiers joining due to being sacked by governments.
Well no its hard for us to get laid. Because we have smaller cocks.
Holy shit, this thread has like 3 shitposters in it.
Usually it's 1 per thread.
The only thing that is missing is a Canadian posting interracial/bestiality pics asking: "u mad white boi" and this thread will be complete
Every time I see a white single mother I wince a bit. Embarrassing behaviour.
>Use statistics to claim black men are not staying with white women after they have children
>Pointed out its just out of wedlock and many men are no longer getting married do to the divorce industry
>Use anecdotal evidence as a retort
You guys are grasping at straws here for any reason. Maybe go to the gym and hit a bar or something if you guys are that mad about not having a gf or waifu. But stop looking for external sources for your shortcomings.
tl;dr Not an argument
Remove all forms of welfare and the problem will solve itself
I already said this fetish. My wife has two half anf half babies. One of the kids has no idea who the real dad is because she fucked over 50 black guys raw dogg. She fucked 20 in one nignt. She even took it in the butthole.
These women have severe self-esteem issues if they're fucking niggers.
They have a collective IQ of 85, have the most cases of AIDS/STDS out of all races, make up most of the prisoner population because they're out of control apes-
And women want to reproduce with that, women find that attractive and special.
I don't know what it's like in America but I'm from London which is about 15% black and this """""bbc""""" meme is not an issue here. I have difficulty believing it's really that different in America. Out of interest, are there any of you who are worried about this but have a girlfriend? I honestly have never felt like black men were even competition for me tbqh, compared to white men.
Maybe you're all memeing, but in case you aren't, you should probably spend less time worrying about it. Also it clogs up Sup Forums and makes us look bad.
Same here famalam
>son of legal immigrants
>dad was there and taught me hiw to be a man
>raised christian and American, its one in one for me
>know to judge a man by the content of their character but still recognize patterns when I see them
Everyone should be like that in the US regardless of race
Anyways I'm sure your real gf is hot
U mad whiteboi
Yes. All the hot women prefer to be with Blacks than us. It's the sad truth.
>shit posters
I think you mean actual shills and people trying to rile up the easily trolled tards that have infested this board.
Go back to Sup Forums stormfag. We here at Sup Forums love our cuck threads
Well all women prefer that thing. It's just the way life works and Sup Forums is too immature to accept that.
It makes revenge that much more fun too
Wrong. Japanese and Korean women prefer the BBC too. It's common knowledge.
Women that go for nigger cock are too fat/ugly to land a white man or they have serious self-esteem issues.
It usually doesn't work out because the black man might be big and strong enough to attract the woman visually,
but once they try to function as a couple she has to do the breadwinning AND manage the household because the nigger is too stupid/lazy to help.
It's also why they beat the white women so much.
They're stupid, so the white women inevitably begin to disrespect them.
The only way they can dominate the white women is physically, so they compensate by beating the white woman to maintain dominance.
The reason for this is that most white whores who go for black men (the absolute vast majority) are not like the woman in your picture, they're mostly fat hideous land whale welfare recipients who put out easily, and one they have a kid and become moaning cows who prioritise their children above putting out for Tyrone, are no longer attractive to anybody, even niggers.
the 8% in your statistic are more likely the women that look like the one in that image
All we can do is point and laugh.
*hey look at what she did! Ahahahahaha*
did you even look at her face? did you think you just shouldnt bother?
Well its my wife and yes she is hot. Especially when she is slurping black cock. I love when they bust loads on her face. She smiles and keeps sucking like a little whore.
No i have seen blacks timestamp. They typically talk about how many white women they fuck and what they do to them. Its kinda hot their stories.
My wife is hot and she fucks blacks all the time. I see hot white women with bbc all the time actually.
>that baby
But it's black
>>Its bad enough BBC men are stealing our women. But they are knocking them up and leaving at record numbers.
it is up to you to be a good man and providing for those women