Just got back from Finland. What surprised me was that they actually speak Swedish there a lot of the time...

Just got back from Finland. What surprised me was that they actually speak Swedish there a lot of the time, I was listening in on how the grocery clerks spoke swedish to customers rather than finnish, and shops had swedish signs and such. Whenever they spoke to me they also spoke swedish. I also noticed that they had signs like "Välkommen till Helsingfors" as you entered Helsinki. Very interesting.

Other urls found in this thread:



You have no idea how many self-proclaimed Finland-Swedes in Helsinki have fully Finnish ancestry.

Finland-Swedishness is practically a mental illnes for hip, young urban people with multicultural oriented political views.


why are finns so beta?

You mean people with no swedish ancestry will still claim to be part Swedish?

They've bought into the idea that they can be Swedish and more civilized than the nasty Finnish speakers by speaking Swedish which what our Swedish National Party claims.

You have a Swedish national party???

And those fuckers are cancer to your culture, you should put an end to them.

Yep. RKP/FSB. 80% of Swedish speakers vote for them.
Some of them are Marxists, others are hardcore capitalists. They only have in common their obsession with making Swedish language unnaturally survive in Finland.

Jesus man remove the tinfoil hat. This is worse than flat earthers

But he's right

You don't need a tinfoil hat to notice that Finland-Swedes never seem to have Swedish last names.

It's crazy if you ask me. Why don't they just move to Sweden if they want to be more Swedish? Finland is for Finns desu.

And you don't need a tinfoil hat to notice that people speak Swedish, it was surprising.

Why tf would we want to move to sweden? We are proud finns who just happen to talk swedish. This whole board is delusional and full of autist who have never actually met fennoswedes besides from maybe some rich bilingual guy from Helsinki, that you barely can call a fennoswede. Then they base all their opinions from him and start their rant

Ylpeä suomalainen ei puhu vierasmaalaisen orjuuttajan kieltä vaan suomea.

Why do you speak Swedish in Finland, then? I don't get it. Can't you just forget about that language as long as you stay in Finland?

They should just cut their losses and speak English.

De blir tvingade, vad är det du inte fattar?


I think I know this user, he posted a photo of himself. Funny shit from this mongrel "proud fennoswede"

Hear hear. Make Swedish illegal to be spoken in Finland should be a good initiative.

>the grocery clerks spoke swedish to customers rather than finnish
>shops had swedish signs and such
Law mandates that certain things must be written in both Finnish and Swedish
>Whenever they spoke to me they also spoke swedish.
Maybe they thought you were Swedish

You are the fucking cancer that put this wedge between fennoswedes and finns. All your opinions are based on prejudice. It's so fucking tiring,

Draw a line from Yorkshire to Saint Petersburg, everyone north of there might as well. I've met some people while living in Tallinn that speak English better than I do.

This wedge is the creation of Finland-Swedes voting for their own selfish agenda for 100 years with no end in sight.

RKP should have never existed and Swedish language should be extinct here.

pick two

>wedge between fennoswedes and finns
I'd say speaking Swedish does that. I don't think anyone will care that you have Swedish blood, it's basically very similar anyway, but to speak the Swedish language in Finland can't be very good for the Finnish culture. Especially if you guys are voting for a pro-swedish political party as well in order to make Finland even more Swedish. What the fug.

Both my parents speak swedish. The whole municipality I grew up in spoke swedish. Why would we just forget about our ancestry? Our grandfathers fought in the war just like anyone else's to keep our independence.

>Swedish blood


These people don't look even a bit Swedish to my eyes. Finland-Swedishness is just a way for girls to rebel against their ancestors and feel special.

Why does everyone think we want to be swedish?

Miksi sitten RKP rantahurrit eivät kannata ruotsinkielen alueellistamista?

Miksi suomalaisen täytyy oppia sinun takiasi ruotsia? Etkö ollenkaan tajua kuinka itsekästä se on?

Can we admit that Finnish is the most awesome language ever!

Because you speak swedish and vote for the swedish party whose agenda is to make Finland more Swedish. Duh.

Everything you just said is cancer to the Finnish culture. I know that you as an individual are protective of your own ways, but from an outsider's point of view you are defending something that is like spitting in the face of Finns.

Well to be honest, when I'm in Sweden people look just like that anyway. I mean, it's not like Swedes have one type of look. I would believe you if those were a collection of Swedes living in Sweden.

The thing is I dont think you should have to learn swedish either. But if we didn't vote to keep our swedish our language would just gradually go away.

I live in Espoo which has 10% "Finland-Swedes". It's never really possible to tell them from Finns by their looks.

So you are saying that our culture doesn't matter? How can defending something that has existed in Finland for so long be "bad" for finnish culture? We are literally part of the finnish culture

Pala helvetissä hurri tai muuta ruotsiin homoilemaan kielesi kanssa.

About 4% of the population in Helsinki primarily speaks Swedish, but to my experience they can always speak Finnish too as they're supposed to

Your culture isn't bad and it does matter(to you), it just doesn't belong in Finland. You say you're part of the finnish culture, but I'd rather say you're a subculture within Finland. I guess in 2017 we should worry more about the arabs tho.

"Oh no my youth was so hard, I had to learn swedish in highscool :'((" Fuck you. The fact that I have to be careful to speak swedish in public because of pricks like you is mindblowingly stupid. You think we dont have it hard too?

Lmao at fenno swede thinking he has it hard

Hello from finnish russian

>had a Russian friend in 3rd grade
>he was bullied for being Russian
>he came to me asking for help
>publicly disowned him as a friend

Heh, wasn't my problem.

>be part of a much bigger country for 600 years
>be surprised that some remnants of the bigger country remain in the smaller one

At least we're not Ireland I guess

like the topic; Koreans are annoyed as to why they still use countless many of borrowed words form Japenis and can't get rid of them.

These remnants wouldn't even exist if Finland-Swedes stopped roleplaying they are Swedish and better than other Finns.

>Being this delusional still

I live in the south where 70% of "Finland-Swedes" are from.
They have no reason whatsoever to not speak Finnish and identify as Finnish. They just don't want to.

I'm watching the live feed from sweden now. This is a normal swede.

If it can't be maintained without mandatory Swedish it deserves to die out.

Why don't they? I don't get it. If they say they are proud finns, then they should embrace being finnish.

Very "swedish".

i have lived my whole life in helsinki and 99% of the time people speak finnish

Hehe, yes. But that's my point. "Swedes" don't have just one particular look to them. That's why I thought the images on that website the Finn posted was kinda meh, I felt like they could easily be swedes.


The idea that classy people speak Swedish is deeply ingrained in the culture here.

That guy isn't a swede, he is balkantrash.

gtfo to sweden then and speak your swedish language there autist

>m-muh grandfathers spoke swedish and fought in war for this cuntry uuuwuuuu

so what retard you had two generations to learn finnish. speak swedish in private or whatever, to your other fennoswede autistic dogs. finland shouldn't have to accomodate to your needs, fucking retards. i hope finnish nation's patience runs dry and then the swedes will have their dirty lying mouths stuffed.

More like cucks


Not cool, man...

I know. It's only +10C where I live

Excellent post.

This girl doesn't look "swedish" either. But she is and she does. Everyone doesn't look like Dolph Lundgren or Hanna Edwinson.

Same with this girl, she doesn't look what people usually think of as "swedish"

this might have some resemblance of truth in the most fennoswedish of towns in the west coast
otherwise just nope (and yes i know it's bait)

En tuu ikinä tajuumaan miten jotakuta voi vituttaa se että joku toinen puhuu ruotsia
t. suomenkielinen suomalainen

Not bait and it was in "helsingfors"



meil samit


i encourage every finn in this thread to meet this swedish menace with violence

nothing scares and demoralizes and prevents effeminate passive agressive bitch boy scum like the swedes more than violence

i encourage you to hit, smash, stab, stomp the swede

god bless

Se vituttaa, että sitä pakotetaan muille koska hurrit eivät itse kykene ylläpitämään kieltään.

We have a lot of trash people.

You made this thread just to cause shit-flinging because you know this is a controversial topic (and of course my countrymen don't realize it). I wouldn't call that cool either, man

ihan vitun vammaista pakottaa vähemmistökieltä koko väestölle

Siis pakkoruotsi vituttaa? Eikös se englantiki ole nykyään pakollinen kieli, vihaatko myös kaikkia angloja sen takia?

>77 replies

Well done my man

It's like this everywhere tho. No country has just one single fenotype to its core people.

Englanti on universaali maailmankieli jota kaikki opiskelevat, sitä ei voi verrata ruotsiin vaikka hurripsykooseissasi saatat toisin ajatella.

I made this thread because this genuinly puzzled me.

Englanti on hyödyllinen kieli jota tarvitaan elämässä.
Ruotsi on hyödytön muinaisjäänne.

Kaksikielinen Suomi ehkä teoriassa toimisi jos vain ruotsinkielinen Pohjanmaa ja Ahvenanmaa olisivat kaksikielisiä ja loput Suomesta virallisesti yksikielisesti suomenkielisiä.

Niinku sanoin olen ihan suomalainen, mutta hienoa että just paljastit että et vihaa sitä että kieltä pakotetaan opettelemaan, vaan sitä että se kieli sattuu olemaan ruotsi. Eli ei sulla mitään loogisia selityksiä ole, peppukipua vaan.

>internetin, bisneksen yms. kieli
>"ööäääööööäää 5% väestöstä puhuu sitä ja oltiin ennen siirtokunta ruotsille"

Let me ask you this, my finnish friends. Do you think Finland is getting more Finnish or less Finnish in this day and age?

I'm sure you did. You know damn well our miserable history, thus it shouldn't boggle you so much. You just want to see us fight, and so they do, and keep on doing

Voi vitun idiootti, vihaisin yhtä paljon pakkotanskaa tai pakkonorjaa koska molemmat ovat ruotsin tavoin takapajuisia periferiakieliä joidenka pakko-opetuksessa ei ole mitään järkeä. Englantin pakko-opetus, sen sijaan, on paljon perustellumpaa (eikä englanti ole edes pakollinen oppiaine virallisesti).

>Being this insecure and delusional

>fenno"swedes "

I dont believe you. Most Finns dont speak Swedish here and you have never been here.

I know your history to a certain degree, but I didn't realize that Swedish was spoken to such a large degree in Finland, even with Swedish signs. I know it's a sore topic to some of you, but I'm not trying to make you fight. I just want more info on this phenomenon desu.

Do you think Norway is getting more Norway, or less Norway by the day?

Lel, sorry, I didn't realize my mistake until now.

I mean to write "more swedish"

Can you answer now?

We should've assimilated to Russia, Finnish independence was obviously a mistake.

Swedish is the second official language.

It's a remnant from the past that is slowly but surely losing it's grip. We probably wont see monolingual Finland, but it's plausible that my grandchildren will, if we manage to remain predominantly Finnish till then

>large degree
Where were you? And this country has all the signs etc. are in both Swedish and Finnish, but that doesn't mean that Swedish is spoken here.

Helsinki. I'm talking about the examples I mentioned in OP. Of course when I say a "large degree" I mean that I noticed it so many times, even tho of course 90% of the time it would be Finnish.

I think you should remove Swedish from all signs desu, if you want to fix it like says.