James Comey admitted that gross negligence is illegal and criminally prosecutable according to a 1917 law...

James Comey admitted that gross negligence is illegal and criminally prosecutable according to a 1917 law, but because it has been seldom used, he's not going to enforce that law, even though he's admitted that Hillary in fact committed gross negligence.

He literally said that the law conflicts with "American tradition," which is a completely subjective notion, and mens rea, which is a legal theory, not law.

Laws and congress don't mean anything anymore. This proves we live in an authoritarian regime where the executive can just decide or not decide to enforce whatever laws they want.


>I decided it was illegal but the law was unfair so we didn't prosecute


>Laws and congress don't mean anything anymore. This proves we live in an authoritarian regime where the executive can just decide or not decide to enforce whatever laws they want

We've been living in an Anarcho-Tyranny for some time now.

Jury nullification bro

comey's not a jury


In his mind he is

>Jury nullification is faggotry.
>Common law is faggotry.
>"Legal tradition" is faggotry.
>Jury trials in general (remember all female juries) are faggotry.

We should have a uniform civil law code with judges enforcing, set punishments, and no choice in the matter. Law is above any individual. Anyone who goes against the system must be severely punished. The law is supreme.

I am the law

that sounds good. always thought the French system was better than ours


>obstructs justice by lying about not sending secret & top secret emails

Plausible deniability bro

Not under oath bro

judges shouldn't be allowed to choose the punishing, shit should be fucking mathematical

He used what is called prosecutorial discretion so its not as if hes just ignoring the law.

Thats not to say this whole thing isnt completely rotten however.

the ohio guy btfo him out by pointing out how fishy it looks to the average person

He left it up to the American people whether Clinton should get into the oval office or not. Why the fuck else would he basically say
>anyone else would be punished for this reckless incident
>but not Hillary lolol She's above the law

Get back to digging up shit on Shillary. Gotta convince the normies.

Welcome to common law.

welcome to democracy, the world of the liberals and libertarians

>remember all female juries

>get jury duty a couple of years ago
>female defendant
>all female jury except for me
>get dismissed as the alternate before deliberations

>bullshit paraphernalia charges
>cops claim in court that the defendant claimed the paraphernalia was hers
>their original incident report contradicts this

I don't even know what the outcome was but I would have let her walk anyway but still.

In its decision on Gorin v. United States (1941), the Supreme Court stated that the relevant statute requires intent to apply.


welcome to the banana republic


So this is how the constitution dies. A generation of people who are grossly uninformed about civics who want to get rid of the entire skeleton of our political system just because one case didn't turn out the way they wanted.

The good men do nothing and evil will win. Back to an authoritarian system driven by monarchs with no accountability for us.

>anyone else would be punished for this reckless incident
Not in a court of law.

lol @ dailystormer being mentioned at this hearing

Is he asking about us now, senpai?

Yes, he's talking about the "alt-right". I'm waiting for the anime avatar reference.

Also I should point out you're literally saying "Clinton should not be treated like other people, she should be treated differently because she's Clinton." My how the idiots pivot when their simple understandings change.


No, common law, "tradition," jury nullification, etc. are how our freedoms die. Freedom is submission to the law. If the law is nothing but the willy nilly choices of the powerful, of judges, of uninformed juries, or of the most costly lawyers making the most sophisticated arguments, then law is nothing but a tool for whoever can use it. Reason dies with the rise of rhetoric.

Our freedoms exist because the law is supposed to stand above everyone, including the powerful and the government. Everyone has to follow the same law--the law is above any single person.

What will come out of this is how badly the entire State Department handled classified material, in a way that predated and will outlast Clinton's tenure. There are people whose full time jobs are to audit the Secretary's systems and inform her of anything that needs to be remediated. Any reasonable person could see that her system was in violation of the spirit of the law, but no one bothered to write her a letter saying so-- if they had, you would see Clinton being prosecuted for her statements to the contrary. But there isn't a shred of evidence that anyone with any authority ever informed her that she was wrong.
They allowed her to approve her own system (absurd but true), and over the years never put anything in writing to suggest that she shouldn't have been able to. Fuck

Just give up cuck, it's not going to happen.

yeah I caught that too. pathetic.


Petraeus was,
>but that was because of obstruction
and deleting 30k "personal" emails, many of which were recovered and proven to be work related isnt?

>The law says what she did was illegal. Is that correct?
well... yes.
>So why didn't you recommend an indictment?
Oh well... We don't prosecute for violation of THAT law. It's like, a tradition. Come oooooon.