>Past a certain age, a man without a family can be a bad thing
What was he trying to convey?
>Past a certain age, a man without a family can be a bad thing
What was he trying to convey?
Other urls found in this thread:
>im just a regular guy with a giant dick
What did he mean by this?
>If you don't apply to my societal norms,you are problematic
Literally reverse SJW.
Just a three or four generations ago it was common for men to wait til they were past middle aged to get married to a younger woman and start a family, so Marty's comment was true shitlord status.
Technically there's nothing "reverse" about it
this tbqh
>suck me off Rust, while Maggie is chained up in the corner and have to watch.
Men who have nothing to lose are dangerous.
If you have kids you have to be there for them or work to provide for them.
If you don't have kids then you can have fun, but when you get old and bored you start to do things you shouldn't.
That Chigurh needs to find a woman and stop the coin tosses.
Don't be a homosexual