Based greatest ally!
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You can't hurt the feelings of your enemy when you kill them! It's 2016!
PS if you kill your enemy, they win.
Thats fucking based, I wish we could've done that in Iraq of Trashcanistan
>(((David Greenfield)))
>copy pastes an old fucking chain email that he would know is bullshit with a quick google
>FrontPage Magazine (also known as is an online conservative political website, edited by David Horowitz and published by the David Horowitz Freedom Center
What would happen if all US soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan wore pig costumes instead of camo uniforms?
This is true. If you kill your enemies, they win. But we don't want the muslims to lose, so let's help them win as hard as possible. Ensure that nobody questions their absolute victory.
>Thats fucking based
No, it's barbaric.
Checks out
Are you proud of being a warmongering psychopath? Do you think it's O.K. for your government to drone strike innocent women and children in the middle-east? You disgust me.
muslim terrorists drink alcohol and smoke pot. If they are at jihad the rules do not count for them. So why should they be afraid of pigs ? Thats hilarious.
Yes and yes. Weak should fear strong.
Hell yeah Ruskie
>Are you proud of being a warmongering psychopath?
You are proud of being a cultural suicidal lunatic?
>Do you think it's O.K. for your government to drone strike innocent women and children in the middle-east?
Price of freedom.
>You disgust me.
Your country disgusts the rest of the world. Your opinion is quite void.
>t. Sven Cucksson
You have to go back, Ahmed.
>a Shillman Journalism Fellow
>A Shillman Journalism fellow
Wow you people are so cool. Let me guess, you sit in your mother's basement and play Call of Duty all day? You'll grow up once you've seen real combat, real corpses.
>You'll grow up once you've seen real combat, real corpses.
I can't wait
We didn't drone strike enough of them.
>it's barbaric
have u tried to enter beluchistan once ? Its not even possible with a local guy or not even possible for local people. Who do you think lives there ? Innocent people? No. The government has no fault that terrorists raise their kids in a war zone.
Women and children are innocent (and most men). There's no justification for drone striking them. It's repulsive.
No wonder people don't want to associate themselves with right-wingers. You have no empathy. Soulless husks.
i think its suspicious that people who have been offered new homes and education and money to leave a warzone refuse to leave it.
So tell me, without emotion, without empathy, just with pure rationality, what you gonna do. Kill a guy who could plan an attack where maybe hundred or even thousand people die but you also have to kill his kids, which he brought in this situation cause he knew if you will find him, you will also kill them, or let him and his kids live and maybe be responsible for the deaths of another thousand innocent people.
You have never been in places like pakistan iraq or jemen or something like this. Even people there think like this.
well we kinda own you guys
I've seen combat. I've seen corpses. I have a soul and empathy. The first is why I like the pig-blood strategy. The second is why I wish the pig-blood approach on Mudshits. And the third is why I'm enthusiastic about the Middle East getting bombed. You're next, al-Swedi. Oink, oink, oink.
welcome to the reality of Human nature
if you have seen combat and you have seen corpse, you would know that the people who cause this things give a fuck about pigs or blood of pigs.
>No wonder people don't want to associate themselves with [radical muslims]. You have no empathy. Soulless husks.
Yep let's just saw people's heads off and dip them in acid abloo bloo bloo why'd you bomb me all we did was rape and murder people.
Maybe not. But their followers would. And sending the guilty the fuck to Hell sends the exact message that this war needs.
That is just a myth
which followers ? The 0815 followers of islam who make the biggest part of victims of terrorists or the followers of the terrorists who dont give a fuck about the rules of islam ?
I dont get your message. What do you want to say
Okay. The message would simply be "We're on to you asshats", but the obvious problem in explaining it to you is that apparently you aren't on to them. Read the Quran, familiarise yourself with the concept of Taqqiya and pay close attention how your basic Muslims will behave with the next terrorist attack, then make a thread if you still need help.
i have been to a lot of muslim countries and the problem is that most muslims know their religion. They practice their religion like they want. For example in Pakistan, they want that women wear a hijab but they have no problem to have sex before marriage. Or the muslims in Marocco who smoke pot on a daily basis. Or the muslims in Iran who drink alcohol or the muslims in Oman who allow transgender people or once again the Iran who is the country with the most gender changing operations after thailand.
So by that logic all non-terrorist muslims are just practicing taqqiya?