Anyone else bored of her now or is it just me?

Anyone else bored of her now or is it just me?

Sure, she's pretty, but she can't fucking act and her "hot librarian with a smoking problem" voice gets old quick.

She brought "The Jungle Book" from a solid 8/10 to a 7 with that shitty voice

How do I unsubscribe from these blog posts?


I never really saw the appeal outside of Lost in Translation.

>Ghost in A Shell shill threads

this quote discusses people

found the redditor

It discusses psychology. You're an idiot.

Really makes those neurons fire up

>You're an idiot.

Discussing people, as usual

So discussing Tolstoy and Aristotle is for idiots?


I've been bored of her since 2007.

>Discussing Tolstoy's ideas


>Discussing how tall Tolstoy was


Does that simply things enough for your tiny fucking brain?

>reddit formatting
of course

Not just you.
I'm tired of her too.

>what did Eleanor Roosevelt mean

She meant that she was an incredibly ugly woman and therefore strongly resented any discussion of gossip/drama, which naturally involved people far more attractive than her.


This. It was the most baffling aspect of the movie. She didn't even try to sound different. It was just a giant snake that sounded like Scarlett Johannesberg for no reason. At no point did I ever believe she wanted to fuck that kid.

Alright dude, her point is that you like discussing how people look because you're a shallow idiot with a bad personality and low intelligence. Sperging out over her appearance just illustrates the point even further, but I'm guessing that goes directly over your head.

she is totally monotone. does she have a hearing problem or something. She is extremely lucky to have the career she's had

>Mr Ideas guy on a gossip board in a gossip thread
who's the dumb fuck now?

not making her Marvel's Double Hoe Seven was the 1st miss step.

Never bored of scarjo

Have you realized how she barely has the same hair color on 2 films in a row

Is like her trick is not looking the same than in her last movie

Worked for Madonna for 20 years. Then came Lady Gaga and Madonna's career goes to the crapper

tl.dr : Next young actress comes along with a Tom Waits voice, it's curtains for Scarlet

Is someone shooping these images? Ive never noticed how ugly and big her nose and chin were, until Ive seen this comparsion of Mira and Motoko. Is the right wing attacking?