Why does it look so Chinese?
Why does it look so Chinese?
he's squinting because the sun
They live underground OP, in the dark, what the fuck do you want
the book was so fucking boring goddamit it nigger you don't need to describe how the anus of the butterfly in a palm tree looks like get to the point
when you guys are done reddit-ing, let me know what movie/tv show it is
the time machine by HG wells. the original film not the newer one.
Join in the autism you never know you might enjoy it.
I rewatched this about a year ago for the first time since my childhood. It was not as good as I remember. It wasn't bad, by any means, but it lacked the deeper philosophical underpinings to which I had ascribed it.
Really it was very shallow: because the "future" is so far ahead and he never stops to collect evidence, there's really no way to make any conclusive statement about it. Really he could have gone backwards in time 100 million years and seen the same thing and it would have meant more.
Don't spoonfeed the retard, the image was labelled after all.
I mostly enjoy it for that early-60s technicolor and seeing all the miniatures that were built
If you want to see the most glorious backdrops in cinema history watch the thief of bagdad.
Yeah there's certainly some nice artistry involved, and I liked some of the actors. But I rewatched this alongside Jason and the Argonauts and I thought the latter held up far better.
nice, i'll add those to my movies to check out
>He reattaches the levers before he travels further ahead to roughly 30 million years from his own time. There he sees some of the last living things on a dying Earth: menacing reddish crab-like creatures slowly wandering the blood-red beaches chasing enormous butterflies in a world covered in simple lichenous vegetation. He continues to make short jumps through time, seeing Earth's rotation gradually cease and the sun grow larger, redder, and dimmer, and the world falling silent and freezing as the last degenerate living things die out.
how did oldfags in 1895 know so much about stars
telescopes were very rudimentary back then
Jules Verne >>>>>>>>> HG Wells
If you're just looking for old movies, I can also recommend Witness for the Prosecution, The Great Escape, and Zulu, if you haven't seen them already.
>telescopes were very rudimentary back then
copernicus and shit was finding planets back in the 1500s bro
but how'd they know all the space physics about red giants and planetary rotations/gravity?
I'm having an existential crisis right now
them knowing these things back then is insanity
like how does someone even stumble onto that information in an age where you still have to shit into a bucket
thats why they were considered heretics and witches and shit, hell galileo was killed because he was discoving planets and rotations and shit and the church couldnt handle it
>hurrr my teacher told me that science was invented by Darwin I guess everyone who came before was just a fucking retard
Darwin was biology not space physics. it would make sense that old people would learn some stuff about biology because it's more easily observed than space voodoo.
There's niggas shittin in buckets as we speak.
What are you even on about mate.
>telescopes are invented as lens cutting is advanced enough so that you can stack a couple of them and get a clear image.
>it is noticed that certain "stars" move around while some stand still
>make notes about these moving stars and chart their movement over a number of years
>draw conclusions about their trajectories
bear in mind that these people didn't have smartphones, internet, shitposting and free porn available to them to distract them from their life's work
because its a jewish/free mason lie
same reason NASA fakes space walks
>Jason and the Argonauts
ya'll niggas postin' in a harryhausen thread now
7th Voyage a best
>inb4 someone trys to be a contrarian and say Eye of the Tiger is the best
I could barely make it through rewatching that hunk of shit even though it had my retrofu
failename you faggot
You're an idiot.
The book was by far better than the film.
I actually read the entire thing over the course of a single Sunday, because once I started it, I could not put it down.
>The book was by far better than the film.
I like the movie because its well-made, but I hate how they turned the whole "message" of the book around.
>mfw the time traveler freaks out and goes on a rant over them not taking care of the books
Science fiction authors were usually scientists or engineers
maybe it is the writting style desu
and I was fucking furiuos with my life the day I read it