Sup Forums BTFO

Trump BTFO


Holy shit how can Sup Forums and Trump even recover from such anal devastation?!!?

>mfw she used straw man wrong

She should really hire some new interns. The current ones a fucking terrible.

it's comeback and a coherent allusion to the original attack, don't expect her acolites to think about the meaning of her words

the left hasn't had to think hard for decades

If it's obvious that the left isn't thinking hard, if people naturally like to assume they're taking the rational position (thus IMO the popularity of atheism), then what if the left wing isn't as popular as the media is making out? It's extremely obvious it's not the rational position.

Anyone can Google straw man and realise she's using it wrong. Misusing a fallacy is itself a fallacy.

Pretty good pun but there wasn't actually a strawman. Unfortunately Hilary supporters are too stupid to realize this and will think that she just made the most epic comeback ever

how is trump not using a straw man?

Yes, let's hear this.

Because he's actually alluding to something remarkably similar that happened, he's actually using a slippery slope argument but slippery slope isn't always a fallacy.

Cheers Hillary nice to see Australia's conquest of the USA via complete nonsensical shitposting is going to plan.
Put another turd on the board darling.

>responding to critics claiming he was antisemitic for posting a star by showing another non-Jewish context for the same star

There is an infograph in the sticky if you get confused again lads

>called racist for using a picture with a star
>This has a star, why are you criticizing me and no one else for using stars?

Herp derp intern member 420 "lol stawman frozen reference the young voters were missing will love it!"

So she's accusing him of doing what she did when he brings up a paralell. Her aide did good on the pun though, shame it wasnt relevant at all.

What do you think he is strawmanning? That libs would be crazy enough to think a six pointed star is antisemetic?

That's not how this works, how IS he using a strawman?

It was both false equivalence and strawman when you point out that the jew star was anti semetic.

Pointing out the fallacies does not make a fallacy. Not an argument 101.

Anyway, the real implication here is that the media is racist, it's just a star. If you implicate the jewish star with corruption that's on you. So many ways to play this.

read the sticky you goddamn retard

>my two choices of president are fighting on twitter

thank fucking god Im not the only one who cant wrap my head ahead this

I dont know why more people didnt mention this

a strawman argument is misrepresenting someone else's argument to make it easier to attack, which Trump isn't doing here.

No, rekt herself. This is making the rounds on twitter right now.

Trump is acting like the "dishonest media" he points out in the tweet, how can Hillary be so ignorant to see that tweet as strawmanning??

Trump's memes are OC, America doesn't want an old woman with a weak meme game for president


She'll never face consequences for anything.

Not to mention they're both using the term incorrectly