White redneck farmers harassing black Christian family

>white redneck farmers harassing black Christian family
>evil white doctor who wants to use little children as weapons
>brutish white ICE agents chasing down minority children who want to cross the border
>white skinhead clone devoid of emotion and empathy who wants to kill everything in his path


Other urls found in this thread:


commies get out of my fucken movies reeeeeee

this is why nobody buys comic books anymore

This is the future the Alt Right wants

>hero of the film is a white man



What big nosed person could be behind this?


>new the hero in those things are also white
Really make you think


One of the protagonists is so white he's literally Albino.

Better than Disney/Marvel braindead movies at least.

yeah and they portray him as a weak bitch who rats out his friends and then kills himself


Because it takes depth and talent to play a villain, they're more interesting characters, and there's very few non-white actors who have that talent.

The issue with the children trying to cross the border and the evil agents chasing them was obvious political message against Trump.

An evil agent named Donald no less :^)

was that the name of the guy with the robot arm???

shit I didn't noticed

>Little girl is portrayed as white
>Is also extremely violent
>Gets carried around by white man

Help me finish this thought Sup Forums.

>bad guy
>not big guy

>hates ethics in video game journalism

He was being tortured so he helped them using the most lousy directions he could get away with.

what thought?

>not basing your opinions on video games on Sup Forums shitposting


What about the regular right?

jews aren't whie

They want lower taxes, states rights, privatization of the health care industry and deregulation across the board. In short, they are anti-meme.

To be fair most important evil people are also whites.

We're the only ones who do anything of note globally.

Wario is jewish.

M. Bison is vaguely South American or something.

Them not you

I didn't start identity politics.

But then when I was labeled a "white person", i looked into my team.

Boy, we've got some heavy hitters in our camp! We pretty much did... everything. Why would anyone hate us? I don't get it.

>>Moving the goalposts this hard

Careful man, you'll throw your back out.

Sounds like my kind of future

why wouldn't loki be white he's a norse god

Alright, I figured it out.

Mischonne finds them when I wasn't paying attention.

Glenn appears with Daryl because its a flashback. I'm just retarded, nothing to see here.

> directed and written by James (((mangold)))

Huh. It's just like real life.

are you calling jews white?


My people, BITCH

A latina child is the Wolverine.

Sup Forums will defend this

They shot this film a year ago and they thought Hillary was going to win back then.

that looks like a white man and an albino

it was the same deal in the comics

>hispanic men are now white
Where do you live user boy?

Id think breaking the law is a sin so jesus wouldnt do it so he'd probably wait to get his visa

>illegal immigrant
what else is there to say

This script had to have been made at least a few years before Trump's presidency.

they did the scene in the beginning to avoid being seen as SJW

me and my buddy are seeing a movie tomorrow. We're supposed to see Get Out but I think I might wanna see this movie. Should I try to convince him? We're both black btw.

They're pro immigration? Are you sure?

Ok. BUILD A WALL was popular with Trump supporters before Nov 6 2016.

Far as I'm concerned you're not right wing if you don't know about the JQ.

Stay home instead and have gay sex

Of course, otherwise deregulation would be pointless.

The wall has been popular since before you were born.

Should I film it and post it here?

This is the white equivalent of dindu.

I can't see a hispanic man in that drawing user

I am old enough to have followed the last 3 elections. If you have a point, which I doubt you do, it is irrelevant. The movie was made now when immigration issues are at a boiling point.

The script must be 2-3 years old at least. Doubt it has much to do with Trump at all.

considering Get Out is trash and Logan is actually worth seeing, yes you should watch Logan.

That isn't enough for some people here. They want the entire cast to be white, like the "good ol days"

Why did 8 mutant kids surround Robothand and joined powers to kill him instead of helping wolverine fight his clone? Rocky was the only one who helped and just barely. Logan could've lived

>Walter White

Lol who made this?

Why is it trash?

Fuck drumpf

in the 90s every bad guy was a foreigner with a non-specific accent, le bad guy is actually the white businessman twist is tiring though

render unto caesar bitch

they're both good

get out will have more meme potential since you're

[X] black
[X] Sup Forums-posters

>leftists are usually proud atheists
>will use religion to virtue signal when necessary

>mexican police also bad guys
woah really makes me not think

>hero is a strong white traditionally masculine man

How do you explain that part though? If its propaganda why isn't xe a gender queer other kin?

Wolverine's character has always been a strong white traditionally masculine man. Now he's outclassed by a little Mexican girl and they killed him off for the sake of saving a nice little group of culturally diverse kids


That explains why my father wanted to see this so much

Really makes me think

You're just a fringe group of shitheads with no real power.

Ah I see thank you for opening my eyes user, truly I have become the red pill

how do we save Sup Forums

link or site? Someone give me a head start

This is.. this is ah, pretty accurate

your a cuck

We start by storming black gate archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/image/p28RKOir55zDAVbhSbJV_w/
Then we kill the Sup Forums cross posters who only complain about threads like this, but none of the other spam


>Heisenberg a villain

>hates when minorities are included
>hates when all the villains are white

cognitive dissonance much?

>Logan, Xavier and Calaban are all white

>whiteys die out of old age and illness
>whitey killed by young mestizos and coloureds
>whites in his limo portrayed as degenerates
>that fat black kid lmao
>future X-men are all mestizos and for some reason pure blacks I thought they used mexican chicks as wombs?
>Why didnt they just shoot the kids they didnt want or need them they were already killing them


>movie literally opens with Logan lopping the limbs off of cholos

lol shut the fuck up