This makes you formulate some thoughts
This makes you formulate some thoughts
Huh, truly inspires one to contemplate
Yes, why do American police both with arrests.
Why not just dismember them and dump them in the street like Mexican law enforcement?
eiii. that only happened like.. twice. Get off our backs!
>resist/chimp out on police
>get wrecked
dont really need a cartoon for this user
Hmm, this puts my views into question.
Someone post the pic of Dylan roof next to DC sniper with the bulletproof vests.
they already slipped off them
I can tell you're irritated OP
u mad bro?
Dylan Roof didn't resist arrest.
One of them got paid by anti-gun politicians to commit his crime
makes me hungry for a burger and a beating
Left: Went quietly with no resistance
Right: Tried to resist arrest like a fucking moronic chimpanzee
>I drew a picture so it must be real
This isn't accurate at all
>the black guy is still alive
Today I stopped being racist, what did you do /pol?
Dylan didn't do nothin, he a good boy
The white kid gave himself up.
wow.... thunk.
>Today I stopped being racist, what did you do /pol?
>German flag
Nice try.
Imma need credible evidence to ponder this forced thought
Wow electrochemical signals are being sent between neurons in my modula oblongada due to the appearance of this new information
This really gets my brain waves kicking
Dont you have some faggot meet up to organize
Why do niggers resist arrest even when it's literally impossible to get away?
it really gets my cruzmissile sizzling
Someone post the photo of the black sniper serial killer being peacefully arrested next to a similar photo of roof. I don't have it on me.
do I look like I live in Tokyo you fucking leaf
>do I look like I live in Tokyo
>resist arrest vs dont resist arrest
Yes actually
yes you do mr english teacher
>a fucking pole
>a fucking dot
>fucking fat
>tojo is madjo
I made fun of niggers on Vietnamese cooking forum. Time well spent.
Why are all the Americans in Japan such chronic shitposters?
I guess it's better than you guys being out and about and inflicting"personalities" on the locals.