Why aren't right wing people funny?
Why aren't right wing people funny?
they're not trying to mask anything.
funny people are the most depressed.
try again you """shill"""
They are, you just need to accept that laughing at other peoples misfortune is hilarious.
Nobody is funny in 2016 everybody that was funny died
rightwing values rely on fear
fear isnt funny
>left wing comedy
Cause they see the World as product of necessities, whereas Leftists see a World of opportunities.
Truth isn't funny
literally who?
They're not funny to you because you would get your feelings hurt if you heard right wing people joking around. All of my friends are right wing and they're funny as fuck when we're making fun of niggers and retards and gays
Mock the Week etc. are guilty of that but there are some fantastic comic creations and those behind them all seem to be left or left of centre.
wow your friends sound so cool and funny
Milo Yiannopolous.
a funny wop who never made it big because hes anti pc
He can be quite funny but his whole "Im a edgy alt-right faggot" thing will wear off
What did you say again?
Because you're a socialist
Left wing comedians aren't funny either
Sup Forums is pretty funny
Racism is funny as fuck you autist.
Last time we had, they claimed that 6 gorrillons died
lol, that sign in the background
>What's Sup Forums?
Literally the most underrated comedian of all time.
debate me
I like the fact he talked his way into a TED talk but he's just not very funny.
>Because you're a socialist
where did you get that idea from?
>Brits trying to tell others what's funny
Watch this it's fucking hilarious
have you seen any more of this? did they ever have leave people on the panel?
There are depressed right wingers
yh that was quite funny
sounds about right
It is when you embrace the absurd and the meaninglessness of existence.
>implying left wing people are
Joking about AIDS, 9/11, fucking, dicks, butts, semen, race baiting etc is not a "right-wing" thing
Sup Forums is funny as fuck
Leftists are the ones getting buttmangled over "micro agressions"
This. The reason you haven't heard about good right wing comedians is if they """dare""" to have non-pc you're too much of a risk to even touch
Pic another goat comedian
>inb4 who?
>Kill yourself
Because sense of humor is a positive personality trait and rightwingers have no positive personality traits.
John Cleese is vaguely RW
Gavin McInnes is funny.
good troll, shit comedian
It's actually because audiences don't agree with them, so they can't make a living at it.
when you have intellect, funniness is not necessary.
Also, Quinn has the absolute worst comedic timing in the history of "comedy".
say what you will about liberals like Bill Mahr, but at least he will bring people he disagrees with for an actual discussion like Ann Coulter
u wot m8
Funny requires a punchline. Watching right wing comics is like watching the Colbert Report and expecting the Daily Show. Unless there not being a punchline *is* the punchline, then it's not funny.
Is Bill Burr right wing? He's kind of funny.
>tray parker and matt stone
>not gigantic liberal retards
pick one
Leftist comedians are preachers and aren't really comedians.
Alex Jones is funny, unintentionally of course.
This, I don't even.. Colin Quinn is actually a comedian did very well with this common sense political standpoint, he has had two broadway shows you inbred.
>inb4 broadway lol
Cuck please ...
>Why aren't right wing people funny?
Only Jews believe they are funny.
Anyone who laughs about Amy Schumer jokes proves that Hitler was right!
>did they ever have leave people on the panel?
Of course fucking not.
There are plenty of comedians with conservative views, they just don't usually express those views because 1) they won't get work in uber liberal Hollywood; and 2) getting up on stage and saying "[conservative politician] is an idiot!" while the audience roars in laughter is a liberal phenomenon.
I laugh more at the stuff I read on this board from right wing/ alt right people than I laugh at the self deprecating stylings of lefty cuckmedians.
Amy Schumer is so fucking unfunny god damn. she and Sarah Silverman are fucking embarassing
Liberals will laugh at racist or sexist jokes if they're clever or funny. Most people will. Too often, though, conservative comedy is just ugly hate and anger and contempt disguised as comedy.
And why can't the right wing inspire good songwriters or decent musicians?
listen to Burzum
Joni Mitchell
Liberals rely on sarcasm and snark, the lowest forms of wit, for laughs.
Most great comedians are either centrist or apolitical.
A huge number of comedians aren't actually funny, regardless of their political beliefs.
You can't make fun of people who have no dignity.
They already buy plastic penises, dress like clowns, are fat and accept their mental illnesses.
Essentially this. My favorite comedians usually float around centrist or meme libertarian. All of them are against political correctness.
Yeah too bad most autist here feel "Centrist" means "Liberal communist anti white jew"
is he redpilled
Jesus Christ, I heard they actually gave this guy a TV show on Adult Swim, so I expected this video would raise at least a faint smile. But there is just NOTHING funny here. Just four flabby nerdy Sup Forumstards smirking and sniggering at what bad boys they are being while four ugly old whores they've bunged a few dollars to sit there mugging at the camera.
Someone needs to give this Hyde guy a reality check. He has ZERO comic talent.
The only thing I can say is the comedians I find the most enjoyable aren't usually the highest paid or the most known. Usually moderately famous.
The leftshit ones are usually the well known ones. I will give them that.
Probably because we have actual jobs.
Ah yes, France. The country with the most astute comedic senses.
I mainly come to Sup Forums because the right wing people here are hilarious. Funnier than most things I see on TV or in movies anyway.
They're not. Think of the funniest memes in the past few years, right wingers have been responsible for all of them. When left wingers try their hand at memes, they are fucking awful and lame as hell.
Left wingers are only considered more funny because they have more spotlight on dumb TV shows like John Oliver or John Stewart.
That's actually a good point. Some of the banter coming from here that leaps into social media is pretty top tier.
>John Oliver
He single handedly makes me want to nuke the UK. Their trash always finds an audience of leftshits in America.
I know, they should be funnier like John Oliver and Stephen Colbert XD
> Be left wing Comedian
> ITS 2016
Those eyes and that nose indicate sub equator or eastern ancestry within the last 4 or 5 generations.
Don't blame us for (((John Oliver))). He left England because we couldn't stand him.
Is it supposed to make my ears bleed?
My testicles drew up :(
Most comedians are liberal but almost all comedy is by nature conservative
Chris Morris must be far and away the best comic working in Britain today and - although he's hard to classify politically exactly - I think you have to conclude he is MUCH more red-pilled than blue-pilled.
I don't think I've ever heard a smug pompous self-righteous leftie so deftly eviscerated as Michael Moore is by Morris in this radio interview
The funniest thing about it, of course, is that Moore is too fucking dumb to get that Morris is taking the piss.
His movie about Islamist terrorists too, Four Lions, almost never lapses into the easy option that any other British comic would have taken: i.e.making the Muzzies look somehow sympathetic and the police and the government look evil and stupid. The jihadists are drawn as three-dimensional characters but definitely not as likeable or in any way admirable ones: two of them are actual retards; one of them (the white Cockney "convert") is a deeply unpleasant bully and sadist; and the British Pakistani ringleader (and his pretty wife) are in many ways the creepiest of all: normal, intelligent people who have consciously opted to follow a truly repulsive ideology of cold-blooded murder. Morris, unlike just about all of his colleagues in the British entertainment industry, gives a (very accurate) portrait of Islam as something as flesh-crawlingly creepy as the "casual parents" from his excellent TV show 'Jam':
case in point, a lefty getting butthurt by the very idea of right wingers joking around
they are, if you just mean every day people
"professional" and stand up comedy is run by the left, like most all mainstream media
You would of thought that there was some ruling that they'd have to have varying points of view. But if it's a comedy show rather than news it probably doesn't apply
Holy shit thanks for showing me that Michael Moore interview. I love Morris even more now.
>Left wingers are only considered more funny because they have more spotlight on dumb TV shows like John Oliver or John Stewart.
pretty much this. people want an echo chamber. ironically for me (and probably most here) humour goes hand in hand with discomfort, but lefties just want their opinions parroted back at them and a trump-like figure to laugh at for incredibly uncreative reasons
I'm British. But I have a fairly thorough knowledge of the indeed rich and subtle comedic and satirical traditions continuing in France, Germany and Italy today.
What is it, I wonder, that makes me suspect that you don't?
(Inb4 lol fuk u frogs int fanneh evrywun nahs zat n da fahkin Krahts evrywun nahs dey en ganna senza yooma innit?....please, just end yourself)
I agree. I'm a big fan of burr, Stanhope etc. But there doesn't seem to be anyone particularly successful who's on the right.
I literally said you have an astute comedic sense don't go all autist on me sunshine.
If you want to know which is funnier just ask yourself.
Which is funnier, Sup Forums or tumblr?
Leftists thrive in the "comedy" business because it is run by leftists. Most of it is just preaching and making the lefties feel better about themselves.
>left wing comedy
I mean, they're funnier than left-wingers. Watch Jim Jeffries, the dude will always end up preaching his uninformed views and totally kills the vibe of the entire special.