>twf in Romania
Twf in Romania
>tfw in Hungaria
>tfw in australia
>Tfw in America
>tfw American
>>tfw American
>tfw Wisconsinite
>tfw in Germany
>tfw in Germany
>tfw in denmark
It's I AM LEGEND in real life.
>tfw roo bait
>tfw i live on this planet.
>100% aryan
>tfw British
>tfw swedish
Go Pack!
Fuck Manitowoc
>tfw in ex-Hungary
>tfw swiss
>tfw swiss
>tfw our once perfect countries are now all crumbling like all empires once did
>"I met a traveller from an antique land..."
Every community is exposed to two opposite dangers: ossification through too much discipline and reverence for tradition, on the one hand; on the other hand, dissolution, or subjection to foreign conquest, through the growth of an individualism and personal independence that makes co-operation impossible. In general, important civilizations start with a rigid and superstitious system, gradually relaxed, and leading, at a certain stage, to a period of brilliant genius, while the good of the old tradition remains and the evil inherent in its dissolution has not yet developed. But as the evil unfolds, it leads to anarchy, thence, inevitably, to a new tyranny, producing a new synthesis secured by a new system of dogma.
-Bertrand Russell
Its the end of times, but for you the game was always over growing up in all those favelas
Hes wrong
>tfw french