Britain confirmed for second female prime minister:
Germany: Female Leader
UK: female leader
U.S.: soon to be female leader
This shit is turning into Game of Thrones.
>economy in tatters
>noone knows what to do next
>elect a female to run the country
More females = less wars
What do you mean by that
I don't watch game of thrones
oh god no please
As long as it isn't May.
May is the better option out of those
Big difference here is that the British women are there on merit rather than vote pandering. These 2 are literally the best 2 candidates of the people who put themselves forward.
I was too young to possibly know, did you guys initially distrust Thatcher when she was elected because she was a woman?
ngl lads, semi-regretting brexit now
I know it's only going to be bumpy for the short term and in the long term it was the right decision, it just feels a bit iffy right now though.
Do people actually believe this meme. Wars are fine. They break the tension and get things over with quickly. Women would probably just draw shit out for centuries and fuck everything up.
She got a lot of banter early on for her high pitched voice but that went away pretty quickly.
Can I cummy in mummy?
Pls no more May
Thatcher was a Yidd cuck just like Reagan.
yeah she wasn't liked for the first few years. North Sea oil and the Falklands is what saved her.
I agree with that, the other options look awful
Stephen Crabb looks like he's 23 for example
Don't really care about a female PM desu, we had one before and she was like a man anyway.
So it's either British Angela Merkel or badumptss... British Angela Merkel.
>RIP Britain.
Neither of them are anything like Merkel you meme spouting moron
>North Sea oil and the Falklands is what saved her.
So a lucky coincidence and beating a third world country without a navy is what saved her.
fuck off tomaz. Both potential Prime Ministers have to follow the Brexit mandate so you'll be seeing your Brothers much sooner.
What are cons and pros of each?
You're a yidd cuck; they were yidd co-conspirators.
>implying they are real women
>and not men in drag
Conservative female PMs: 2
Labour female PMs: 0
Leadsom is an angel.
May is Satan.
This isn't even an oversimplification.
Brexit has turned into a JUST so damn fast, people voted for it thinking they were going to get Boris and now they're getting a woman prime minister. Get ready for Angela Merkel 2.0 boys.
I really don't want may.
I might join the tories to vote for mummy.
Well either one is better than Merkel, though May is almost Merkel tier.
Andrea is nothing like Angela.
She's the most anti-refugee female MP there is.
reminder that mummy is based and will activate article 50 as soon as she gets elected
>you forgot sz instead of z (smugpepe.jpg)
Still in denial I see...
Honestly, just maybe Andrea Leadsom might be better, but she is a bankster, which means you will be total globalist elite cucks, and with that goes more immigration.
Leadsom maybe, May is an unholy Thatcher-Merkel hybrid. UK is fucked if they elect her.
Redpill me on both.
I'm pretty sure in their memoirs Nigel and Boris are going to admit Brexit was just for Bantz.
>ywn fuck mommy
You do know that the Pentagon did not want to go to war in Lybia because they exactly knew what kind of clusterfuck would happen.
And guess who overruled them? (Hint: that someone had a vagina and was bad with emails)
That's an inaccurate and sexist statement.
Anyone but May, she is evil.
Theresa May thinks its okay for governments to spy on citizens, supported censoring porn, wants to censor TV shows she finds "Not to the British public's interest".
She's Kim Jong Un with a pussy.
If we do elect her then I would trade her leaving and giving triple what we were giving to the EU beforehand if that's what it takes to get rid of her.
Merkel was also very competent. Competence is no guarantee that someone will not turn out to be very bad for a country. However, I am hopeful because your new pm voted leave.
This tits look bangin.
Gr8 B8 M8
more wars because they don't have to fight in them
you madman
No. It was because she was a total bitch. When they say we need women leaders cuz muh empathy and shit, it's balls. Women leaders are psychopath's. Only good thing she'd did was when the argues got BTFOd.
Teresa 'no fucking way' May
Anyone else feel bad for Gove? I think he's actually a good guy and an incredibly competent minister. He knew Boris would be a fucking catastrophe and did what was necessary.
I, for one, welcome our new female overlords.
100% of female conservative party leaders become prime ministers
Labour has had ZERO female party leaders
If lepen pass In France in 2017 and clinton pass in USA all the western "power" will be lead by female . Something has gone wrong .
fuck off, thatcher was a god tier PM, Leadsome was one of the best voices in the leave campaign.
No way. She will cancel Brexit.
and ban 4ch
You can't have peace without war.
>Germany: Female Leader
Invited men from the developing countries and destroyed the continent, mainly Germany
>UK: female leader
The UK has a female leader before. Here's the hint: Ran the office from 1979 to 1990, rekt Argentina during the Falklands War, died in 2013.
>U.S.: soon to be female leader
We have other good female alternatives. Any women but Clinton!
>post yfw the west is in auto self destruct mode.
What are you gonna do against countries with competent and ruthless leaders like russia,china,and iran?
>died in 2013
People had street parties when that happened. It's safe to say she wasn't popular with some groups of people.
is she a cuck or like thatcher
Yeah, but Scousers aren't people
Probably not
Overall she's a better person for PM
You're just thinking about 1 issue
My Irish friend was pretty stoked when she died.
> S T E A L T H R A R E
pretty fucking important issue
Thatcher was a bit of a shit, but I always found the irish reaction to her to be the oddest. She was probably the "best" PM to the taigs during the period of the troubles. Labour prime ministers were financing Loyalist death squads.
She's Orwellian and wants to censor the Internet.
stfu Stannis
Remember everyone Thatcher covered up the massive Pedophilia ring among high ranking British Politicians. Keep this in mind before you praise her.
Spud and Abbo
Hillary was literally the reason we went to war with the middle east
feminazi world
Leadsom seems like the sort of woman who'd delegate well.
Along with that, she has kids.
She won't do stuff that'll fuck over the country like merkel did.
I doubt it.
This is the woman who defied the EU to deport Abu Qatada.
Plenty of people on the remain side were doing so not out of love of the EU, but for short term stability.
>Where she stands on Brexit: Backed Remain campaign but says vote to come out must be respected. "Brexit means Brexit. The campaign was fought, the vote was held, turnout was high and the public gave their verdict. There must be no attempts to remain inside the EU, no attempts to rejoin it through the back door and no second referendum." Mrs May also said there should be no general election before 2020 and no "emergency" Brexit budget - and that she would abandon the target of eliminating Britain's Budget deficit by the end of the decade - a day before the chancellor himself abandoned it.
>a Tory and a woman
Are nationalists using women leaders to make more women vote for them?
Women used to vote in the majority for the Tories in the UK until the 90s
But they've all bought the feminist shite now
UK Aunts are based
RIP aunt Thatcher
still it can bring more numbers and confuse some softer feminists kek
They're going about it the wrong way. If they want women to vote for them just have a Chad run.
May on Islam?
May on Socialism?
May on freedom of speech?
anyone know?
>Sharia is good for Britons
t. May