How painful would this be?
How painful would this be?
it probably came as a relief given the context of what was happening to him at the time
You probably wouldn't feel it, you'd just die
>Sorry Alt Right nazi boy, minorities have a future in America
What did anti-Raimi mean by this?
haha this bald guy looks like a devil now haha look at him
Not very. If it's sharp enough to pass through bone you'll be dead before you're able to feel it.
Who the fuck signs up for a task force to kill people with super powers
You're just going to die horribly
If you're lucky. Unfortunately the human body doesnt always allow you that dignity.
They must get really good benefits
yeah those transigen mercs honestly had no sense of self perservation
What about that guy who jumped off his motorcycle onto the back of Wolverline's limo in that chase scene in the desert, he just gets clawed through the face
What was he expecting to happen?
In every X-movie there's been weapons developed specifically for neutralizing mutants
In Logan they completely neglect those and go back to using bullets
He was trying to get to Valhalla
u u u u
I just got the sense that they were no threat whatsoever. I'm not even sure why the kids were running from them in the end. Whenever they actually fought back they just wasted them.
and its a real shame because they looked really interesting. when i first saw the trailer and all those prosthetic limbs i thought, oh these are people that regularly deal with mutants, their experienced and hardened, they've all lost limbs and more from dealing with exotic mutant powers so they're gonna be a real threat. plus they looking really really cool. but nah, their just useless goons.
Most of the kids didn't have hax healing powers so a bullet would've taken them out
That's not accurate. Brain trauma doesn't always mean insta-death. Especially if the damage come from sharp thin blade, it would've likely felt like the absolute worst, searing headache until he blacks out from brain hemorrhage.
6% painful i reckon
This was the most violent movie in almost 10 years
>american education
If I was to suicide by gunshot to the head could that potentially be more painful than the wolverine pic?
To be fair, Logan was always immune to those
It would be a split second of unimaginable pain and then everything is nothing
Citation: my ass
A bullet would do more damage, exploding inside your head etc. Wolverine's claws are basically scalpels.
fuck no. you'd be gone before you had time to process anything.
It would be extremely painful.
>it would've likely felt like the absolute worst, searing headache
The brain doesn't have nerve endings that can sense touch. If your brain was somehow exposed you could poke it with your finger and not feel a thing. Any brain trauma wouldn't be felt as pain, it would just be more like all of a sudden purplebEEBbeel, &%9hel FUC}K b00bie poops, and then everything smells like yellow daydreams.
But what about their bonus situation?
>purplebEEBbeel, &%9hel FUC}K b00bie poops
Not gonna lie, this made me laugh.
Depends on what part of the brain got skewered. But considering that he completely missed the brain stem, I imagine that it would be incredibly painful. That guy is going to die a slow, painful death from blood loss.
He's a big guy.
This. If you want certain Insta death, shoot yourself in the heart, you'll be passed out then dead in seconds
Probably because most if no all other mutants are already dead or old and sickly as fuck they just don't see the need anymore
any torrents out yet?
If even you survived, you wouldn't feel anything that kind of brain trauma turns you into a vegetable if it doesnt outright kill you. Even people wha have survived with knives sticking out of their heads dont feel much I'm sure.
shut the fuck up
>logans copy cutting off that guys head
>it falls to the ground and you see his eyes roll back
...why are you asking, user?
You wouldn't feel it
>That's a lotta loyalty for a hired gun
>Or maybe he's just wondering why you would shoot a man with healing factor.
Considering his hands aren't moving as fast as, say, a bullet. You would still have plenty of time to feel his claws sliding into the soft flesh under your chin, impaling your tongue and pinning your lower jaw to the upper before he got into your brain.
No, it would be extremely painful until you lost blood supply to your brain. You'd feel very intense pain from the insertion into the neck and through the throat.
The brain doesnt feel pain. It would probably feel like getting hit in the forhead, but you're dead before the feel actually goes through.
If you fully explode the heart maybe you're dead in 10 seconds, but the only true instant death is CNS destruction. Bullet to the brain stem, instant light switch turn off. No time for anything to happen.
As for OP, I think it would be pretty painless. He's taken 3 blades that are each like .25" thick and 2" wide to the brain.
He was probably in more pain from Xavier's defense.
>it would be extremely painful
4 U
>I'm paralyzed experiencing a mild migraine
>yeah sure I'll take claws up my head to end it all
Would brain stem really mean instant loss of consciousness? It just means you can't control breathing, heart beat, etc. Your brain will still have residual oxygen to operate off of for a few seconds. Wouldn't you want to destroy the prefrontal cortex instead? The actual body might take longer to die but your consciousness is already destroyed.
Hah, now it's 5 you memers
he was expecting it to be a mildly entertaining set piece in a capeshit movie
>i wasnt educated in america thus i know exactly how it would feel to get stabbed through the brain by 3 knives
Wew lad
Depends. If he got you in the most delicate spot, not at all because you'd likely die almost instantly, but there have been people who accidentally got a big knife 4 inches into their skull and are still conscious when they get to the hospital. It's not pretty. Anyway Wolverine would probably go for an instant killing blow anyway.
That's the god damn truth. And they had the biggest balls on the planet. At the beginning, when Jackman whips those motorcycle dudes off of their bikes by sideswiping them with a barbed-wire fence he's dragging behind his car, one of them--instead of rolling off or something--rights himself, steadies himself on the fucking pile of barbed wire he's being dragged by, and *continues firing into the vehicle*.
What in the fuck, give that man a raise.
Post your face when Logan running through the forest