In a perfect world

In a perfect world...

Burger knows nothing, this is turkroach level shitposting.


Only if the roman empire had actually succeeded. With the germs sold on the town square and america still in the hands of the natives.



>European states are just like american states

When will this meme end?


Wait. You guys actually like Central Asia?

Please don't let OP fool you. Though it may seem like it sometimes, we're not all monumentally retarded.

t. Eurosceptic American

What do you mean YOU guys? He's a burger.
Also, everyone knows Central Asia it's still russian clay, if not officially, at least de facto.


nobody is enough of a retard to actually want that piece of shit """"clay"""" it's pure radiation and lead poisoning

Not even we do we just pretend

In a perfect world there is no EU union.

So basically Russian Empire.

You best be joking.
might actually be serious

I've seen a lot of amerifat pushing for USE, fuck them

>it's pure radiation and lead poisoning

It is because we are so mongrelized and there is no country for mongrels

>eu union
you super mega genius

fuck off retard

Dam you're fucking stupid.


There are only countries for mongrels I am mixed race.

Unfortunately it's true. I used to support it to, because I had no idea that it would be nothing like the USA, and I didn't recognize the importance of national identity for those countries.

The only reason the USA works the way it does it because the states were formed as they were entered into the union. The USA would never have formed if the states had existed for hundreds of years prior to their creation. A USE would never form, and the EU would never be a good host for such a formation. Their government is corrupt already, before they've even started.