Other urls found in this thread:
a bit early but good job on the simple OP
*reward pat*
fuck americans and their obsession with autism, the word doesn't mean anything anymore because of these retards tendency to force it everywhere and label every kind of behavior beyond their understanding as autistic. Autismocosmovision that should be a word to qualify american sons of bitches
Hello /MENA/. I have reason to believe that Libanon has been kidnapped by you guys. Release him to Sverigetråden please. I have included a picture of him.
>every day is Ashura, every land is Karbala
i'm so sick can't really do anything, sadly.
Hey, are you feeling good today?
Shut the fuck up and do my laundry
You're my favourite in this thread y'know it, shia bro?
no I feel like pure garbage
the reason is also economical since welfare is fucked up and entire categories of students try to fake it to either get access adhd medication or benefit. A huge pharmaceutic industry enabling massive scale retardation and confusion to expand market for their cocaine derivative medicine.
americans = sons of bitches
you are never satisfied
What do you think about doing sports? Like just going for a 30 minutes run for example?
lmao didn't read
>You're my favourite in this thread y'know it, shia bro?
appreciate it mate, thanks
Shut up pussy
Le gf
oh you have better posts up your sleeve, fell free to share bitch come on speak up bring the quality posting mister "I am judgmental" go enlighten us fag ass nigger. I will keep going until you bid higher
went for a run and a hour and half of football today, still feel empty
I ant sunni versions of islamic bandanas & sweatshirts :(
I swear I'm getting shiafied
On Ashura in Morocco kids fight with water guns/baloons and firecrackers
embrace the truth my friend.
we have sick songs and temporary marriages.
got many shias there or do sunnis celebrrate Ashura to there?
come on bitch we're getting bored over here, better hurry cause I have a 6k words long multipart post cooking in the oven. better act quick
Morocco has a few hundred shias but they're all foreigners (iraqis/syrians/other shia places)
Ashura is different here, I don't think its on the same date as shia ashura
Sorry I should have known my place
I will leave now
I am gay and don't deserve to post here
إِنَّ مَعَ ٱلْعُسْرِ يُسْرًا
فَإِذَا فَرَغْتَ فَٱنصَبْ
no please stay
you don't enjoy shit like going for a walk during when the sut is setting with some chill music? try it
>tfw no cute shia waifu to cut with
that's what I thought bitch
lower your stare when I'm in the room
sorry don't speak squiglies
pls stay clogbro
you know you permanently damage your brain doing this every year ? and this country wants nuclear sufficiency....
It was pleasant for white pigs to die on this terrorism.
Because white races are only people with schizophrenia.
What did they do?
Let's beat up white ppl desu
Come on bro We all know you're too much of a pussy.Cutting yourself for some dumb sandnigger who got stabbed is stupid anyway
Remember when my country sunk 90% of the Japanese navy, decimated the Japanese army, destroyed most cities with fire bombs, killed ~1 million civilians, nuked two of your cities, and then occupied your country for a decade?
>post infrograph about muh ashoura nadb media propaganda
>proceeds to post pershitters drowning in their own blood
hit themselves in the head with sharp weapons to reach a state of high from blood loss induced delirium in the brain. this kids talks mad nonsense all the time
Shut up ugly terrone
For indeed, with hardship will be ease
Verily, with hardship will be ease
the pedo gook got his personas all messed up again
>Come on bro We all know you're too much of a pussy
sadly this. mom doesn't let me anyway, she said she'll beat me if she finds out i cut myself.....
anyway i'm to sick to do anything.
>dumb sandnigger
>The 3rd Imam and the Prophets grandchild
>dumb sandnigger
i'll pray for you.
it's not that deep.
kys yourself
911 pilot was lebanese
how does that make you feel?
So, I'm saying that.
White race is crazy.
come on, don't accuse me of being the gook.
Wait you lot stab yourself as part of the religion?
That's insane tbqh
He looks iranian
t. Guangli Xuanji Zedong
Does that mean we get to bomb Iran :D
tears coming out of my green eyes
self flagelation is common among some Shias. though donating blood has become more popular in the last years.
Ok i laughed good job
Why Muslims call Satan, Satan. But call God, Allah?
It's just the arabic name for God.
it's pretty cringy though i admit it, i myself use ''God'' when speaking in english.
Allah means "The God" in Arabic, it's just the arabic translation and since it's like that in the Quran well...
do I need to remind you guys how handsome I am?
Allah is Arabic for God.
The Maltese say Alla even though they're Christian.
Middle Eastern Christians pray to Allah.
should've known op would attract amerifats,,, oops
Because you anglos adopted the semitic word for satan "satan" arabic : "shaytan" but didn't adopt the semitic word for god "alohim" arabic : "allah"
>diaspo niggers absolutely clueless and about mena things
Colour me indigo with surprise
5% shame desu... Also what do you think of the french flag you're me?____?
yes please
people like you never die peacefully, act cocky while you can nigger
*saying you're me
Ehem ehem
The Muslims prefer calling the Supreme Creator, Allah, instead of by the English word ‘God’. The Arabic word, ‘Allah’, is pure and unique, unlike the English word ‘God’, which can be played around with.
>If you add ‘s’ to the word God, it becomes ‘Gods’, that is the plural of God.
>Allah is one and singular, there is no plural of Allah. If you add ‘dess’ to the word God, it becomes ‘Goddess’ that is a female God.
>There is nothing like male Allah. Allah has no gender. If you add the word ‘father’ to ‘God’ it becomes ‘God-father’.
>God-father means someone who is a guardian.
>There is no word like ‘Allah-Abba’ or ‘Allah-father’.
> If you add the word ‘mother’ to ‘God’, it becomes ‘God-mother’. There is nothing like ‘Allah-Ammi’, or ‘Allah-mother’ in Islam.
Allah is a unique word.
> If you prefix tin before the word God, it becomes tin-God i.e., fake God.
Allah is a unique word, which does not conjure up any mental picture nor can it be played around with. Therefore the Muslims prefer using the Arabic word ‘Allah’ for the Almighty.
Even christians here say Allah
I dunno. Are you? Without a photo, we can only guess. You just might be.
God capitalized is the Abrahamic god.
You also capitalize any word when you're referring to Him in English.
"Jesus is His son."
"And on the seventh day, He rested."
Any known referring to God is a proper known.
>wrote known instead of noun not once but twice
I'm sorry you had to see this, /mena/
I sent a pic of me like 5 threads ago but now I'm afraid that you'll be rude with me and that I'll end up crying
Do it again
it's just that english is pretty stupid. even in romanian this makes more sense
''god'' can be translated into ''zeu'' or ''Dumnezeu''
''zeu'' is speaking of pegan gods.. Zeus/jupiter....etc
''Dumnezeu'' means THE 1 Abrahamic God
''Dumnezeu'' is also gender neutral in romanian, and you can't really add ''mother/father'' to it
english is just to retarded.
what a wide vocabulary
Stop stalling bitch
>it's just that english is pretty stupid.
dumb frogposter
wait for it
God is simply a sound we make and a title we give to something we believe in. I don't think it is wise to reduce God to a sound.
The Quran points out that God created all languages; this means that we can address God in whichever language we speak. Never did God say we MUST call Him Allah in the Quran:
[30:22] Among His proofs are the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the variations in your languages and your colors. In these, there are signs for the knowledgeable.
Also, the Quran says that we can call God with the most beautiful names, it is not limited whatsoever:
[17:110] Say, "Call Him GOD, or call Him Most Gracious; whichever name you use, to Him belongs the best names." ...
[7:180] To GOD belongs the most beautiful names; call upon Him therewith, and disregard those who distort His names. They will be requited for their sins.
99 names were mentioned in the quran as other names of God btw.
it is to me. don't hate it, but it's way to simplistic. Romanian is much better.
didn't ment this as an insult so don't jump like an idiot.
those who will say "DSLs" should stfu
English is a parasitic language, it takes words from other languages. English has words whose roots are in Latin, Greek, Arabic German, Spanish, French and the various languages spoken by the tribes of Britain(Old English and Middle English). English is the the current Lingua Franca(world language) meaning it trades words from languages all over the world, and the spelling rules from all the different languages. So they have to make it as elastic as possible to add to it
Would let you suck my aryan cock
Went from ashura to asharram
Timestamp. Also be my boyfriend
just put a wig, khomeini said traps are not gay.
thanks for the you
wow you look just like me except less handsome
you look like a kabyle, verily, you have the classical kabyle face minus the green eyes