Be american

>be american
>stub toe
>lose house

>be american
>get paper cut
>lose car

>be paki
>cut shit smothered feet on broken glass from cousins house blown up by imperialist pig
>get infected

>Be baki
>Born Black

>Be american
>be daddy~~~~~

Why are mad american posts so unfunny

Iunno what you're talking about it's fucking funny

t. Medpack

Its funny seeing them sperg out over shitposts

Das rite!

Im sorry for your loss, Im asian btw : D

You have one the genetic scratch card while I have won the genetic lottery

Which scratch?
You know Finnics aint asian neither europeans, we are such rare race as australoids

The scratcg card of the genetics, you were lucky to be born finngolian, khan blood runs through you. Embrace your heritage

>be murican
>be done with high school
>can decide between flipping burgers for 7$/hour or drown myself in crippling debts in university

But it doesnt run on our bloods, We are just Finnics. Simply Northern Eurasians natives.
Genghis Khan might been finnic but Mongol horde never reached even lake ladoga.

Which one is finnland?

freedom ain't free

Everything, even slightest blue

You know why theres spot between Finlands and Russians Dark blue?

Why isnt pakistan India yet?


Fuck communism

tell me


Communism, Stalin swapped tens of thousands Finnic natives from that area to siberia and Ukraine to mixture peoples.

Without communism it would be dark blue bridge from Nordics to Bering sea

Reminder, we are minority too.
But noone cares since that minority is most blue eyed and blond haired in the world

Make more babies

Thanks Paki, and sorry what i said before.
You would want to save Pakistani race too?