What are some movies about Individual achievement?
What are some movies about Individual achievement?
Citizen kane.
There Will Be Blood
Atlas Shrugged
Star Wars Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith
Lord of War.
Please don't watch this read the book instead.
Please don't read this establish a railroad company and fight government regulation instead
just look at all that tonality. thats why film is king and digital is for drooling retards.
digibaby detected.
back to your spiderman 8 sweetie
Please don't attempt this. Sit around and post memes on Sup Forums instead
Not trying to establish a monopoly on the steel market and then collapsing due to your own black and white moral code. Never making it senpai.
>tfw you realize you're Hank Rearden
i don't know this movie fuck off????
I regrest creating this thread
postin in film appreciation thread.
well, have a nap
OP I'm the same user that suggested for you to not watch the movie version of Atlas Shrugged and I still strongly recommend in following that advice it's terrible and doesn't do the book justice.
The rest are fine suggestions though.
Breh. Just read the book it'll broaden your horizons.
Taxi Driver
read the fountainhead and her essays while you're at it. take the randpill.
That's offtopic, user.
we're reaching autism levels that shouldn't even be possible!
This might be strange, but I'm literally an Objectivist.
So no, you don't have to tell me all that.
And I only watched the first movie, skipped th enext two. The Fountainhead was great, buit the best thing was a play of Anthem that I once attended.
>This might be strange, but I'm literally an Objectivist.
gay retard
>"individual achievement"
>posts picture of a wage slave working for a robber barren
goy godard.
the achievement is the photo itself. not the slave depicted in it.
the fountainhead
You mean a guy in a strong union making a really good living?
die wille zur macht
If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable world system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you've got a business – you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn't get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.
The point is, is that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together. There are some things, just like fighting fires, we don't do on our own. I mean, imagine if everybody had their own fire service. That would be a hard way to organize fighting fires.
don't establish a railroad company
collect welfare instead
This is so embarrassing. Can't believe he said that. Someone really should have stopped him before he went up there.
I remember when I used to smoke weed.
Why does the insane left like to lie and distort so goddamn much?
>platitudes that seem very important at the moment
>collect welfare instead
that you paid into
inb4 "lol you hate taxes so taking it is hypocritical lol"
So is stealing your own property form a theif wrong? So, in your view, justice is a non-concept.
There Will Be Blood
Black Swan
Five Easy Pieces (somewhat)
Camera Buff
This. People are to be exploited if you want to succeed.
the left are unethical, immoral, lying prevaricators who won't stop lying
and when that doesn't work they commit violence
>he doesn't know the difference between SSI and welfare
oopsies! wittle baby made a err err!
what kid rand collect
Oh shit I forgot all about whiplash, such a good fucking movie.
Pic very unrelated
Whiplash was pretty good when I saw it but desu I don't have the desire to ever watch it again.
Prove it was SSI.
did you REALLY have to insert this
Sup Forums automatically corrects t . b . h . into desu and I don't really give a shit
How long have you been gone?
try typing
t b h
f a m
s m h
I haven't tried baka yet. Time to find out.
atlas shrugged is a poor piece of writing desu senpai
fountainhead gets the same ideas across and is a much better read
>atlas shrugged is a poor piece of writing desu senpai
You just didn't get it.
>atlas shrugged is poor writing
stop this meme. it's unfounded bias by people who don't agree with the themes. the writing itself is not especially bad in comparison to american works of it's time.
>She sat listening to the music. It was a symphony of triumph. The notes flowed up, they spoke of rising and they were the rising itself, they were the essence and the form of upward motion, they seemed to embody every human act and thought that had ascent as its motive. It was a sunburst of sound, breaking out of hiding and spreading open. It had the freedom of release and the tension of purpose. It swept space clean, and left nothing but the joy of an unobstructed effort. Only a faint echo within the sounds spoke of that from which the music had escaped, but spoke in laughing astonishment at the discovery that there was no ugliness or pain, and there never had to be. It was the song of an immense deliverance.
I think that this is great writing. Why does everyone say that Ayn Rand is not a good writer?
bruh, i definitely got it. it's literally the exact same themes as the fountainhead.
it's a simple book anyway, don't act like its gravity's rainbow or something
i actually agree with most of the themes, i just think her writing is really cringe in atlas shrugged. parts of the book are brilliant - the monologues are great and your passage is good too. parts of the book are just a cringe fest, however. you can't honestly tell me that you think Ragnar Danneskjöld the pirate isn't a stupid fucking character.
not that user but dude i fucking love ragnar
>it's literally the exact same themes as the fountainhead
lmao no
>Ragnar Danneskjöld the pirate isn't a stupid fucking character.
he's not, though.
This thread inspired me to reread Atlas Shrugged and apply for EBT
Can you imagine how fucking terrifying it must have been to work on the first skyscrapers? One slip and you're in for a loooong fall.
>individual achievement.
>sits on top of a building constructed by thousands of other people.
lel ayn rands fags should be gassed for severe retardation
what a racist picture, everyone knows that slaves build america
Just watch The Men Who Built America, literal achieviement kino
leftards can't into context.
I guess you're technically right.
He never said good movies.
What I dont understand is why Ann Rand liked Victor Hugo when Victor Hugo was a Christian communist
It's Ayn Rand, and she only liked him as a writer and the fact that he did not show his characters as helpless, but heroic. She did disagree with him on everything else (and stated that explicitly) but said that he was her favorite writer purely for his skill and the sense of life of his characters/
Pretty sure it's Ann Rand but thank's for the explanation
not actually a real picture btw
>Pretty sure it's Ann Rand but thank's for the explanation
It's actually not.
Just play Bioshock.
This picture looks like his legs were crushed between those two rails and now he's just sitting there, patiently waiting for his death.
Bioshock isn't relevant and isn't about Objecitivsm.
Pretty sure it is but thank's for the recommendation.
No one cares that it's staged. They still have balls of steel.
lel i'm not reading a wordpress blog
The Shining
There Will be Blood
*not psycopathy
Nightcrawler is Objectivist as fuck