Should we disarm the police?
We should repeal the 14th Amendment and disarm former slaves.
Should we disarm thugs ?
Well, i think its not really necessary to have average cops walking around with fucking uzi's and G36's like its happening right
But they should have handguns and special forces also should be equipted with modern firearms
>*right now
No. Cop has the right to go home to his family at the end of the day. If he fucks up with his gun then hold him accountable.
Disarm police
No more police to handle crime, only tickets and traffic
Army called in instead
How armed are police in Germany?
I'd love to disarm them and leave their tender little pork filled asses at the hands of Tyrone and his hi-point. BRB gonna go rub one out to the thought of that
wew lad
Abolish the Police and enact RWDS
Yes, you should disarm your police.
Yea why not?
we shouldn't even bother with police. just use your gun against people that try to victimize you. you carry a gun, right?
Only if we let the army do the police work.
Less feelings, more rules and repression.
Yes, what could go wrong?
Usually just with some lubricant and a text book with 6 million reasons why we should feel sorry.
sure, disarm the police, see how all the liberals like it :)
I'm fine with militarized police. One of the drawbacks of having the 2nd Amendment means that the average cop has to be equipped to deal with citizens and criminals being armed. The trade off having cops being heavily armed as long as I can be heavily armed as well is one I'm willing to make.
>Disarm Police
>Disarm Military
>Disarm upstanding Citizen
>Only Nigger Thugs have guns
Nein, das muss man jetzt differenziert betrachten.