Card carrying republican gets shot

>card carrying republican gets shot
>he actually didn't do anything wrong
>Sup Forums still spergs out because he's black

Sup Forums is and has always been hypocritical and filled with cognitive dissonance

Yeah, it's pretty shitty, unlike Alton, this guy didn't deserve to get blasted.

What is your point, OP?
Did you think you were on a real discussion board?

I'll be using his death to make some pro gun cases in comiefornia.

that being said, all I've seen about this guy is posts like OP. I haven't read one thread that sperged and said he deserved it, unlike Mr mixtape pedophile.

Sup Forums and SJWs are two sides of the same coin. Edgy loser millenials with low social standing, and no thinking.

One group of idiots found tumblr/reddit and adopted their culture. One group of idiots found Sup Forums and adopted this culture. Now they both believe in things that they never thought of themselves.

Idiots. It's all just fucking idiots. They ruined the internet

actually he did do something wrong, he just shouldn't have been shot for it. it looks like the officer also made a mistake, and will be penalized.

two small mistakes can equal one dead guy. that's life. it isn't fair. if this is the first time you're realizing it, welcome to adolescence

>implying Sup Forumsacks are republicans
Nu/pol/ needs to be gassed.

What are you talking about? I've always hated blacks. Republicoon or not.

>muh sjws and alt-right are the same

Of course you do. Everyone does

>Sup Forums will say the guy deserves it for being black
>Sup Forums will also say that Black Lives Matter does not have a point


He deserved it for being a stupid nigger

LOL! All white Knights are sjws. They just think their form of social justice is superior.
Big egos.

Only the edgy faggots are sperging out. I still think Blacks commit way too much crime and they're less intelligent and prone to violent behavior, but from the looks of that Minnesota dude's shooting he was probably just reaching for his wallet because the cop told him to get his ID, and the cop hauled off and shot him because he forgot he had just asked him.

Questions I'm wondering: did the dude tell the cop he was a concealed carrier? If not, and he just started reaching for the same general vicinity where he kept his gun, and the cop just saw a gun, well... this sounds like a tragedy, and a reason why concealed carriers need some training so they know how to observe basic courtesies like this.

I'm inclined to believe the woman's version of events over the amped up cop's. This wouldn't be the first time a cop told someone to get their ID and then blasted them for it. There was a shooting in South Carolina with some Black teen on a traffic stop who dove back in his car after the cop asked him for ID, and then the cop shot him up for it. That cop was charged with aggravated battery (the kid lived), and rightfully so.

I'm leaning more toward the cop fucked up on this one.

This is the internet. Its mob rule user itll never be under control.

Honestly waiting to see what they find out with that one. Will not be happy with a law abiding citizen getting shot for his concealed carry if he did nothing wrong.

>I still think Blacks commit way too much crime and they're less intelligent and prone to violent behavior

I kind of wonder about the cause for this, a theory I've heard is that in places like Detroit, they're all poor, so they all drive shitty old cars running on leaded gasoline, spewing out lead fumes, and when industry was still there, there was other lead fumes and pollutants as well.
Then you look at other places in Michigan, Flint, famously, where the water supply is poisoned with lead (and in some native reservations, where the water is even worse than Flint)

Thing is, it's well known that lead poisoning makes you dumb and violent, could this be one of the contributing reasons for black violence? I mean, imagine you're poor, but you're also suffering the effects of long term lead poisoning, what kind of person would you be?

If we look at the US in general, didn't the violence rates overall start to drop sometime during the 70's, as people moved away from leaded gasoline?

Does this sound plausible at all to any of you guys, at least in a contributing way?

>We alt-right now

No you're just an edgy faggot, the same way SJWs give themselves different genders you faggots give yourselves different political backgrounds

>Now I'm a nationalist
>Now I'm a white supremacist
>Now I'm alt-right

>Black guy gets shot
>Our form of social justice is superior

You are two sides of the same cancer

He did tell the cop he had his gun and papers for it.

Cop was in the wrong imo

Nah, half of Sup Forums is being racist, the other half actually look at the situation objectively and realize the shooting of Philando Castile was police misconduct; while realizing that Alton Sterling was a justified shooting.

While that's true, there are many examples of places where niggers/abbos/arabs act out without the influence of significant toxins in the environment. In the end, I bet it's probably a protein expression issue that could potentially be treated with gene therapy in the future, but in the current hyper-PC climate research on this subject would be considered too racist to be published. Perhaps China can carry this out in their colonies in Africa though.

>I kind of wonder about the cause for this

Because they're Black. They have poor impulse control, higher rates of aggression due to increased testosterone, and shit like that. They also naturally have lower intelligence, and in a capitalist society that places a value on intelligence, they're automatically relegated to the lowest classes by birth. They have a lot of animosity toward Whites because we HAVE been protective of our class status, but at the same time, other immigrants have been able to leapfrog past Blacks and reap the fruits of the American Dream, because Blacks can't compete.

I don't think it's leaded gasoline. Maybe that played a small part of it, but I think we just spend more time watching TV and minding our own business than we used to.

These days spergs are more in tune with their feelings that normies.

Go back to where you came from.

Did he, though? How do we know this? I can't remember if she said he did. If his girlfriend said this during her Facebook streaming video, then I'm inclined to believe her. If this is something that people just started saying happened then no, I won't just believe it because it furthers the narrative.

She did

The gook dun goofed

The simple fact is that non whites should not have the ability to bear arms.


The founders never intended for their farm equipment to bear arms.

but he is actually a democrat


The bill of rights only applies to man.

He followed by reaching for his wallet. That is where is he wrong. Neither followed procedure


We need a video to see if what his girlfriend says is true.

>the current year +1
>still using the Sup Forums is one person argument

I disagree, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed, says so in plain and clear text.

Then you'll have to address the 13th Amendment, among other things.