Catholics make fun of Protestants for taking most of the Bible literally

>Catholics make fun of Protestants for taking most of the Bible literally
>somehow the story of Jesus isn't symbolic
So what stories are literal and which are symbolic?

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Everything in Mark is literal besides the miracles which are actually exaggerations based on something true. Luke and Matthew are based in Mark, making them the three synoptic gospels. Added fun, Mark was written before the destruction of the temple and still includes a prophecy of Jesus saying it would be destroyed, but it was possible he was just shitty and saying it in passing.

John is where you'll find the most of the symbolism. You should laugh at people who said Jesus could do everything in John, especially when it was written 100-200 years after the fact by Gnostics.

If you take a bible studies class, they'll tell you ancient Jewish audiences not just expected exaggerations in stories, but compensated for it. Goliath wasn't 12 foot, although he could have been exactly half what it's said in the bible. Methuselah wasn't ~950, but he could have been 95.

those with cherries in, obviously

There is literally nothing wrong with cherry picking religion at all in the slightest, that's almost a straw man atheists use to pretend theists have a weak faith.

strawman? I'm confused, what's the actual argument here

The Bible contains poems, mythology, prayers, hymns, and even relatively straightforward history. It can be analyzed like any other piece of literature

catholic here
this is Mark 13:34:

New American Standard Bible (Modern English Catholic translation)
>All these things Jesus spoke to the crowds in parables, and He did not speak to them without a parable.

King James Bible (Classic Anglican Protestant translation):
>All these things spake Jesus unto the multitude in parables; and without a parable spake he not unto them

It's fairly evident that Jesus's stories, like the good Samaritan, didn't happen but were made to teach people good morals.

That's why you shouldn't take everything literal in the new testament.

it's all jewish lies
the entire bible is based on the KIKE holy book
filthy jew-worshiping Christkikes

My argument is that even implying cherry picking you're setting your opponent up to be attacked by the canned arguments that only work if said opponent takes the entire scripture literally.

>he even used a Mark quote
I like you.

It's sad that some people will look at what you say and for some strange reason accept it blindly, along the other thousand, yearly theories about what the gospels really (this time really!) are.

It's sad that you're incapable of forming an argument without sophistry.

Bible is metaphor
Metaphor doesn't have to be taken literal, it contains a lot of comparisons.
To understand metaphor you have understand that it has layers.

Take creation of the world as a example:
It says that God created world in seven days in a particular order.
This could be a fairy tale for a children, because we all know that at least it didn't take day between animals and human came into existence. It took a lot more
But then order of what came into existence is correct.

Bible is a fairly tale that need to be taken with heart, not mind. It is to guide humans, not tell them everything

Depends on the year
Political climate
And education level

The bible is always morphed to fit the narrative of who is reading it
That is why it is corrupt

Let me understand.

>A number of faggots change the laws and shit on the bible, and then, since shit is not happening like it should, you shouldn't take the bible seriously at all and instead you are to make up bullshit on the go that's mildly related to what was mentioned to you.

This is totally a manual to become a lying son of the devil, is it not?


Proto-Communists need not apply.

>That is why it is corrupt

That is why the people who read it are corrupt. The Bible doesn't change itself, people change it.

How else you gonna get thousands protestant denominations otherwise?

Pro-tip: God is actually an idealized version of yourself, and when you became conscious, you created the heavens and the earth

Jesus is your faculties of empathy becoming conscious, which you tried to deny by putting them to death. Luckily, when you pass into the abyss of a grave, your faculties of empathy come back from the dead

I've never understood the fascination of papists with how many Christian churches have different names.

They all believe the same things.

The smart ones know how evil the Vatican is; the dumb ones don't.

>I've never understood the fascination of papists with how many Christian churches have different names.
>They all believe the same things.

>>They all believe the same things.

They don't.

>They all believe the same things.
sure they do
Christ The Kike is their leader
He's Jewed them hard

There were a saint that wrote about it when Rome was still a thing.

I don't remember who though.

My preferite part about christianity is saint christopher that eastern cults draw him with a dog head.

>They all believe the same things.

If it was true, there wouldnt be necessary só many sects.

Plus, if you do not know the difference between the most basic protestant denomination, you're retarded.

>Der Sturmer

Streicher was a piece of shit that was hated by everyone in the Reich except himself, that's why Hitler took away all his regional authority.

that's the beauty of being crazy, you don't know what's real and what's fake