Who won?


the jews

They always fucking win...

What year is this?

Don't know who the other guy is but Bill Nye is a fucking fraud

Shill Nye the meme guy won this one.

Ken Ham won for getting Bill Nye to stoop down to his level.

I can't believe Bill Nye had as much trouble as he did, it was fairly entertaining for

Didn't watch it. The only impression I had at the time people were discussing it was Ken Ham made the point several times that we're relying on the bible for information, not on empirical data.

And that for some reason, Bill Nye thought that ice cores were like tree rings; one layer of ice per year. A really odd thought.

In a debate about "creationism" why did they only have a christian on the stage? Why wasn't Bill Nye the Cuck Guy also debating a Muslim?

Nye still won, he's not a good debater exactly but the other guy's only argument was "muh religion".

Watched this many times, Billy Nye destroyed the cunt. It's obvious

Because there are way more christian creationists than sandnigger creationists.

Young Earth theory is basically only a problem with christians.

Maybe because they were in a Christian museum debating about the Christian view of creation in a Christian majority country?

Islam is going to be the largest religion in the world soon
not an argument

>Islam is going to be the largest religion in the world soon
That has nothing to do whatsoever with what I just said.

Bill Nye fucking destroyed that guy

How is it not an argument? I literally just explained to you why they didn't have a mudslime debating.

>hold atheism vs theism debate
>theist isnt Catholic or Orthodox


It was a debate about creationism not Christianity. The location is irrelevant to the content of the debate

Jesus claimed to be the son of god because his mother claimed she didn't have sex with a man before marriage (this was illegal in those times and in that region).

So she fabricated a lie by saying yahweh (god) had inseminated her and the baby was going to be divine.

Jesus grew up to preach peace to the violent religious jews who thought what he was doing was extremely blasphemous, so they wanted the roman authorities to kill him, which they did.

To top it all off, they claim that he was raised from the dead in an arbitrary number of days later. That's not only the worst part, because the first time this story was written down was more than 40 years laters after the crucifixion.



It wasn't a debate.
Nye ran train on the Christfag.

Nobody won, debating Ken Ham is a fucking waste of time. At the end of the debate he basically admitted that no matter what evidence points to and no matter how much proof is against him, he doesn't care because nothing would ever convince him that he is wrong.

You can't debate with someone who is incapable of admitting mistakes or conceding points. You might as well talk at a brick wall.