
What are, in your opinion, the saddest movies or movie scenes?

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The whole show has tons of feels but this one always gets me.



Dogs dying is easy mode. But yeah, fuck that scene.

>saddest movie scene

Laura Palmer's death scene in FWWM is simultaneously the most horrifying and saddest thing I've ever seen.

>Of my friend, I can only say this: Of all the souls I have encountered in my travels, his was the most....human.

I wish I could go back and relive the first time I watched BoB and the moment that scene happened. I watched it all over two days, so just being really invested in the characters and realizing for the first time who was the real life versions of everyone, that scene hit me pretty hard.

super gay

Frodo telling Sam to fuckoff for eating all their elf cookies

I'm torn between telling you to fuck off back to Sup Forums and acknowledging that as a really god damn good scene.

How old are you that you don't cringe at this?

Old enough to be your mother.

Nigger that was the last anime I watched before I outgrew the shit.


>I wish... I had a father like you

That shit hurts.

fucking faggot
i felt a tiny bit sad but i wasn't bawling like every woman in the theater

>tfw my gf laughed during this scene

Was it one of those cry-laughs?

Women will never understand.

This is a bad movie.

> You'll forgive my impertinence, Sir, but even though we have never before met, I have always considered you as a father to me.

>Quellek... by Grabthar's hammer... by the Suns of Worvan... you shall be... avenged.

Rickman delivered that as only he could.

... least there's water...


That tumblr tier format is cringeworthy, but yeah that scene is really sad. Never thought I would be upset over the death of a stupid elf thing


I didn't know what I was expecting when I decided to watch that Mads kino. All I know now is that I hate women because of it

>not hating the male social worker

John Q.

Honestly really anything with the dad dying or doing everything he can to protect his kid(s) but doesn't survive. Shit gets to me man.

The Road, especially if you have good relations with your father.

Das Boot's ending

That elderly prisoner in Shawshank Redemption

Thin Red Line, whichever scene makes you saddest

Mufasas death.

The police station scene in Manchester by the Sea, as well as the pivotal scene between Casey and Michelle Williams. Both are brutal.

The reunion in the cafe in Blue is the Warmest Color.

>Manchester by the Sea
>Blue is the Warmest Color

*tips fedora*


You got me. I liked two highly acclaimed movies.

Kills me.

I never watched Blue is the Warmest Color because I read the sex scenes used prosthetics and played out like how a straight man thinks lesbians act. Worth watching?

I find the the ending of rambo quite sad as well as the death of the replican't in Blade runner.

I think it's the best, most natural love story I've seen. The two leads are phenomenal - among the best performances of the 21st century so far. It's long, but it doesn't drag at all. As for the sex scenes, I get the argument that they are gratuitous and play on male fantasies, but it didn't ruin the movie for me. Maybe that's because I'm a straight male who thinks the actresses are sexy, but the movie is powerful due to the portrayal of their relationship in all facets, not just the sex scenes. I think it's one of the best movies of the decade so far.



That scene where she is hunted down in the plastic trench coat is really disturbing.

Alright I will give it a go. Thanks user.

I hope you like it. Just out of curiosity, are you a femanon? I'd be surprised if a man was hesitant to watch it due to graphic sex scenes.

I don't mind graphic sex scenes so much as sex scenes so bad they look like porn and take you out of the film.

Yes femanon

Understood. I don't know what real life lesbian sex looks like, so I don't know what I'm talking about, but I sure do like the movie.

Watch some L Word. Pretty much every episode had some form of believable fucking in it.

They aren't like that I watched them as a straight white male and didn't get a boner or anything they just are empassioned and intimate I thought they worked well with the film's emphasis on raw emotions

Definitely will check it out now. Thanks. Kek at that pic.


