What are your thoughts on the new Ghostbusters movie?
Thoughts on Ghostbusters
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Dumb feminist trash that completely screws the franchise.
yes let's completely take all attention away from a funny and original concept to focus on racial and women's issues, because that's what masses of dumb people want to pay money to sit down and watch in a theater!
It's gonna be a blockbuster but stormweenies on this board will continue to bicker about it because the women make up the leading roles.
If people like it Sup Forumstards will just argue that it only had success because 'le normie' people have poor taste.
>lesbians everywhere
Let's talk about a decent movie for a change:
If it succeeds the bellyachers gloat.
If it bombs the whiners get to blame sexism and racism.
You're right, three quarters of the people who watches the trailer are just meanies. :^)
>taco intellectuals
It will bomb.
The only real advertisement for this movie is "muh female cast"
Nobody cares about the movie itself and it will be forgotten within less than a month.
>trailer gets raided by butthurt identity politics Sup Forumstards and Sup Forumstards foaming at the mouth because of feminism
>muh dislike bar
Kill yourself
Wasn't that bad, it only triggers micropenises like because of unironic sexism
Sony is really trying this hard to force this movie on us and make it seem good...
Please stop Sony
>it's just on the Internet! People aren't getting tired of PC culture! They're going to see the movie and love it.
I don't know about you, PACO, but people are talking about it and real life too and normies are just as annoyed with the all female cast and annoying graphics too.
The only thing that hasn't changed about the movie is the shitty graphics.
The marketing feels like blackmail at this point.
>Watch it or you're literally hitler
I just can't be bothered when it becomes a fucking political statement to watch people pretend to catch ghosts or not.
Almost every normie I've talked to has said that it looks like shit
It was a weight thing, actually. Look at the size of her.
The reviews have been embargoed until Monday. Rarely a good sign.
>It's gonna be a blockbuster
With WHO?
I can't imagine who would want to see it. It's got a terrible reputation now. The trailers' "jokes" simply weren't funny. Furthermore, the TYPE of humour is very different from that of the original ghostbusters, so the original fans won't want to see it either. Imagine doing a remake of Dr. Strangelove but making it a slapstick with fart jokes. It's a total betrayal of the spirit of the original. No one will want to see that or reward Hollywood for such a desecration.
So it's neither funny on its own terms nor is it faithful to the spirit of the original. It's a generic goofball comedy script with none of the wry, deadpan wit, and is overlaid with the thinnest veneer of ghostbusters imagery. It's an indictment of the creative bankruptcy of modern Hollywood. It'll crash and burn miserably.
She looks identical to the sheeeeeeit guy here
>Sony is really trying this hard to force this movie on us
they really are, even ads with local football players during the euro games intermissions
My thoughts?
>The reviews have been embargoed until Monday. Rarely a good sign.
How do you know this? Link?
List of thoughts on this topic:
this ghostbusters flick relative to the real one is the same as the special olympics is relative to the real olympics
I don't think about it.
She looks like a A. Wyatt Man drawing.
Literally another species.
All of my thoughts about this can be summed in one word: ech.
Looks like ass, the trailer shows nothing that would make any old school ghostbusters fan get excited. Worst of all all the criticism is getting brushed aside as muhsorgeynee no matter how constructive the criticism is, and shit like that is not helping to get me interested of this movie.
How bout that sweet, sweet new theme song?
WHO YA GONNA CALL... rap verseee
Update. The review embargo has now been pushed back to the day of release.
>We have recently learned that the review embargo got extended from Monday morning to Monday evening to when the movie opens. I have reason to believe this is because many reviews from established [film critics]... are mixed to negative, so they want to keep a lid on it. Only select fans who they know will say positive stuff are allowed to speak early.
The movie is doomed. The Howard the Duck of our times.
can you show me an example of this marketing pls? would love to see it
somehow there is hope... if a trip holder says that even normies despise this film, maybe there is hope
>Feminist's will buy multiple tickets and the jew media will doctor numbers to claim it is the funniest, bestest movie EVAR!
>In reality it will be a cringeworthy, unfunny, overblown CGI mess where the actors have vaginas.
it's funny because they show how shitty a entirely women run thing is in itself a failure. also, I see a man with a cap
It's going to be unfunny, have poor acting, have an uninteresting plot...
[spoiler]Which means it will be the same quality as the original.[/spoiler]
>having money
only big name ones
the ones who are only big in terms of weight lack money because they do dumb shit like give their welfare check to feminist icons
i was watching robocop the other day not the shit from 2014 i am talking the original 1987
and the scene when robocop get shot and almost die from the police force made me tink about you amerifags you guys wo worked so hard to get a new nation. you guys wo helped us eurofags to win WW2 you fight the biggest ennemy. freedom, by giving too much freedom to your peoples you did a big mistake your country is falling apart but we all know that in the end you will pull trough and becom stronger all the eurofags are with you. in case of war
Is that coach from l4d2?
Quit advertising your nigger movie on Sup Forums
There is no controversy, no one is going to see your piece of shit movie
There are 4 possible outcomes:
>Bad/mediocre movie and it bombs
Female cast are blamed, no movies with female casts that are reboots are given the light of day again (The 'Sucker Punch' outcome, as it for comparison killed off female drive comic based movies)
>Bad/medicore movie but does well at box office
Female audience perceived to have low standards, more shlock like it to be made with no effort, eventually resulting in backlash from SJ crowd saying they don't care enough to give females good movies (Fifty shades of Grey outcome)
>Good movie but bombs
Female audience isn't there/not interested in these kinds of movies, even less movies appealing to 'powerful' women come out
>Good movie and does well at box office
This outcome does not exist, but if it DOES somehow happen it will sadly result in more reboots like it.
I thought Europeans were supposed to be smart? Jesus Christ, son, put down the DVDs and read a book, Fer Chrissakes
Don't care, won't be seeing it even if they paid me. Looks gay
Sucker punch was great. Why did it killed anything?
Horrible box office sales. It is a good movie though.
Looks like shit
In fairness to black people I don't see fat white women as human either.
People are stupid. The introduction is the best one I ever saw in a movie.
I didn't exactly mean bad in regards to an individual opinion basis, more in a general consensus, critical reception way.
Sucker punch may be good, but the critics fucking HATED it.
It's probably pretty good and I really hate feminist faggots for ruining it for me.
Yep, that usually does signal that the movie will be shit.
I hate remakes like this and generally anytime the role is an intentional shoehorn. But what bothers me more is that half of Sup Forums will go see it for...science. Then come back here and moan about it. The jew makes millions. No reason to stop making this shit because, well, the jew is making millions. Makes more crap for Sup Forums to see and have you noticed there are no brakes on this train?
Oh, it's the bestest movie I want to see! Will buy it on bluray and dvd too!
Even normies hate it
What city are you in so I can track you down and beat you senselessly myself?
>women comedians
>make a good movie
kinda glad to see i'm not the only one who liked it
You're acting like people on Sup Forums would actually go to the cinema Jew instead of being a pirate.
It looks like a shit unfunny movie, disregarding the cast
Watched trailer
Watched commercials
It just doesn't look funny. The characters just seem like angry uninteresting people. It not a black/white or male/female thing.
It just looks bad.
When political correctness and "breaking the mold" are the focus above talent, synergy, and execution then the product will suffer.
It is shaping up to be the poster child for forced political correctness. Emphasizing gender and race over ability and aptitude to do the job equals poor performers and performance.
How about just going back to getting the best people to do the job. That truly is the most politically correct way because there is no gender or race in the consideration, only the best chance of success.
Read some of the reviews
Its the begining of the SJW bullshit... The reviews don't straight up say it sexist but the lingo is there in its infancy
Bill dying on the inside
Gonna have many keks when it flat out bombs and Hollywood/SJW's blame it one cis white men.
For the love of me I can't believe who the fuck will actually pay to see that. Even girls would much rather see actual strong females instead of a bunch of fat menopausic nobodies trying to be fuhnney xd
>it makes money
>it flops
I fucking hate that (((they))) try shove that feminism and stronk independent womyn horseshit up our throats with everything. And this movie is just more propaganda material for their agenda. So no matter if it's good or bad (I think that it will be objectively bad), I won't be able to watch it without thinking about the propaganda it represents in the back of my head.
I am afraid that this remake a popular movie with a stronk independent womyn cast will become a thing. Kill. Me.
people just want to complain. About what? why? nobody cares. This problem would go away if everyone stopped giving them attention
>female cast is blamed
Nah, straight white males are blamed for being sexist towards the female cast instead
time for the cinema.
I thought Pitch Perfect was good desu
The gorilla has the worst parts.
>power of christ compels you
Did you look in the hearse for a body?
>LOL like fuck you mean? I was in a hurry
>yawl da brains, I just know da streets but don't yawl crackas make that assumption though
The guy who plays Thor has the funniest parts, oddly enough.
Suckerpunch was pretty and had a nice aesthetic.
It was a really shitty movie.
Schlock can be a good thing.
The studios will blame the female cast.
vote with your dollars. Thing about sjw and fem bullshit is these fucks are broke as shit. They are useful idiots to the people funneling money to them, but it can't last. Real people see it for what it is.
This bitch looks like the black Slimer
Maybe it's the resolution, but I couldn't find grip on any of the boards, so much for girl power.
Honestly, i enjoyed recent Star Wars, despite them having female lead character. This moive looks like a joke (not funny one), based on what they showed so far.
SuckerPunch had sexy girls in it. Emily Browning, delicious. Also very good action.
I'm starting to think they are trying to shove inadequacy is adequate on us.
Uninteresting unattractive unqualified females doing a job poorly should be acceptable. You don't need to be strong or talented. You just need to be someone other than a white male and you will be deemed competent.
There is no failure if you are not a white male. Just being anything other than a white male means that your will always be successful. Anyone who says otherwise is racist and/or sexist.
people will go like people slow down to stare at a train wrecks. I'm watching that shit first day.(not really)
Would Sup Forums approve of a good, original movie with an all-female cast?
Man baby detected.
No, most of the neckbeards here are misogynists.
COMING SOON : MEAN BOYS (featuring all male cast :O)
Are they mentally ill or something? This is all about powerful womyn fighting the patriarchy on several levels. The only thing that does not make it an ode to feminism is the shirts. I think the movie would be better with normal clothing but it stay good enough to make me forget all the feminist bullshit hidden in it.
You may not like the thing, but you can't compare it to the new fantastic 4 ou the ghostbuster.
Check out this review
Snyder must have known in preproduction that his greasy collection of near-rape fantasies and violent revenge scenarios disguised as a female-empowerment fairy tale wasn't going to satisfy anyone but himself.
Now notice that the user review is positive.
Really makes you think
Finn is the real protagonist though.
Read the fucking reviews see
Will not watch. It's just like the Direct to video sequels to Disney classics.
There are really two options for this
>1) Its going to tank miserably.
They've already alienated and attacked their fanbase. Their trailers are steaming shit.
>2) It'll Fant4stic itself by barely clearing its production budget.
They've already shot themselves in the foot several times. The only people who will see this are feminists and people taking their young children/grandchildren
The movie is shit, only fedora sporters will defend that burning trash heap.
A chick flick with a Ghostbusters coat of paint
Another worthless shit of a movie. Hollywood is in decline since 00`s, I hope it will go bankrupt soon and wont lobby it`s cancerous content laws any more.