I'll start
ITT: Redpilled musicians
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how the hell is that autistic faggot redpilled?
sure he's music is good, but redpilled, no
Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage
I would like to know this too.
Tom Morello
forgot to add actual redpilled musician
Their is many
the 'Driver nigger
If they weren't before, they most certainly are now.
hahahah NO. Fucking no not at all
Tom Morello acts like a rebellious liberal teen.
See Exhibit A: youtube.com
Get out of here billy. We don't give a shit.
Also zwan sucked so much.
You haven't done shit since the 90s
This Mother Fucker
He's got some kinda nutty Alex Jones-tier theories, but overall he seems to know some shit
Also Megadeth>>>>>>>>Metallica
>Back when Guns N' Roses were recording Chinese Democracy, Axl got Buckethead in to do some guitar parts.
>However, he told Axl that to record his parts properly, he needed to have a chicken coop built in the studio for him, as that's where he felt most comfortable. Axl was desperate for the guitar parts to be put down, so complied and had the coop built.
>Some days later, Axl came in to oversee the recording, only to find a couple of engineers with concerned looks on their faces. Axl asked what was wrong, and they just pointed towards the studio, so off he frowned to find out what was wrong.
>Upon arriving at the coop, he discovered Buckethead was sitting inside it, howling like a wolf, and smearing his own shit on the coop's walls. Suffice to say, Buckethead didn't stay long.
their best song by far. the breakdown still gives me chills
It was an obvious joke
Was waiting for this
Tornado of Souls is pretty damn good too.
bumped this a lot in my HS days.
I'm not so sure about them. I feel like they're controlled opposition.
United Abominations was my first babby step into getting redpilled
He works for TNA wrestling now, and they put out this awesomeness youtube.com
kid rock
they completely sold out at the resistance
Ted Nugent
I went to high school with Buckethead. He was in my class too .
Burzum/Uruk Hai/
I'm gonna guess this is BROTHER NERO
but Varg hates chosen ones
Don't get how Buckethead is redpilled. Buckethead is just buckethead. Saw him live in St Louis. Hell of a show.
>Kid rock
No, that faggot needs to go die in what ever hole he came out of, his music is awful.
Whooooo wants
As loooooooong as there's some
I don't think Buckethead is Redpilled, but he's certainly talented. I've seen him live twice and he's been incredible each time.
Pic related is actually Redpilled.
Why haven't you killed yourself yet?
Justin Bieber
LOL I don't know what redpill means but Justin is a cutie xD
This. Problably the most redpilled youtuber atm.
Because I have a good career and have a lot of anime to finish watching before I die
Pics or it didn't happen.
Daddy Douglas
Kek. Love that he actually commented on that.
The real story is pretty cool though
>On 26 October, Vikernes went on the run after being granted a short leave. He stopped a car in Numedal. Inside it was a family of three, who said that he hijacked the car at gunpoint. About 19 hours later, police stopped the car in Romerike and arrested him.[59] The car contained knives, a gas mask, camouflage clothing, a portable GPS navigator, maps, a compass, a laptop and a mobile phone.[58] Police also found a handgun and an AG3 automatic rifle in a cabin in Rollag, where Vikernes had hidden during his escape.[60] They concluded that his escape "was well planned and involved assistance from several people on the outside".
Calling Bush a war criminal and being a conspiracy theorist don't make you red pilled. That makes you a liberal.
The absolute madman.
atari teenage riot
He went to An all boy catholic school , Damien High School , located in Southern California
No bully please
> we can't accept criticism of former right wing presidents because gotta protect MUH hug box
Get out
Is he actually autistic?
>Alec Empire
>not a leftist antigerman faggot
wew lad
Tell us fucking everything
R.I.P ISD 88
he literally gives no shits.
Also has everyone heard of The Grayfield Stray?
Redpilled joy division sounding fellow britbong..
They play his stuff on The Daily Shoah
>implying bush wasnt right wing
are you just pretending to be retarded?
Literally almost as right winged as raegan and at least as much as his daddy. Trying to distance yourself from bush because you are embarassed he was right winged and so retarded is just sad really. Im right winged (mostly) and have no problem admitting that this retard was pretty far right of center. Look at his economic policies.. TAX CUTS FOR THE RICH, trickle down economics, etc etc. Hes incredibly right winged and the fact you cant admit it is just pathetic desu. Get the fuck off my board.
Tell me why does he wear the bucket?
Muse red pilled
Pick 1 and only 1 m8
are you still here? What was he like?
My nigga
>that spat with devi ever
lels were had
>Smashing Pumpkins’ frontman Billy Corgan recently called trans-activist and guitar pedal engineer Devi Ever “an ugly pig,” a “he/she,” threatened to “knock [her] fucking lights out” and said “i am gonna sue you for so much you’ll never be able to afford so much as to even make a fucking guitar cable.” He did this after Ever complained that Corgan had never paid nor responded to her regarding a custom bass pedal she allegedly made at his request.
>After calling Ever an “an ugly pig,” a “he/she,” and accusing her of stealing her pedal idea from another Portalnd pedal maker on Twitter, he took to Facebook to continue his tirade:
>>you fucked up, you know it, so eat shit, shut the fuck up and accept you’ve attacked someone who tried to HELP YOU. but addicts and self-destructive people like you who HATE THEMSELVES must turn their hate out. if this is what you have to do to not kill your unhappy self, well then i’d say it was a wise decision. beyond that, you are fucking lame, dumb, and so so ugly.
Don't forget his toxic tax cuts that further damaged the national debt . and he is war monger like most right wing lunatic
Love how right wing retards try to write off Bush as not one of their own
Bunch of bad Jewish musicians being payed to be involved in a fake media event shooting is not being redpilled.
Lyrics in amerikhastan about haliburton made me clinchfist
Varg runs best chanel on jewtube right now
He was a really quite and reserved kid as far as I remembered but everybody respected him because he was highly talented at his age and did a lot of rock the band shows by himself just doing epic rock solos
>and he is war monger like most right wing lunatic
almost every communist leader has also been a war mongerer as well as Obama. War mongering is not something only the right do, nice fallacy though.
Thom Yorke
Die weeb
Whats with his obsession with Disney? Is it purely about the music? because i could understand that, their composers are genius.
Amazing song think sagas vocie makes it sound even better than the skrewdriver version
God damn, Billy.
>i don't drink
>i don't cuss
>i wanna ride on the front of the bus
fucking lol
redpilled as fuck
these are literally Shillary faces no charges: the songs. crazy how they seem more relevant now than ever before.
thanks for the recommendation dude
Goes without saying
redpilled as fuck
these are literally Shillary faces no charges: the songs. crazy how they seem more relevant now than ever before.
Hetfield was an alcoholic redneck who likes hunting, bet he votes Republican
>ctrl+f Anselmo
>no results
>pic related
this guy literally did a Hitler salute on stage and screamed white power
also their song
written in 1987/1988
Halls of justice painted green
Money talking
Power wolves beset your door
Hear them stalking
Soon you’ll please their appetite
They devour
Hammer of justice crushes you
The ultimate in vanity
Exploiting their supremacy
I can’t believe the things you say
I can’t believe
I can’t believe the price you pay
Nothing can save you
Justice is lost
Justice is raped
Justice is gone
Pulling your strings
Justice is done
Seeking no truth
Winning is all
Find it so grim
So true
So real
>not redpilled
I never looked into it much but damn you're right. Josh Homme is 25% Ashkenazi Jew. Also Jewish owners of the concert hall had sold it prior to the attack. I stand corrected.
also this