He is supposedly a billionaire. Shouldn't need to take people's hard earned money who need it.
He is supposedly a billionaire. Shouldn't need to take people's hard earned money who need it
BTW I'm a Cruz missle now
trump is going to lose
hes down by too wide a margin now, i think he realizes hes going to need to start matching hillarys $50m a day in ads
Why does this flaming faggot always uses childish nicknames for all of his opponents?
Are trumpfags the most sloganeering childish parrot trash group in America
Because they are catchy and easy to remember.....dealing with the american public...
Dumb leafposter
Mommy I used it!!!!! HOT POCKET NOW MOMMY!
Trump is one billionaire.
Hillary has many billionaires. And not just from within the US.
>having billions liquid gathering dust
Pick one you financial retards
A leaf talking about public peoples ignorance kek.
Go on tell me more, I actually like trump. But please go on. Its not like he can call her a cunt without getting backlash. So he uses easy catchy names. Majority of the people who are voting for Hilary or trump don't know shit about their policy's so please tell me more
The difference is that Hillary never said her campaign would be self funded.
>Shouldn't need to take people's hard earned money who need it.
Alternative perspective: If you need your money so badly, why are you contributing to political campaigns?
Jamal... what did we just talk about, no baiting on Sup Forums... now go away.
stfu stop crying to your mommy.
stfu retard you don't know shit about finance
leave troll
To Make America Great AGain
leafbros, are you ready to go on a shitposting rampage when trump loses the election?
Build wall, Paco
I thought he was self funding his campaign?
Not a counter-argument, third worlder.
The primary. He always said the GE won't be self-funded.
GE's cost over a billion dollars.
Billionaire begging the working poor for money.
If he's worth $10 billion, can't he simply liquidate assets, or take loans using assets as collateral?
It's only a small loan of a billion dollars.
kek. Sup Forums loved to shit all over bernie for stuff like this, now crickets when their faggot god-king does the same.
Like, people who put money in are sure to vote?
I donated and bought two MAGA hats and a case of 5.56 armor piercing.
Trump needs to have Trump brand ammo on his site.
because fuck that when you can get other people to pay for it.
The money isn't just for him, it's for the Republican party
"I ain't spending my own money lol"
Like a true businessman.
That's 10% of his assets, not very smart
Si si Taco Jose
It would make himself look infinitely better if he decided to self fund his GE campaign.
>It would show he's not afraid of Hillary
>It would show that he truly believes in himself
He would probably win the election easily if he decided to self fund his GE campaign.
actually I remember Sup Forums predicting he would need donations if he got the nomination
What about people who want to donate?
Donald's abuse of slippery slopes and FUD is scaring people into donating
>vote and donate to me or Hillary will win and Muslims will kill your family
>u-uhh i swear w-w-we knew this all a-along
stay delusional kiddo
>That's 10% of his assets, not very smart
He was exaggerating, Hillary has about 40 million and people are panicking because Trump only has 2 or 3 million.
And he said he would self-finance. And 10% (or more like 1 %) of a billionaire's wealth is not like 10% of a middle class person's wealth. He could liquidate all but 400 million and live like a king for the rest of his life.
He's starting to seem very fishy at this point.
Bernie couldn't make it through the primaries. Trump has to compete with over a dozen banks, investment firms and middle eastern nations looking for weapons deals. I'm not donating until after the RNC because I don't know if he's getting robbed yet but I'll throw a few bucks in.
Then they can donate on their own without him asking. He is literally asking (begging) people to donate to him
Everybody with a brain knows he's not actually worth $10 billion, I was giving him the benefit of the doubt though.
He exaggerates about everything, probably because he has some real narcissistic traits.
He's raising money for the party you fucking retard. Same thing Bernie had to do after dems complained he wasn't fundraising for THEM.
Because the Bernouts were wasting money on a cuck who would never win
at the start of his campaing he said he would not accept donations
now hes begging for donations
hes not even president and hes already backed out of his promises
>donate to the party
>through donaldjtrump.com
Uh huh.
>living vicariously through a 70 year old boy who inherited his entire fortune
as trump himself would say, "sad"
>Everybody with a brain knows he's not actually worth $10 billion,
I agree, and that's the sad part. For all his bragging, he's still that insecure guy who could never "lose" to anyone. Lucky for him, he's tall and attractive and filthy rich, but other than that he seems to be very insecure.
Yes you fucking retard. Just like Bernie's donations went through his site. He give a portion to the RNC and already trump has donated 2+mil to the RNC
Not an argument
I've been a Trump supporter since the start of his campaign and respected his decision to not take big special interest money. I'm not going to rag on Bernie for having huge grassroots support. Trump has that, too.
I've also always been willing to donate as soon as Trump asked his supporters.
So I did. And all his supporters should, too, if possible.
He is a billionaire in assets not cash. Rich people don't just keep their money in a bank. They invest it in stocks, properties and businesses.
Honestly he reminds me of a guy I used to be friends with in school. One of those types that exaggerates and lies about everything, without thinking of the potential consequences and for seemingly no reason.
>donate money to Donald thinking it's for his campaign
>it goes to the kikeservitives and cuckservitives at the RNC
Nice scam
it's not for him. it's for the cucks he beat handily a few months ago.
So you're saying his dad works at Nintendo?
> .05 trump coins have been deposited in your wallet
Wow, no I hate him
I guess I'm a #CruzMissile now
A lot of it is in assets and he can't just get his companies to fund him.
Out of his own pocket he would probably have 50-100mil, which is not enough to fund an election.
wtf i hate trump
I guess I'm a #HillaryArtillery now
he'll spend the donors money like he did with his own cash.
You need to look to Alex Jones to raise millions for Trumps campaign, he's raised millions in the past for other politicians in a day.
Alex Jones supports Trump as he disposed Hillary so much, he said on a recent show that he'll back Trump 100% and start raising money for Trump. To do this he's going to contact people he knows who are multi millionaires who want "good government" only in return for large donations. Many of these are ready to donate!
Pol needs to rally now and help Jones raise money for Trumps campaign otherwise Hillary will win.
>Sup Forums makes fun of bern victims for getting scammed
>Literal billionaire asking for donations
fucking hilarious.
The hero we need and deserve.
wtf i hate trump now
He did this from day one to get brand exposure.
He will get all sorts of investment opportunities and paid speaking engagements from the people his rhetoric has resonated with all without having to spend a single cent of his own.
Again, he is true businessman.
He can't legally self fund the GE.
Jones is our only hope.
I'm still voting for trump, but the magic is gone. Him texting me 3 times a day to beg for donations isn't helping.
>paid speaking engagements
People who lose don't get those, or don't get lucrative ones like former presidents.
This isn't about business; this is pure ego.
spic on vacation kek stay over there you fucking gavacho no one wants you lazy fucks here
Giant Meteor2016 make space safe again
Here is a video of Trump endorsing Alex Jones plus an interview he did on Infowars.
It's clear they're on the same page they both dispise Hillary.
Dispite what you think of Alex Jones he wants Trump to win.
That's the key to Trump winning in my opinion getting the backing from Jones and his very rich friends in Texas.
>the fuck are Super PACs
It's the General Election you dumb ass, not the primary anymore. You can't put your own money into finding your own campaign. Retarded thread
If he truly is campaigning for us and not himself, he's right to ask for donations. We're all in this together. Trump can contribute 10 million $, we can each give 20$. That's fair.
i gave him fifty bucks
he can really use it. you've got to understand... he funded his entire own run for the nomination. and now he's going into the general campaign. he's not rich in the way that players in this game are rich. he's worth 10 billion, the people he's up against are worth 100 billion and 500 billion.
he was true to his word. he never asked for money while running for nomination. but now he could really use it.
fifty million a day runs out 10 billion at a rate of what, 100 days? and then what could he do? and you know - he might do it. he's an old man and wouldn't want for anything in retirement. he'd be totally comfortable. "and fuck it. i tried. can't take it with you, ya know?"
a few billion is nothing when you're up against the establishment candidate who has access to trillions through its corporate sponsors
he can earn his money like i have to
a days work would be good for him
Says the man whos country the mudslimes dont even want into
I'm a rich cat but I'm going to need money from you poor mice if we're going to keep this other rich cat from getting elected.
Except Trump stated he wouldn't stay self funded in the general, only the primaries.
It`s psychologica. No matter how small is your donation, you will support him more if you invested in him. Especially if you get something back, like baseball cap.
Andale, Speedy.
It's against the law to self fund.
>Sup Forums laughed at Bernie's lolnorefunds
>based Trump giving us more shitposting fuel for when he loses in November
God among men
consider this.
he could have known that if he wished to. maybe he regrets it now that it matters. but not really. he got here by being who he is.
he doesn't prefer to make as much money as possible at all costs. he was bred, born, and raised to do business. that's what he does. and he enjoys it.
money isn't everything. trump knows that better than anyone. i take this as a clear voucher for his moral integrity - he took his place in society, when he could have done differently and made more money.
but he would have thought, so what? that's boring as hell. and what would i even do with it? what's the point? lets build a trump tower! that sounds awesome!
Relax, Abe. He didn't mean you and your precious shekels.
>Being part of the Google botnet
Apparently you're not allowed to self-fund your presidential campaigns. I guess the law was intended to keep the race from being dominated by billionaires every time. Wew.
Neither was the guy's response that he was replying to
does pol still shill for this nigger?
He doesn't want people's money. He want's their OC.
Supposedly is the key word here. Dude is not a billionaire lol.
This is not true.