>the fuck is this shit nigger?
This is a thread dedicated to the creation of Sup Forums's moe comic humorously covering the 2016 election
>whats it about nigger?
Follows the misadventures of Hillary and Trump battling it out for student body presidency. Takes place in a school district where every school in the district represents a nation.
>how can i help nigger?
By suggesting anything you think should be in the comic : events, politicians, social groups, etc.
>what's the status?
We are currently seeking an artist who will accept $50 pay every 2 weeks for a decent amount of panels. Since the project started yesterday we are also still figuring out the format and perspective of the comic.
Will start posting some of the favorited ideas from the archive. Post some good ones you think i might have missed : archive.4plebs.org
/cac/ ~ Commander and Cute general #2
Other urls found in this thread:
bump because this is the only original thread in the entire catalog.
By the way, the mods/janitors graciously let us keep the first general up for a whopping 17 hours yesterday. If they change their mind i ask you check and see if i made a new thread there.
Also I will try to always make a thread around 12pm central time. So if you dont see a thread up around America's noonposting then feel free to make one yourself.
Right on schedule I see.
how is this Sup Forums related
I believe the OP wants to essentially crowdsource and crowdfund the project through this board.
It's direction would mostly be dictated on here and thus represent most of Sup Forums's views on the 2016 election.
>wanting money to moeify Hillary
No thanks
Understandable. I do think OP needs to lay out how he wants to mock Hillary without allowing the overtones of her moe to undermine the message.
>$50 pay every 2 weeks for a decent amount of panels
don't expect good quality for that kind of pay
Here's some of the best Trump ideas from yesterday's thread.
Description :
>hotblooded and unpredictable master persuader
>used to be friends with Hillary and Bill before enrolling into politics class
>impulsive on stage, but has a 4D chess master plan
>real estate empire is a playground sandcastle building service
>gets big allowances from dad
>boyfriend to Melania who is a beautiful but ditzy child model
>arch rivals : Hillary, Romney, Ryan, Rand, Jeb, Rubio, Obama
>best friends : Carson, Christie, Palin
Storylines :
>wants to build a fence around the school, keeping the students from the failing and starved mexican school out
>gets in trouble for monopolizing swing set usage and not letting black kids have a turn
>starts reselling candy from his neighborhood corner store at a profit; spends it all at the Xerox to advertise and runs out of both candy and money
>discovers an entire shipping pallet of gold spray paint; sprays everything he owns, including himself (the fumes make him loopy
>dad loses everything in a stock market mixup making him have to eat 'poor people food' from the cafeteria
Hohoho why do you think im tripfagging as 'Producer'? As a richfag i feel its my duty to see this through financially. I'm leaving it up to you guys to determine where the story goes and who the artist is. I'm just making sure they get paid.
Thats why we are looking for a Sup Forumslack to do this. Nobody likes Malayfag as a person but we need someone who isnt in it for the money but doing it out of love for Sup Forums
However much that may be true I have to agree with that you're probably going to have to offer up more money to get an artist willing to go all in on this.
Was going to post the ideas for Hilloli herself from yesterday's thread but pic related. Will just be down for an hour probably.
Feel free to post some suggestions to pass the time/keep thread bumped.
I'll see what I can do, but pretty much this It should be someone with the heart of Sup Forums making this. However if Ben Garrison offered up on his blog right now to do this for us I would GLADLY pay at least $100-120 bucks every month for guaranteed quality.
Greetings from Sup Forums
We are doing what we can to contribute, sorry if it takes a while
im from Sup Forums lol, just dropping my dumb hilloli + trump-kun doodle here if anyone's remotely interested
You don't know how happy you guys are making me right now, thank you. I know $50 seems low but the amount of work you do is entirely up to you. Just feel free doing it. The free doodles at the moment are highly appreciated!
i want to hug hillary
Your dump yesterday was nice thanks
No problem. I'm not going to be bumping this thread all that much today though. Others will have build this general up into something if we all want to see a risqué loli drawing of Hillary.
i kno u took the name Dumper but i didnt save ur pics for nothing. if u dont mind ill repost them to bump the thread. i want loli palin so fucking much u have no idea
She was definitely a total cutie pie as a little girl.
Don't have many suggestions, just saying good luck
What does she think of Putin? Always heard she made some cute remark about russia. Should we ship them?
The cute remark about Russia was a comedian on Saturday Night Live. Democrats think TV is reality.
Well who SHOULD we ship?
Even I wouldnt dare to do that kind of shit pretty much for free
>western trash
Sup Forums here, the design is complete shit. The cheeks are too round, the ends of the hair are too Italian, the ear is unpleasant to look at.
I dont like Hillarious Cliton, also i have a full time job.
The drawfriend who did it already opted out. We're looking for someone to make a drawn lookalike of this Hillary
Yeah it's more for advertising purposes at this point.
So the producer shilling on Sup Forums made me interested. Have you considered going to other drawthreads around the site?
You bet. Any board that has drawshit on it, i've been advertising on.
Sorry m8 i never meant to be seen as a shill but this project means everything to me. I'm even willing to bump up the price if we get a quality enough artist as a prospect.
>Chris Christie naked
That thought is more horrifying than goatse
In my opinion, he sounds too much like a stuck up rich kid in this storyline. He started off modestly (for a billionaire), in a small Manhattan apartment. He's a pretty down to Earth guy, and plays it up for his campaign trail. I have no idea how to change the storyline, but maybe make him be more self made, with the allowance he gets from his dad.
Also, start up a doc with the possible storylines, and we can set up a straw poll to vote.
Depicting pic related would also be hilarious.
Archive is back. Here's some for Hillary. Feel free to suggest any and everything, these characters will be in development for the week.
Description :
>mischievous and power-hungry
>moe qualities show whenever she is obviously out of touch or reads the room wrong paper (think Haruhi Suzumiya).
>plot conflicts often arise from her recklessness when handling her machinations to become empress of the school district, but first she has to become student body president of her own school (the district still needs a name, how about 'Terra Learning District' as a metaphor for earth? her school could be named 'Murica Elementary')
>she and boyfriend Bill have a huge jar of lunch money to use for favors (metaphor for Hillary and Bill's Clinton Foundation)
>completely hopeless tech wise. requires help from Huma emotionally and tech-wise
Storylines :
>Hilloli gets letters passed to her about an upcoming raid at the Libby Elementary student council club house by muslim students who oppose Murica and Libby elementary relations. Chooses to ignore them. Murica Elem student council members get their asses kicks. Denies ever getting such letters.
>if you want to make above metaphor simpler, Hillary gets caught passing notes in class; throws her entire bookbag out the window
>Hillary gets to take the class pet home for the weekend, loses him
>Hillary is convinced someone keeps throwing rocks at her on the playground
>Hillary beats a kid named Vinny in a fight and sends him to the nurses office with a bloody nose; no one ever sees him again (his parents transferred him to another school)
>too stuckup
I agree. I was feeling we were being to harsh on his upbringing last thread. Maybe his true modest self will began to show in the story somehow? Sounds like good character development.
Thats insanely cute.
Maybe a ball would've bounced in from the Mexican school beside, and he threatened to call the cops (NATO, UN, Putin, deportation police?)
Or something to do with the sandbox/real estate plot.
OP, are we having everything take place at school, or should we also let it show at home stuff?
Forgot to add who her arch rivals are, but Trump is an obvious one. Though they secretly hate eachother I suggest Obama and Hillary only act like friends in the comics to further their liberal reign of the school. Huma Abedin and Warren should be her posse, with Warren barring the brunt of constant Native American insults. Or maybe we parody Warren's desire to be recognized for her Native American ancestry, have her dressed up as a Cherokee or some shit, with a tomahawk and bow?
hey squid check it out i just found this thread.
you browsing or what cos i got a surprise for you
This is such a shit idea. People (read NEET weeaboos) love Haruhi Suzumiya because she acts retarded and whimsical. You'll literally mobilize the NEET vote and help Hillary.
why the fuck you mention me for dumbfuck?
sure have a bump, on the fuckin house.
OP is very interested in paying you for this I believe.
Why the fuck would anyone give their time to draw comics for you faggots?
I'm frankly amazed they aren't jumping up and down over your appearance here. Must have stepped away, stick around for a bi longer.
>always loyal to Hillary's side.
>outgoing and dependable.
>has a crush on Hillary which conflicts with her desire to maintain a professional relationship.
Storylines :
>nothing suggested so far
Seeing how each school is a metaphor for a nation and the school district is a metaphor for the world, i think it would be weird to take them outside of them. Also makes it easier to draw, familiar backgrounds.
Hey malayanon, glad you're here. You interested in doing this?
ok you need to understand something.
the adventures of christ chan is my ip and my own production even tho i got like 50 bux on patreon doesnt mean that i got paid 50 bux a month making comics by the request of people no sir
i have the full ownership of those comics and i decide what to draw and what to do with them. this is literally a commission and for $50 for a couple of pages, you're probably looking for a bunch of unfinished sketches and i dont think people are that keen to be associated with Sup Forums.
this sounds like a lot of work.
im only here for my "fans"
I'd be a fool to pass up the opportunity to recruit a famous Sup Forums drawfag, especially since morale is down the shitter atm. All we have are ideas, we need a lil something to boost up.
If i gave you $50 via paypal right now, would you be interested in sketching some of the main characters for us? Hell we need anything right now. And if everybody likes it, i boost the proposed monthly pay to $60?
This is literally a Hillary shill thread meant to assassinate Trump's character.
im only here to talk to squid if he's around
try your luck with an another drawfag
If you read the thread youll see thats far from the case you fucking nigger. You give MAGAnons a bad name
get rid of that gross tumblr artstyle
ill pitch in whatever else you want. poducer has been at this since yesterday so just do this one thing for your fans. we are literally willing to pay
dont make us beg
I can't tell if this is a great idea or a horrible one
it'd depend on who thinks up the comics
Go to hell malaysia, go shill your shit comics in another place
you know you dumbfuck monkey, just because you want to protect the whites doesnt make you one.
Obviously you have to have the republican primary arc where Trump destroys the competition
>Stuttering beta Jeb gets bullied
>Morbidly Obese Chris
>Sleepy Carson
>Rubio who desperately wants to be Trumps rival but is called Lil'marco to his chagrin
>Hungry Kasich
>And final boss cruz.
It actually works like a great monster of the week manga format as the enemies get more competent.
Of course, who could forget Cafeteria Kasich and Lunch-Line Swine Christie?
how about you guys design nationalism chan instead
Here's a superior Nazi grill from a manga panel
How about a little Bernie love?
Description :
>Comic relief sore loser driven to irrelevance by his utter assblast by Hillary
>Hillary bullies him constantly yet he takes it like a cuck
>Leads a group of loud younger students who crybully everyone (the SJWs personified by a crossdressing student, dyke, flamer, and kid who dresses up as a wolf)
>beats everyone at Basketball
>bullied by a triplet of black girls mad student council hasnt addressed unfair treatment by hall monitors (who personify the police). physical appearance of the black girls to look something like img.4plebs.org
Storylines :
>tries petitioning to make everything in the school free. poorly maintained facilities due to no funding start bugging the fuck out
Well I won't bother you again but you're always welcome to be apart of this. I just wish you'd consider doing some sketches.
Because this election and overall politically heinous of a year should be covered in a humorous way for our children to be able to understand years from now. Also i dont know who nationalism-chan is. I actually havnt read Adventures of Christ Chan either but ive heard good things about you. I was hoping i'd get to experience you through this project
Description :
>Additional comic relief
>Hillary's boyfriend she keeps around pretty much as an accessory
>student body presidency tarnished for cheating
>still has a thing for younger students
>secretly dating 3 other students
Storylines :
>if we are following IRL events, will probably die of a heart attack within the year
I fucking hate you so much, Malaysia drawfag. Every fucking time I see your shit flag in any thread that has to do with art I cuss out loud. Oh well.
not my fault your life is a despicable wreck.
who the fuck told you to focus so much hate on me to the point you obliterate any oc threads Sup Forums attempts to do?
Description :
>undisputed class presidentgodkingemperor of the russian school
>mutual arch enemy of Hillary, just as power hungry if not more than her
>plans to make his recovering school the strongest in the district, never reckless
>admired by Trump, still friends with cool kid Dubya
>mocks Obama on a daily basis
>basically, any time he is involved shit gets irreversibly real
Storylines :
>when one of his school's expensively crafted plane toys is hit by a rock from the nearby turkish school, he vows vengeance against their student body president Erdogan
Description :
>a mess
>the butt of everyone's joke the entire fucking series
Storylines :
Description :
>the nicest student at the school, but if provoked will stab
>sits at the back of the class and falls asleep during lessons
>overly imaginative
Storylines :
>need some suggested
Description :
>became a legendary member of the british school's student council after starting the movement to seperate itself from other racially-european schools that allow degeneracy
>admires Rand's dad and Donald
>smokes and drinks
Storylines :
>needs suggestions
youre pretty dedicated to this. why tho?
Weeaboo pedophiles go back to your containment board
Been a member of this site since 7th grade. Now that I'm a junior in college i contemplate what all this time has amounted to. When you have nothing to give to the world you have nothing to lose. I say i might as well have fun doing something a little bit different on this place i call home, you know?
been here 12 fucking years myself.
wonder why i havnt an hero'ed yet
Description :
>hovers around Don's campaign seeking attention
>mortal enemy of Elizabeth Warren
Storylines :
>need to be suggested
dont worry OP Ill see if some drawfags on Sup Forums are intersted. dont lose hope
Keep your shit on your correct boards.
Unless youre a janitor fuckoff
Needs a drill baby drill arc
>baby drill