Why are white British students falling behind?
Why are white British students falling behind?
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>blacks above whites
>white: gypsy/roma
they count anyone as white
British state schools are dreadful and if you're white, especially if you're male, you'll be allowed to fall behind and never catch up.
I couldn't use basic punctuation correctly until 14 and finished school without being able to do basic algebra while being in the top skill level for English and Maths, so that was considered better than the majority.
>sage and ignore all shill threads
North and south divide
I did pretty good for GCSE'S. I'm satisfied.
Also, chinamen send their kids to detention camps if they don't get like seven a stars. Good tactic really. My parents should have used it on my belligerent arse.
>whites above blacks
>Less focus on mathematics (also poor mathematics teachers)
>More focus on poetry and creative writing than grammar
>General lacking in the sciences
>Lowering standards for low IQ third world immigrants
>Bullshit influence from the 60s
Basically western schools have gone feelz vs realz and feelz won. At least that is one thing Poland has done right and stuck to good, old fashioned, prussian teaching.
fuck the potatoniggers are evolving
Because the white ,native , working class population got utterly fucked when the UK de industrialized.
We have chavs as well. White trash in the former industrial part of the country (The north).
They're dumb and uneducated ,but don't get scholarship or affirmative action. They mostly live in poor town so there isn't much budget for good school either.
European country always had this poor ,uneducated working class in towns. And they've been hit the hardest by globalization since we outsourced so much they've become useless
ahh fuck.
>good, old fashioned, prussian teaching.
That is literally what destroyed the West
>implying grammar is more important than poetry
What the fuck is this shit
>Asian (Indian)
>Asian (Bangladeshi)
>Asian (Pakistani)
Why don't they just label them outright?
>African Blacks performing better than British whites
Paki here, got 12 A*'s. What do you dumb cumskins have to say about that?
What the fuck does (Indian), (Bandladeshi) and (Pakistani) count as if not 'labeling them outright'?
>Blacks above whites
>Irish, anglos, and gypsies are white
So British education is a meme?You see these university rankings full of US&UK schools, then wonder why they're retarded in real life.
Just call them Indian, Bangladeshi and Pakistani.
They're all classed as 'Asian' in census forms, that's why thats added.
Same as you have White British, White Irish, White Other, Black British, Afro-Caribbean etc etc
Teacher here.
Combination of things.
1/ Any wanker can become a teacher these days because we have a shortage and they are basically waved through the training process.
2/ Older teachers are leaving in droves.
3/ Many parents no longer teach there kids that respecting adults is valuable; result, you spend most of your day trying to get the kids to shut the fuck up instead of teaching; if you phone home many parents just tell you to fuck right off.
4/ Actually, white girls are the most ignored demographic because everyone beleaves girls are better at school work. White Boys are the second most ignored.
5/ Parents of White British kids who actually care about authority (and so show up to parents evening) care too much, so just accept the teachers bullshit about why it's ok their child dropped two grades over a year. Black parents see you as the enamy so they barate you until you do something extra just to get them off your back.
lol pics or it didn't happen
>That is literally what destroyed the West
Please elaborate. I don't mean to be patronising but I'm genuinely interested.
>implying grammar is more important than poetry
I strongly disagree. Poetry is perhaps relevant from a historical standpoint and learning more about creative writing. However I notice a lot of people in the anglosphere struggle with learning new languages as they don't even understand the building blocks of their own.
the elite universities are still elite, but the student body will be less and less white british as time goes on because there are huge post-industrial parts of the country that are sub american hillbilly-tier
>Paki here, got 12 A*'s. What do you dumb cumskins have to say about that?
Your parents did a good job of beating you into submission. Western parents have become soft.
>Why are white British students falling behind?
Because of their inferior genes, duh.
>Sup Forums logic
>Percent hitting targets at 16.
What are these targets? Ones decided based on the pupils ability?
This could be because of affirmative action lowering target grades for "oppressed" minority.
Also source?
I would also add shit teachers and poor work ethic compared to Asian households. This might also have a little to do with it:
wait, this isn't shooting practice?
because that takes every white into account, while the peasant-tier shitskins can't afford to move over here. basically you're comparing white trash to shitskin elites, and there still isn't much difference for the most part. chinks and poo in loos can be explained by the fact that our education system is for some moronic reason being moved towards the far eastern system, which obviously benefits them more than us.
find a way to measure creativity and do a chart for that, whites will be far above everyone else.
we aren't as big on affirmative action as the united states of mexico, this is more because there's obviously proportionately more white trash here than there is brown, black or yellow trash (by their standards, all the real mouthbreathers in their society are still in their home countries)
A very large chunk of those African immigrants are refugees from Somalia and whatnot. Hardly an elite or well educated crowd.
Nah, majority of our blacks were selected strictly from the Caribbean.
The top unis are full of private school toffs.
The divide in Britain is class, not race. Always has been.
This is closer to the truth. Huge swathes of the country have been pretty much abandoned for decades, economically, industrially and socially.
>white (gypsy/roma)
Just fucking end my life right now please.
if you look at the chart, Black Caribbeans and Black Africans get separate groups, as do mixed race White/Africans and White/Caribbeans.
I assume you're White British, yes?
In particular the British media uses ""Asian"" so that plebs think there's an epidemic of Jackie Chan roaming around raping people, right?
That's normal dude
Our society has developed an anti-intellectual culture, but some haven't bought into it. Among these groups are Indians and Asians. I know there are a lot of young people on Sup Forums, and listen to me: put education before everything. It's the most important aspect of youth, and if you don't do well you're killing yourself slowly.
u wot m8? i swer u are one cheeky cunt mate, say it to my face and not online and we'll see what happens. i swer 2 christ I'll hook you in the gabba. you better shut your mouth or im calling me homeboys rite now preparin for a proper rumble. tha rumble thatll make your nan sore jus hearin bout it. yer in proper mess ya nob head.
Black people are 2.2 percent of the UK population with the vast majority coming from the Carribean and Kenya.
incorrect, many of our blacks come from middle - upper class families, as i mentioned the ones who can afford to get over here were fairly well off to start with. don't fall for the refugee meme, this isn't sweden or germany, there are not many illegals here no matter how much Sup Forums likes to meme, not even of pakis never mind nogs. if they were mostly refugees i guarantee the percentage would be well under 20%.
don't compare our demographics with yours, they are completely different.
>implying theres an equal amount of every ethnicity in Britain.
not particularly impressive, even if your school was shit tier. i got 12 A* from a fucking terrible comp and i'm smart, but not a genius. GCSE's are a joke, and so are A levels to be honest. dense public schoolkids can leave with 3 A*'s and still not have the faintest idea about how the economy works.
but all i have to say is there are always outliers. just because you're slightly above average intelligence (assuming you're not shitposting) doesn't mean the vast majority of pakis are nigger-tier in terms of intelligence
Because they are as dumb as a rock.
Thanks to 20 years of grade inflation.
More to do with the fact our schools are generally filled with Irish who speak the same language and start off on a level playing field.
Some schools in England are primarily non-English speaking due to the amount of foreigners in them....this must have a detrimental effect to your overall ratings.
no, we know "asian" almost always refers to pakis since chinks and pajeets are rarely in the news for anything negative, they keep to themselves and behave.
Whites suck.
Literally nobody in Britain thinks of chinese people first when they hear the word asian.
We have to exterminate white people.
>Mixed (White+Asian)
Damn I better waifu and knock up as qt chinese girl
Lol different ethnic groups have different targets for example a nignog maybe targets towards a c level, while a white brit expect a-level.
If your blacks are 90% niggers, Britain's are only about 5%. I live in a town with 10,000 people there are 3 black family's, they all work have dads and are nice decent people.
French post best post.
Tchatcher and other liberal killed the working class and leftist come to finish the job by kiling the discipline who was the only little bit of hope for poor white people
I was restricted from taking the higher papers even though i was consistently top 5 in the year. I was also one of three white kids taking the tests.
>Whites suck.
I wouldn't be suprised if it was the scots,welsh and norn irish that pulled down the result for the whites on hitting the targets
White/Asian mixed couples tend to be more educated and the father tends to spend more time at home and care for the kids.
This is already a huge boon in raising a child.
pick one
Britcucks are essentially albino niggers
What the fuck are these classifications? And here I was thinking America is fucked.
In that case, you're just as stupid as the Nigels who are actually pulling it down.
Because our school system hates whites.
Well we have sort of the sam problem here in sweden with school results but instead the girls get highger grades eaiser and boys get lower grades easier due to our socialist policies and also primary school results don't really mean shit compared to high school and university degrees
>In that case, you're just as stupid as the Nigels who are actually pulling it down
Not really because the welsh,scots and norn irish are poorer than the average englishmen. And guess what poorer usually means shitier results.
the irony of greece calling another race niggers
kek, whenever I talk shit about people like these in Sup Forums, they start crying about white genocide and talking about how they will rise and BTFO people.
You know they are fucking losers when they cry so hard about being oppressed but they do nothing but whine on the internet.
you goys do ABC grades instead of percents over there? doing well in primary and secondary school should be fairly easy for any correctly raised and semi-motivated child. the temptation by school boards across the west to pass children who shouldn't be immensely inflates grades to the point where a 95% student and a 98% should be much further apart on paper given that one is average but motivated and the other could literally be gifted.
That's irrelevant. Britcucks are subhumans but they still have the right to live in a homogenous society among their kin.
Black Ukrainian here.
Got 26 A*'s. What do you Irish*Paki shitskins have to say about that?
Northern Irish schools are much better than England's. It's a shame they have fuck all to show for it.
"Irish aren't white"
Norn Iron actually has the best results in the UK
Stay mad Mehmet
explain why africa was absolutely shitty even before the colonial era, and why every other culture that developed ships besides them.
Having a variety of ethnic minorities from different countries means a country is fucked?
America is definitely fucked, not England.
Keep telling yourself that you cuck
Brits are worse than Blacks.
>Indians are European
Nigga wut?
Is this true? Do white British take the mre difficult courses at a higher rate?
Well here in sweden. Immigrants usually target the lower courses and white swedes usually taeget the higher courses. And i think it's the same in the uk
People have known that the current education system has lead to lower class white boys becoming disinterested and underperforming at schools but they are on the bottom of the totem pole of diversity and tolerance so nobody in the government cares if they do badly so just continue ignoring them.
reminder that it's illegal to open any new grammar schools in England
just fuck my country up
>a halfbreed turk calling others subhumans
very funny abdul
Probably very fucked up education system
Every country should just outsource their education to Finland
White Brits are lazier than White Americans