Why is the Catholic church so fucking weird?

Why is the Catholic church so fucking weird?

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bc they are evil af

I don't know...SATAN, maybe?

first post best post again dammit

I wish everyone knew this to be true.

A scupture representative of the mystical blood of Christ. What are you stupid? I got that in two seconds.


Because much pastor said so durrrr

biggest mafia on the planet
roman empire
ubs bank
child sacrifice and prostitution
literal enslavement of the world psychologically financially and spiritually
need i go on?

Sounds more like Jews than Catholics desu

Is hating Catholics just another Jewish trick like people bring up old shit Christians used to do when Muslims blow something up?

>A muslim just shot some people up
>y-yeah w-well christians used to kill people too man

>jew are a bank owning, child sacrificing, bank owning, culture brainwashing mafia

show me the religion/nation/group/organization that truly nurtures the community and isnt corrupt af


>a nation doesn't nurture its community lmao
idk what you mean by these two but i'm pretty sure all religions have charitable organizations

Also Nazi Germany was all of those things and it nurtured its community

more like divided and scapegoated

sikhs, yea maybe but you get my point
im just saying at the top jews muslims catholics do similar things

Americans at the forefront of retardation every single time. What is it about that country that breeds this scum?

Protestants are fucking retarded

whats the matter
im not protestant
was rasied jewish but i could rant about them all day too

slimy catholic shill apologist DETECTED

all religious apologists should be shot imho

The Church as it exists now is evil as fuck. The Pope is a complete cuck and they advocate liberalism very readily these days.

I agree though those were shitty posts.

Catholicism should be exterminated. It has lead to the stagnation of scientific achievement and the cucking of Europe and Latin America. It is corrupt and satanic. The other Christian denominations are much less degenerate.

childrapist detected

don't be calling ME scum
YOU are teh scum
pedopriests should be burned alive
welcome to Sup Forums

You're as scummy and ignorant as your typing skills imply.

you like men and boys to wear dresses so its easy to buttfuck

i'm not the one defending pedopriests, their international criminal organization, or any scum like that

you are

>It has lead to the stagnation of scientific achievement


It's a death-cult whose sigil is a flayed man nailed to a cross

looks like a boss in final fantasy t b h


>It has lead to the stagnation of scientific achievement
>The other Christian denominations are much less degenerate.
>creationism exit

wew lad

protrstants are american white trash and "nordic" eurocucks

You were doing good until
>The other Christian denominations are much less degenerate.

Protestant christcucks lead creationism and some of them are even starting to re adopt flat earth theory.

The child abuse scandals within Hollywood and the Catholic Church are living proof of what happens when you entrust society's institutions to homosexuals.

They cannot create life, and therefore cannot create families, the absolute base of all societies. So they make up for this by lusting for power and control via politics, academia, and media.

Some of you are so quick to denounce pedophilia within the Catholic Church, but refuse to admit that it's committed almost entirely by non-heterosexuals.


yes nazi germany was great

pretty much

The majority of white Americans are protestant, not just rednecks my obviously jewish friend


>not following the most powerful and oldest Christian religion
>not knowing Martin Luther only wanted to reform the Catholic Church, not start his own
>Luther saying faith alone brings you to heaven, but critiques the Catholic church for not feeding the poor
>what is 95 Theses

Seriously why do Protestants feel superior? Nondenominational churches are a joke to mankind. Just adults who rebelled against their parents by starting their own church that ends after they die.

Anyone who isn't a Catholic is an edge lord and a hypocrite.

They literally worship Satan.


World's oldest pedo circle

>Is hating Catholics just another Jewish trick(...).
Yes. Jews want their revenge because the Holy Church persecuted them for centuries.

See Tomás de Torquemada

>Kike hate catholics
>XXI century protestants support kikes (muh chosen people) and hate catholicz

Who could guess that

hate fundamentalists who enslave anyone
jews muslims catholics satanist alike

because they are a jewish pedo cult that wants to fill europe with muslims

How does that change the fact that people who are heterosexual in their adult attraction molest little boys?

When it comes to Catholic priests, consider how much easier it is to molest the altar boy than a girl. Access is key.