Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?

Clear the messenger
He was being a cunt and expected these guys to give up without a fight
>B-but muh don't shoot the messenger
Fuck off

He even explains why the messenger fucked up.

Justified murder after being threatened with slavery, death and cuckoldry.

How would Sup Forums have responded to this film had it come out today?
Imagine the memes.

the black

The audience for paying to see it.

The writers for adding the king needing permission from his wife.

Killing a messenger is still absolutely barbaric even if he's being a dick. Leonidas should've been the bigger man and let him go.

It was clearly his own decision. His wife and him were just on the same plain of thought and he looked to her for affirmation.

I f*cking wish they didn't exist

>call the king a cuck
>expect to live

Persian Onomaeus was fucking retarded

Sparta was a matriarchal society. The women ruled when the men were at war. This is one of the few historically accurate things in the film.

Doesn't matter. Leonidas got his ass kicked.

So did Jesus.
The West is built on people who get fucked up only to come back and win.

300 was like the original meme movie

He was 60 years old in real life.
He went out on his own terms after defending his homeland fighting a much bigger foe.
He might have held longer had the Persians never found a way to flank them.
He's the reason Europe didn't get zergrushed by Asians.

Don't get me wrong, Persians were based, but we would never have had people like Aristotle, Plato, Socrates, Aristophanes, Pythagoras, Hippocrates, Euclid, Archimedes, Epicurus etc creating western civilization and people like Alexander or Pericles spreading it.

Fuck off

>mfw realizing the queen was the woman who plays Cersei Lannister in Game of Normies

A movie in which Western civilization protects itself from mudskin invasion from Middle-East won't happen nowadays

A reminder that Persians were the most advanced civilization at the time before the Greeks took over.

The rest of Europe was literal garbage tier in comparison.

Reminder than IRL the 300 were actually 3000 and they still got obliterated within a day

I want a 300 style film about the battle of Marathon, the real game-changer.
I don't care if Zack "the hack" Snyder makes it, I just want people to know and start learning, like they did with this movie.

Like London Has Fallen?

saracen detected

There were 3-4,000 for the first two days. Once they realised the Persians had found a flanking route most of the army left and 300 Spartans and several hundred other Greeks were left defending the pass on the final day

>also starring gerard butler
Is Gerry secretly based?

I find many of the old world cultures fascinating, Rome and Greece amongst them. The sheer amount of innovation in those times, military and otherwise, was insane.

We won't see days like those again for centuries. Not now that humanity has stagnated.

t. Mohammed ibn al-Abdul

What a retard. There has been more techonological innovation in 20 century alone than 1000 years of Rome

Little things. Things of convenience. That's all we do anymore is little things. Great discoveries are no longer made.

clearly Leonidas, Doctore was just delivering a message

history fag here, lemme give you some numbers

>7,000 Greeks consisting of Spartans, Thebans and Thespians vs ~150,000 Persians held for 2 full days of battle
>betrayed and flanked on the third day, Greeks retreated except a force of ~1,500 strong, who did a last stand that lasted 4 more days

I'm Greek unironically

Greeks and Romans discovered the bulk of what we're still perfecting today.
We discover things yes, but everything is a continuation of what people came up with thousands of years ago.

Needlessly pessimistic. Science is striding forward with leaps and bounds and soon we'll be exploring the depth of space for the first time ever as a species, maybe even colonizing other planets.
Don't be too down on the modern era. The only problem we have are some backwards elements trying to keep us down, and we'll rid ourselves of those.

>quantum mechanics
>nuclear weaponry
>manned space missions
>polio vaccine

>little things

pay denbts

Spoken like a true retard.

Persia never had slavery.

Preferably immediately. Stupid people don't deserve to rule.

He has a point.

Aristotle taught the world how to think scientifically.
Socrates taught the world how to think logically.
Cicero taught the world how to think politically.
Plato taught the world how to think.

Everything we know is based on the minds of a few great men.

No he doesnt have a point, we space now.

Cicero was Roman man.

Aristotle was entirely unknown in the Western Europe until late medieval period and Plato was only vaguely familiar to a few scholars through a couple of dialogues translated in latin, but nice try.

>own planet in shambles

We do need to focus on scientific discovery though, and not give NASA the task of making "muslims feel more welcome" or have the entire west watering the weeds of the third world.
But the possibilities are there. It's faint, but it's there, like the daytime moon.

NASA supposedly created an engine that violates Newton's Third Law. If true, it would mean that the rules of the universe are not absolute. And then there are possibilities.

Major discoveries require great minds. You get smart people often enough, but the geniuses? Those are rare.

good points but that's also done now and more widespread than ever

leonidas was basically the donald dumbfuck of his time.

>"muh brave nationalistic Spartans standing up against muh muslim sand nigger tyrants"
>stormweenies/Sup Forumstards using this for propaganda don't realize Sparta became the lapdogs of the Persians right after that war ended with Leonidas own nephew planning a 3rd invasion with Xerxes to when King Aigis III of Sparta fought in defense of Persia against the Macedonians under Alexander at Megalopolis
>let alone the Persians were the original Aryans that Hitler himself would LARP to the point that the Nazi's built a biological/racial library in Iran to show they were both of "Aryan origin" and "pure"
I love this timeline and how it displays the ignorance of your average disgusting anti-semitic alt-righter/neo-nazi faggot.