Whenever I got to /lit/ they're very hostile about anyone that isn't a leftist and such. Apparently right wing people don't read books or have an appreciation for anything arts wise.
Is that true? What do you guys like?
Whenever I got to /lit/ they're very hostile about anyone that isn't a leftist and such. Apparently right wing people don't read books or have an appreciation for anything arts wise.
Is that true? What do you guys like?
They probably kicked you out because you couldn't keep yourself from spreading Sup Forumslution there and didn't actually talk about books
I'm not Sup Forums, curious what you guys think though.
Modern art is trash and I think many leftists agree with that. Unfortunately some people on certain boards are up their own ass and defend it because it's 'Theirs"
Because it was made while they were alive and isn't some old thing. It's retarded
No they aren't. They are just anti-Sup Forums. As everyone should be, I don't believe there is a single intellectual on Sup Forums.
There are a few. Look hard enough, and you might come across an informed post here or there.
I saw some pretty intellectual Mexican posts earlier
Sup Forumsis the real /lit/. The clue's in the name, /polit/ically incorrect.
Aren't any on there either. It's basic leftist arguments of dismissing what you say and calling you names
butthurt /lit/ liberal detected
This. The difference is /lit/ takes three paragraphs to say nothing, Sup Forums can simply call you a cuck faggot
The average Sup Forumslack possesses a far superior intellect than the average person.
Point me to a single thread on Sup Forums that isn't bait, trolling, sliding or shitposted into irrelevance.
Nice try, I'm not any of those things.
Don't have to be to see Sup Forumslution for what it is.
This one
I'm just here for bantz and meme magic.
They don't have a country argument and end up looking dumber then the people they make fun of. That said you should keep politics to the politics board
You can't not bring up politics when it involves certain books
Damn phone keeps fucking up
Then the conservation should stay in that thread
not true, aussies are slidding as we speak
I've read every day since kindergarten, and that is not an exaggeration; vacations, illness, and everything included. I cannot imagine going a day without spending at least the hour before bed reading.
I read novels, mostly. I tend to like things with a supernatural element to it, or science fiction. I'm a big fan of Jim Butcher at the moment, and am rereading the Dresden Files for the thirtieth time. They're about a wizard who lives in Chicago, and it's just as awesome as it sounds.
I read a lot of horror, but it all needs something supernatural, or I just don't enjoy it. I went through a pretty big Stephen King phase for a while.
I used to read a lot of high fantasy as a teenager; Dragonlance, Forgotten Realms, Shannara, and, of course, Lord of the Rings, which got me started reading heavy stuff in second grade.
I tend to stay away from classic literature in my leisure time; I read enough Shakespeare, Milton, and Chaucer when I studied them in college.
I read the way a lot of people play video games: to have a good time, relax, and enjoy myself. The people on /lit/ are so far up their own asses about what constitutes a good book that they wouldn't even consider reading something that the vast majority of people actually enjoy. Go on there and mention how much you like Stephen King, watch what happens. They're literary fucking hipsters. Just ignore them.