What are your opinions on Trey Parker and Matt Stone?
What are your opinions on Trey Parker and Matt Stone?
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Smug cunts that once made a good animated show
On one hand i kinda feel bad for them because theyre trapped making south park, albeit its s gilded cage. Why i like them is, they strait up say "dont feel bad for us, we're rich as fuck".
turned into full cucks once they started making fun of Trump
A couple of faggots who forgot how to be funny
Not funny anymore. They've lost their creativity, their originality, their spark.
The only thing left for them is basically either holocaust denial or pornographic human degradation. Nothing else is taboo anymore.
They've made fun of every politician who was relevant while making the show
What makes you think they wouldn't make fun of trump?
Good guys, hope their new game is as good as the previous one.
South Park at its best (season 3 through 8 or 9) was incredible, probably on of the funniest shows ever.