White men killed more American police than any other group this year

Hahaha. Where were you when Sup Forums was proven wrong once again

>Instead, 71% of police who've been shot and killed so far in 2016 have been killed by good old-fashioned white men.



How many (((white))) Hispanics?

>72% of the population commits 71% of the crimes
So whites commit fewer cop murder per capita than blacks.

As far as I can see, minorities, mainly blacks, are a cancer on the United States. They are less intelligent, more likely to be on welfare, and commit violent crimes at outrageously high rates, and that's just the tip of the iceberg. They simply don't conduct themselves in a way befitting people in a civilized country. Some people will explain these behaviors away by pointing to poverty rather than race as the main factor (which, of course, makes sense for the welfare one), but in my experience, poor whites are usually still decent people. Bottom line is, people need to stop making excuses for black antisocial behavior. It's not poverty, it's not drugs, and it's not racism. Rather, it's that blacks are quite simply less evolved. End of discussion.

Blacks make up 15% of the population but commit 50% of violent crimes in America yet are 50% LESS likely to get killed by a cop. But BLM won't address the facts.

And this.

and white men are killed most by police

it's almost like there are more whites than niggers!

Better aim.

How many of them were actually hispanic?

And whats the nimber per capita? Remember there are more whites in America than anyone else

Based white man
Cops are racist and will do anything to kill an innocent black man. This is proof that whites are working hard to end racial injustice.

>what is per capita

So a 13% minority accounted for 29% of police deaths?

>Shaun King

Why would I read anything from that nigger-wannabe fraud?

White males make up 31% of U.S. population, commit over two-thirds of its shootings of police.

And black males make up 7% and probably commit the rest. I bet those 71% "white" also include hispanics.

I'll bet they count ALL Mestizos/Hispanics/Mexicans as "white".

Both true.

>cricket chirping intensifies

>"What are disproportionately high violent crime rates of one group in particular even though it is a significantly smaller part of the overall general population?"


Isn't it because Cletus tends to have several thousand dollars in weaponry in case the Prussians invade and has spent his entire life hunting durr and shooting engine blocks, whereas Jamal buys a gun because it's shiny and holds it sideways?

Shaun Kuck doesn not list any sources for any of these statistics.

He only provides hyperlinks to his other articles, which also do not have any external official sources. He only refers to a few individual incidents.

Opinion discarded. Frankly I'm surprised he has a job anywhere after the embarrassing fuckery he pulled with pretending to be black.

Oh well. People are gonna keep screaming at each other, and nothing will change until a violent confrontation occurs between the left and right.

As always.

>Seventeen police officers have already been shot and killed in 2016
How would you address black men kill five times that many other black men in a weeks time?

Umm.. What don't you niggers get? It should be 100% of police shot should be by white folks. Why? Because it's our damn country.

Niggers have no place in western society. Today, blacks shoot officers 30% of the time. Tomorrow, 50%. And so on. Put an end to rabid coonery, shoot niggers on sight.