This was overrated as fuck. The whole scene where [spoilers]his kids die and the interrogation[/spoilers] was incredible and Casey probably did deserve the Oscar for it. But the rest was so mediocre and what the fuck was that ending? It tried so hard to not have a predictable "Hollywood" ending that it ended up not having one at all. Such a let down. How did this get best original screenplay?
This was overrated as fuck...
The oscars are over you dumb nigger nobody cares
Fucked up the spoiler tags. Sorry bros. Hope I didn't ruin it for anyone.
The whole movie felt real the conversations felt real. The ending was meant to represent that he is slowly trying to get better, buying bigger apartment and wanting his nephew to visit him. The ending was great because it kept the realistic style that was set by the rest of the movie. He didnt move in with his nephew which like in some other film but he was trying to get better. Really great movie and great ending.
Fuck off OP
>conversations felt real
I guarantee you've never had a conversation like that in your life. You don't know what the fuck your talking babbout
So, I only saw the first 15 minutes or so, is Lee supposed to be autistic?
Not everyone is as autistic as you though
he's obviously depressed.
you find out later on (or by reading the op) why.
Watch the rest of the movie, retard
I liked the touch with the ball. How he was willing to let it go but his nephew gets it and throws it back to him.
Made me think they were saying that his nephew is going to keep the joy alive for him in future, while he'd reached a point where he'd become comfortable with (or perhaps just used to) loss.
Manchester by the sea is for me the kind of fantastic movie that hits you really hard when you watch it, leaves you thinking about it for days, but that you feel you'll never have to, or want to, watch again.
Manchester is a cold place in the eyes of our protagonist, a grey and white hell with chattering townsfolk. His return there does not grant him, or us the audience , any happy turnaround where the movie shows us that "even though you've been through something terrible, you can still get back", as you might expect. The movie hints about it with the single mom and a couple of endearing scenes between lee and his nephew. Towards the end we get a 2 minute or so long scene with some happy music where it seems thing's are gonna be A - okay, "i'm beginning to see the light" ,maybe Lee can make this work with his nephew in manchester? But then he runs into his past, and is reminded that it will never be possible for him to ever live in this town again. Even with the forgiveness of his wife, he could never forgive himself.
In the end our hero is too far gone to ever live a happy and fulfilling life.
He is a tragic reminder that if you go through a terrible enough tragedy the grief never ends it just... exist,as much a part of you as your eyes, your hands and your soul.
The happy ending we is get is an extra room for the nephew and a tiny glimmer of hope that their relationship will give Lee a reason to go on. It's kinda sweet and profound in all it's tragicness.
>In real life people quip constantly and a make one-liners constantly
Is this America actually is?
Awesome movie. One of the best American cinema has produced in the last years. Thank God it didn't win that shitty politicized award.
I really liked the movie except for 2 things. One, it dragged on a little too long. Could have been at least 30 minutes shorter.
The second, that blonde bitch on that poster (don't know why she's there, she's only in it for like 5 minutes) is a GOD awful actress. That part where she starts whining and crying for minutes on end you can't understand a fucking word she says. Probably because she is trying to "act" and do the accent at the same time and it is fucking awful. Casey is good in it though.
>>>In real life people quip constantly and a make one-liners constantly
It is but it's mostly one guy doing that shit over and over again. Conversation is inane and shit in real life, there is no meaning to be found there unlike every conversation in this movie.
Kennett Lonergan is one of the best working screenwriters in the industry right now, he manages to make the interactions between the characters "the plot", the big events are just plot devices to propell the actual narrative forward, while in other films it's usually the other way around.
As for the ending, compare at the opening sequence on the boat and the ending and it should be clear enough. Also that baseball exchange at the end summarizes their whole relationship in just one scene.
I really suggest you to watch the film once again.
I understood everything perfectly and english is not my native language.
Stop downloading bad encodes with 96kbps audio
Great movie, very low key though so obviously not everyone will like it
>you can't understand a fucking word she says
Talk to more people you fucking autist. I bet you read conversations more than you hear them.
Typical white peole shit
Could you imagine Damon starring in this instead of Affleck?
Thank god that didn't happen.
it was better than Tree of Life.
A massive pile of turd is better than a Tree of Life
"Cinema real." You know. Like, we all know no one talks like a Tarantino film or like a mumblecore film, but in the context of cinema it FEELS real.
I guarantee neither have you. Try leaving your house sometime
That's a hell of an achievement
Seriously. All white people movies that are "deep" are just "real" conversations of thinly veiled depression and "existential crisis."
The film dodged so many bullets
>first Matt Damon wanted to direct it with fucking John Krasinski as the lead
>then Lonergan wrote the script and Matt Damon was the lead
>Matt Damon loved the part but couldn't fit it in his schedule and he didn't want to give it to anybody but Casey, Damon became the producer
>the narrative was meant to be linear in the first draft of the script, no flashbacks
If only Lonergan didn't use the overused adagio in g minor as the temp track for the police department scene and it would be a literal 10/10
>fuck white people, where are my guns and splosions
It's a shit movie.
Great, so the "I can be an insider too" bullshit continues as now people are misusing "temp track", a term they don't even need to know in the first place. I hate peasants.
Very realistic acting and story. I liked it 2bh
Have fans of this movie seen Lonergan's other movies? They are both as good as Manchester. Actually Margaret is significantly better.
They are all crap. Never trust a director who uses a gimmick alias.
Shouldn't you be at a screening of Logan or something?