Well are you happy now Sup Forums? This is what your scaremongering produces in society. This guy fled from islamists in Nigeria only to get wasted on the street by some neo-nazi who first called his wife a monkey.
Shame on you
Well are you happy now Sup Forums? This is what your scaremongering produces in society. This guy fled from islamists in Nigeria only to get wasted on the street by some neo-nazi who first called his wife a monkey.
Shame on you
This pleases me. Let's hope there are many more to come. Or in this case: go.
I'm pretty happy
Based neo nazi
haha lol should have stayd in niggaland
Yes scaremongering produces neo-nazi's, because everyone is just ready to make that little jump into full blown psychopath by a little commentary and facts about illegal third-world immigrants.
What a faggot OP.
If anything, should highlight the most important lesson from this - real men and women don't abandon their own country, be it overrun by psychos or not. You stay and fight, if you have any self-respect or care about your homes at all.
Even if you have to flee to the next state over, or even two, you don't run halfway across the world for muh benefits and muh security so you can bring your shit ideals to the west. You stay and fight like a man who values his homeland and gives a fuck about his own culture.
Anything less is cowardice.
Lol implying his chance to be murdered wouldn't be 100 times higher there.
This should have happened to the first few ones and the rest would have stayed in their shitholes.
you act like he browses Sup Forums, dude.
Negri a casa
It's the Italian Navy that should be doing this at sea, not some random skinhead.
top kek
I don't support those types of attacks.
They solve nothing, and even turn people against us.
Also, that guy was probably not guilty of anything more than being a fucking ignorant roach bred in the uterous of a rotten globalized political system. But I can't say I feel sorry for him either: He could have gone to any other african country, or enlist the army of his own country (that last option probably being the most honorable one)
>muh feelings
fuck off.
>real men and women don't abandon their own country
Have a look here please:
One less parasite
Fuck niggers, and fuck Arabs (Christians and Muslims)
Does it make NBC when an Italian is killed by a nigger?
If those darn leftists hadn't treated him like he was inherently a violent racist just for being white, maybe he wouldn't have decided that he might as well be.
Or wait..does that reasoning only apply in one direction?
>You stay and fight, if you have any self-respect or care about your homes at all.
I own two buildings in my old block. I couldn't have done it as fast there.
Family business is still strong considering you're having someone handle your money miles away from you.
This is what happened:
>Italian white hero called the nigger's wife a "monkey from africa"
>nigger gets mad and confronts our hero
>the hero destroys the nigger
Some newspapers say the nigger also took a fucking street sign and tried to beat the italian with it
>United Nations comments on the crime
>Italian PM promises to help
This is what angers people the most. When they get killed by foreigners their deaths are barely even reported on. When a foreigner dies, the entire world grinds to a halt.
Good and about time after all the shit these animals having been pulling.
I hope they waste enough of them the others think twice about invading Europe. A boy can dream.
Just 1?
WTF wake me when there are 6 million!
Something important you probably have to know: the nigger and his wife were tortured back in Niger or where they came from, one of his child was killed and his unborn child died while they were coming (illegaly of course) to Italy.
That's what the media said but you never know the truth here in Italy anyway
Funny, the prime witness says the italian guy got beated by the nigger and his wife for about 4-5 minutes. This until the italian got tired of being cucked and punched the filthy subhuman to the ground.
What's even funnier, is that by the time local police arrived, about 15 niggers were already there, ready to beat the shit out of the guy....
[spoiler]Although it all started when the italian called the nigger's wife "ugly monkey" kek[/spoiler]
Yes I'm happy now. The future just got a little brighter.
>blames shit done by illiterate without internet on an internet site
go fuck yourself with a cactus you fikfuckfart
Don't Italians love black girls?
>"Neo-Nazi killed by Migrant"
>Media: "..."
Only 1? The African niggers were the worst part of my visit to Italy.
You guys are retarded. You solve nothing with that attitude. Looking down at someone who is fleeing away from a war with his wife because he is a coward, is not the same as killing him. How can you support that?
He's a nigger. Or, he was.
Nigeria is not Islamist, it's 60% christian. Escaped boko haram in Nigeria, parents died by them, was defending racial slur towards wife. Yea sure, add more pile to their bullshit stories. All these people have colorful stories, meanwhile they're mostly economic migrants.
Brown eyes, brown skin, put the fucker in the bin
there is literally nothing wrong in killing a nigger
Because, Nigeria is 60% Christian, so he went all the way to Italy instead of moving south to a christian part in his country, yea sure. Was probably just an economic migrant and nigerian scammer.
Go suck on more Ahmed cock, Moorish Caliphate of Spain
if anything you are a disgusting nigger who made it into Ceuta
Niggers are Niggers
And how can you support the niggerification of our ancestral lands ? Spain is relatively spared for now but we will talk about this in 10-20 years bro. In Europe a good nigger is a dead nigger.
Why don't they kill the slimes in Nigeria? I'm sure 'Merica would be willing to help them "liberate" Nigeria from the slimes for various reasons, which includes securing a more permanent foothold in Africa, which will eventually become a battleground between the powers for the resources/riches the continent holds.
Russia have allies there (i.e. Zimbabwe and other nignog commies). China is slowly taking over (i.e. Empire of Dust). The US/West will eventually have go there to drive those two out, then purging unwanted elements like communism and radical Islam.
That motherfucker came to the wrong neighborhood.
Is he safe?
gis te kkites rayce whur now
>Be a based italian
>A filthy nigger enter illegally in your country, basically invading it
>Kill the invader
>Get called neo-nazi for defending your own country
then why did ur parents leave their country? why didnt they stay and fight/work in their old one?
>Well are you happy now Sup Forums?
One down, millions to go - that makes me sad, even though someone like that being killed are happy news.
But I DON'T support it. I just dont see how killing random africans would solve that, especially when the origin of the problem is not in them, but first, on the current geopolitical situation, and second, on the politicians who allow them to enter here.
Only one?
Turns out the nigger actually reacted physically first, literally hitting the Italian guy with a road sign
Then the guy got fed up and punched the nignog one time and killed him, then he ran as the niggress was calling the whole squad
Says the man from a country made up almost entirely of people whose ancestry comprises of immigrants fleeing unrest and hard times.
Tough words to say when you have it good in a wealthy and safe country. Let's face it, if any of you guys were in a similar situation as these migrants, you'd probably want to leave too. Yeah, it would be great if they could stay and fight, but if you have a family and want to live a normal life, why would you stay and possibly get blown up or decapitated?
I don't like millions of migrants either, but you guys are seriously out of touch. Sometimes you can't just simply "make it better".
You're not wrong but if niggers fear for their life here too they just won't take the risk to make the perilous travel.
We left our country to conquer a new one.
That is insanely horrible, but still, maybe it's just my 'murican brain and muh freedom, but I would never be able to leave if shit like that went down with my family. I'd become some crazy jungle rambo nigger and probably get shot, but it would be better than living with those images and memories for the rest of your fucking life.
Like how could you ever just move away and happily continue your life knowing what happened? Shit is fucked man.
they are fucking niggers
they can go back to africa.
Good I'm glad.
>We left our country to conquer a new one.
Viva la raza hermano
So it was just a normal fight between a drunk italian and thi nigerian thta ended up into a homicide
I don't even hate niggers, just want them out of my country
how can those moors have neo-nazis.
but then again in true logic form the aryan history has resemblance to the history of the gypsies.
I like your country dude but I've been there and I can tell spain is whiter than you.
1 gone, 5 million left. You have to start with something, good luck Italy.
I meant Italy but spain even more and they were with the nazis btw while you were fighting them for your jewish pals.
Simple. Everyone can be a nazi.
we were never invaded by moors.
Instead of fighting "Neo Nazis" in Europe, how about he fights the Muslim extemists back in his own country?
>American education
>Based movie anyway
Here we go again
yea you have. those phoenicians began what was to become the italic merchant empire.
>Italic merchant empire
Man, these americans get better every day.
I'm actually black. They have a lot of genes stretching back to the levant. Unlike spain that has a predominant celtic gene type. unless you trace back to those little enclaves where people hid.
fucking excellent, keep up the good work dagos
Mire, Juan Posada De Cervantes y Miranda, me cago en tu bendita, madre, okeh?
we wuz king solomon n shit
They can praise Mussolini then. They don't have to be Nazis but fascists.
just fucking kill yourself you pathetic french cock sucking nigger. your countries shit.
No it does not, and I assure you there are murders and many other felonies these niggas do here.
Also, a witness told the press that before falcon punching the nigger, tha italian dude was beaten by said nigger with a street sign.
>Celtic gene type
The celts of Spain did not have such a big genetic relationship with other celts, they just had almost the same culture. What is the reason beyond, that nobody knows.
Maybe they were just iberians who adopted celtic culture due to their geographical position and political influence.
The West should either close Africa off or go in and fix it by force.
Invite China and Russia and anyone else and make it clear we're not aiming for any reward other than nigger being able to live safely in niggerland and stay the fuck out of ours. They have nothing of value to offer us.
He could have moved to Southern Nigeria like Lagos but instead he had to flee to Italy.
Gran pedazo de mierda, ve y buscate otro pendejo para entretener. Por que este pendejo, entre pendejos, de otro pendejos ya ni quiere saber.
>oh fuck boko haram wants to kill me
>well i could just move 50km to the south in my own country where there is no boko haram
>or i could move to a neighboring country
>nah fuck it, let's pay 5000€ to some smuggler and enter europe illegally and claim benefits there
I literally feel nothing for these filthy animals, hopefully more will get killed and die in the sea
>or i could move to a neighboring country
I am defending him, because he could indeed have moved elsewhere. But it is not that easy. Africans HATE other africans. He would be machete'd on sight, they don't care about refugees.
Maybe because after so long breeding with the traders from the levant, north africa, and europe, they were half cast. Actually have you read the play the little carthaginian by Penulus? It is often speculated that they were not making fun of the Carthaginian from North Africa but the little citizen of Iberian Carthage, the spoke a celtic tongue.
We should only accept female migrants from africa.
This guy was a Southern Nigerian living in North Nigeria. He could have moved back to his homeland.
Why is that the problem of Italians?
We should accept no one and deport everyone that's already here
Masturbate bro you're a little anxious.
black guy killed instant national tragedy
Italians get butchered by subhuman shitskin nobody give a shit
We need to put all of Africa under the supervision of a world council that has the power to put their leadership on trial.
These countries can't make any real headway because they are insanely corrupt, add to that an almost entirely retard level population with barely any education and a general propensity toward violence (relatively) and superstitious voodoo tier belief structures (even if they call themselves Christian or Muslim). How can they ever hope for safety if we don't step in in force?
Bringing them here does no good for their people.
There are a more of them than us and their population is projected to multiply 5x over in the next 50 years, just like they did in the last 50.
It's insanity.
Africa is a disaster and it's going to become many times over the disaster very quickly.
With the price of oil having fallen, Nigeria is in massive trouble with their 170,000,000 people and the region having well over a billion.
Blame futbol
Don't lie.
You're an octaroon at most.