lel, le supreme US of foking A, can't produce a simple thing like pic related.
>muh gunz, muh freedumbz
fatburgers can't into orbit without ruskies
lel, le supreme US of foking A, can't produce a simple thing like pic related.
>muh gunz, muh freedumbz
fatburgers can't into orbit without ruskies
Other urls found in this thread:
what am i looking at?
What is so impressive here??
Also, we got into space because we stole Nazi scientist and made them build us rockets.
Russia was a commie leach hellhole up until recently. So let's not talk about who relies on whom for what.
>what am i looking at?
that are usually the last words...
>Russia was a commie leach hellhole up until recently. So let's not talk about who relies on whom for what.
true, true. but this design was lightyears ahead of murifat weapon industry. AK-74 is the best assault rifle on the planet.
>rock in mags
>no ability for the barrel to freefloat
>straightness of the entire gun is determined by how straight the trunnion is riveted to a thin sheet metal box
>the trigger group is both held in and operated by a flimsy guitar string wound tightly around itself and woven throughout the receiver barely resting on indents in the trigger pins, and if it slips off, the trigger falls out the bottom of the receiver
Take it from someone who has assembled AKs from parts kits, they fucking suck.
>AK-74 is the best assault rifle on the planet.
top kek
I bet you haven't even held a firearm before.
I bet you held your hands up too many times
Good luck damaging russian military AK.
>be me
>serving in army
>drop AK from a fucking cliff 30m height
>rifle is perfectly okay (but lost the ramrod)
>rifle is perfectly okay (but lost the ramrod)
I lost the cleaning rod for mine when I moved apartments last year. Of all fucking things, those are impossible to find on the interwebs.
What do you mean? We've got them, too. They just look different.
thank you for your cervix
We don't need chrome lined muzzle brakes because we don't shoot corrosive ammo.
>flash hider that conceals your positon
>muzzle brake that gives off a giant flash that attracts machine gun bullets
this is why your military is shit tier
country so pleb you cant teach proper rifle marksmanship
that is a different thing. i'm not saying it is shit, but ak74 muzzle brake is more than just a muzzle brake.
>straightness of the entire gun is determined by how straight the trunnion is riveted to a thin sheet metal box
Milled receiver master race
>AKs from parts kits
Being this poorfag
If they suck so bad why did you purchase and build more than one?
>We hope we don't need chrome lined muzzle brakes because we hope we don't have to shoot corrosive ammo.
Murphy is a mother fucker bro
Fat negroid with amoeba IQ detected
What else is it then? A bottle opener?
And buy a fucking sling.
0/10 would not operate with.
Don't talk about guns until you've actually held one
>AKs from parts
lel, you can only dream getting original
Even the steel cased shit is noncorrosive. A $5 A2 flash hider is cheap as fuck to replace.
can't you read anything that is not mcmenu?
If you don't know how to build a gun just say so. Don't insult people with knowledge just because you don't have it. That's negroid behavior.
The long arm that a nation fields in their military doesn't matter. Its artillery. Tanks. Planes. Etc etc that determine whether you have control of a battlefield.
AK107 is master race
Post a picture of guns you own. Until then keep your mouth shut you noguns faggot
All i'm saying is that it is utterly hard to obtain original AK74 parts in murifatia. All you can get is shitty texfucko parts or bugarian gypsy shit production and then brag "we have real eastern eu/ruskie parts"
russian AK-74 is the only one
everything else is a scam.
>fucking carbine length gas system on a 13 rail
>No sling
>no Light
Your saving graces are that SMR and that aimpoint.
9/10 would maybe operate with
(good choices user)
I scanned the article. Doesn't answer my question: what else does it do besides be just a muzzle brake?
So the 14 foot Sarissa didn't subjugate the 8 foot Dory?
It does matter what the infantryman wields. Are your planes, tanks and artillery going to occupy that battlefield? Or is it the infantryman that's actually going to take and occupy territory through his force of arms with SUPPORT(maybe sometimes not always) from the other elements.
Why is the sky blue?
>Post a picture of guns you own.
I own 0 gunz yo. Don't need any.
we doo nooot huv nignogz here.
uga-bbooga, ggunzaa banga-wanga
>Croatian explaining to Americans the difficulty involved in buying guns in their country
>A croatian
It's a completely different weapon than the M-16. America invades shit and has to walk around everywhere so we made our rifles lighter.
>uga-bbooga, ggunzaa banga-wanga
And it's a shame you don't have any "nig nogs" because it sounds like you'd fit right in with them
reduced flash and recoil. especially at night. there is something with those zig-zag flash is over 75% less than regular cuts.
Assuming I can buy a few thousand rounds of non-corrosive 5.56 ammo, when am I going to have to use corrosive ammo?
Even if the world ends, my guns will wear out before I am ever forced to use some shit I have never even seen in the states
other than an AK-47, whats a good rifle to buy?
What the Hell are you..........
The Croatian takes a break from his centuries long buttrape at the hands of the Turk to shitpost about his betters.
no need to, it comes that way from the factory.
The AK74 is a pound lighter than the M16 bro. You should really double check your keystrokes before enter.
>tfw shitty tapco muzzle brake on my AK
At least it makes it sort of look like a 74.
Failed the ESL class, huh?
Better luck next time.
M16 would be the logical counterpart
My math is bad. It's a half lighter. But whatever. It's lighter.
best gun is not kalashnikov
is moisin nagant
Easiest fix ever desu senpai. I just held mine down and smacked the front sight tower with a rubber mallet until everything lined up with my laser bore sighter.
stupid noguns
Thanks for displaying your actual gun knowledge to us.
Here's something you don't know since you've never had a gun before and did bother to do any reading on anything other than your raifu: the M16 has a big ass buffer and spring built into the butt of the rifle that reduces the recoil. So a muzzle brake is not needed.
i'm sorry man. we don't need assault rifles here. in what kind of neighborhood you live in that you need a guns? criminals?
for example, if my neighbor tomorrow buys an AK-47 everyone would call police because we will assume that there is something going on in his head, that he became funny, you know, in the head
>built into the butt
so you're an expert, huh?
I own a semi-auto copy of AK-74H. It's a decent rifle, but far from the best on the planet
We don't need nor have assault rifles here either friend. They were banned in 1986.
I have the same shit on my 74
Such precision, much accurate
Ah, the rallying cry of American wiggers who can't afford anything more expensive than $200 for both the gun and ammo.
Moist Nuggets are the Hi-Points of rifles
youre either a liar or fucked up your rifle doing that
that is absolutely not how you fix that issue
>"we don't need guns here"
Shit that government owned meatbags say
shots fired
It worked though. You don't have to believe me, I guess.
As long as the standard weapon of yhe military is an intermediate caliber assault rifle that remains operable, it doesn't matter. Look up the casultly lists from previous wars.
Are you daft? A flash hider stops the shooter being blinded, doesn't conceal your position.
>that is absolutely not how you fix that issue
pls tell me how. I also have misaligned rear sight like picrelated
Like you'd know you pommy cunt
Bro we get it you think the AKM-74 is pretty cool. Which it is
>Dem high cap mags bruh
And its got some pretty coll aesthetics. But the AR/M16/M4 have very comparable characteristics when looking at the muzzle brake.
Now if you want to get into /k/ territory you should go there and shitpost about which is better.
But there is nothing revolutionary about that muzzle friend
>in what kind of neighborhood you live in that you need a guns?
The neighborhood of AMERICA! Because I'm an AMERICAN DAMMIT!! And GUNS are AWESOME!!!
It's a high cultural tradition that eludes your peasant mind. Go back to farming potatoes or whatever it is Croatians do. I need more freedom fries.
>But there is nothing revolutionary about that muzzle
holy shit
>AK-74 is the best assault rifle on the planet.
>not an FN SCAR
I'd tell you to get on my level, but I know you're a slavpoor so that's just impossible
That must be Croatian for "I have been checkmated"
Thank fuck for that, someone knows their russ guns. Everyone else was muh ak74. Ak107 has balanced operating system and can take a quad stack mag.
>He fell for the SCAR meme
How does it feel to have an overpriced piece of shit?
>flash hider
>Proper british term for it
>"the ol' flash hider, the nobbly bit on the far end of the pew pew bang bang stick"
He is right though.
Its primary intent is to reduce the chances that the shooter will be blinded in low-light shooting conditions. Contrary to popular belief, it is only a minor secondary benefit if a flash suppressor reduces the intensity of the flash visible to the enemy
Army Field Manual FM 3-22
>high cultural tradition that eludes your peasant mind.
kek, your """""history""""" is 100yo. compared to europe, that is fetus-age.
calm your fat manboobs pilgrim, and remember to cry your self to sleep knowing that the land you are now on is soaked with blood of genocided natives.
Does your standard ar or mp come with a flash suppressor?
Oh man, genocided primitives. Yup, I'm really crying myself to sleep over the plight of less advanced humans.
Yet another Slavaboo who rushed into buying a cheap AK without thoroughly checking it out.
Hint: why do you think it was so cheap? Those shopping for Mosins should also take note.
>He's never even held a SCAR in his entire life, much less fired one
that's rude kōhai
That muzzle brake is specifically designed to compensate for the uneven recoil generated by the AKs action cycling. Hence the seemingly random holes all over the goddamn place. Same reason why slant muzzle brakes are canted to one side.
ARs on the other hand have almost perfectly linear recoil.
I prefer AKs btw (pic related, muh AKs) but you need to fuck off with this retarded example.
>overpriced piece of shit
That's the phrase that every poorfag says about everything that they can't ever afford. I know you've never seen or touched quality in your entire life, but at least stop and think why would a rifle made on a tight budget be somehow better than a more expensive rifle, made from more expensive and quality materials, and manufactured in a better way.
Fug, you're right man.
>Yet another Slavaboo
I'm slav myself
>without thoroughly checking it out
I bought it online because 74s are very rare in my area
>never touched quality in my life
Fucking Romanian shitskin lol
Wait does this mean the Scar isn't a meme?
Can it penetrate a tank at 300m?
Is it 0 recoil? Does it clean like a glock? Does it literally never jam?
You're just jealous that you can't rack up as much of a high score
its a royal pain in the ass.
best option is to pawn it off on a sucker and buy something that isnt shit. youre gonna drop a grand atleast at a gunsmith to get it fixed
in english, please
Still a meme tho
>Being unable to factor in issues or accounting for them.
I have a fucking Ak-47 and I have none of your bullshit issues, My friends who own Nuggets have no god damn issues either. You just got unlucky or broke it.
He is insinuating that your genociding skills are low
I doubt you have an AK47
>literally every major special operations group in the world that is allowed to choose their own rifle universally chooses the AR
AKs are cool, but objectively outdated.
Damn Bulgarians