Just learnt of this Faroe whaling festival, what a bunch of blood thirsty savages

Hmm, still looks cool tho

Can no-one quench the bloodthirst of the ETERNAL kraut

whale's aren't people, whatever.

IF there were Muslim this page would of been full of condemnation

Whaling isn't bad if white people do it, apparently

Pagan filth


Because when white people do it, they pay attention to how many fucking whales there are.

Its like none of you beat seals to death

b-b-but it's part of their culture

Fucking nigger, they are huge part of the cycle that cleans the fucking seas and gives you oxygen you little burger asshole nigger fucker cock sucker motherfucking fucker

whales are the niggers of the sea

Japs suck at whaling
How many times you get cucked by that annoying little anti whale hippy ship, anyways?
I would respect your whaling industry if you had not been so willing to eat hippy shit


More offended by the Che t shirt and sweatshop adidas combo.

They are mammals they consume oxygen.

Sea Shepherd tried to sabotage the Faroe Islands whaling too


The thing that triggers me most about that image is the degenerate t-shirt.

Animals die, nature, circle of life, food chain, get over it you beta fucks.

kek, whites have nothing on the chinese and japanese when it comes to killing the ocean.
There are so many factories that harbor underground fishing business off the radar. Just to circumvent global rules and regulations. China doesn't care, they let this shit go on and turn a blind eye even though they know it's dangerous and risks considerable damage to entire marine species/populations.
In a decade or two the repercussions of this overfishing will become clear to the world but Asia won't care anyway.



>wooden katanas
>boarding action
sign me up

You better shut up Germany. Dont bully our fucking colony you cunt.

Wheres the Faroe island bro that sometimes kicks around? Haven't seen him in months.

>They are mammals they consume oxygen.
Except flora, all the fucking animals consume oxygen, I meant they are big part of recycling the sea flora that gives you oxygen

Japan takes Minke whales which are conservation status Least Concern (IUCN 3.1)


stop being such a bitter idiot

Saw him and another faroe guy about a week ago.

They are still kicking around.

Fucking Che shirts. I always have this gnawing urge to strangle these faggots.

And as Man I was given dominion over them. I AM the top of the food chain. Berry picker.

They look to be of the same inferior stock as short skull West Norwegians, especially the guy with the plaid shirt.


Che would be proud to be represented at such a cultural high.

Yes it is. I remember Denmark getting loads of hate for killing whales even though we never fucking killed a single whale it was all the Faroe Islands.

>Britcuck talking shit about Faroe
Don't you have your Boyfriend to kiss?

>blood thirsty savages
Are you guys pussies?
Cant handle a little blood?
Does killing animals hurt your feelings?

Look, we are strongest kind. But there's a big down side and that's the greed.

Per example if there was a heard of bisons and there was a bear near them, he will hunt one bison if he's hungry. If he's not hungry, he will leave them in peace.

But humans will hunt and exterminate all of them, because they just can't get enough to fill the sick greed.
These niggers that hunt whales are just fucking subhumans, killing for fun.

Shouldn't you be decapitating your mum on a beach m8

I don't know what even the fuck I'm saying, but hunting whales is just fucking wrong because they are endangered species and very important to our planet

Haven't you got some baby seals to club to death, Leaf?

>whale killers

backwards people desu

The whales they kill are not endagered. Stop whining you over emotional manchild.

You type like a tumblrfag
