They call them dindu nuffins for a REASON Sup Forums

This cold-ass negress is the ultimate dindu nuffin meme. The way she talks sounds so scripted, so manipulative. Her crocodile tears and fake wailing. She doesn't give a fuck he just died, she's high on life being able to livestream that drama. Do you fools really believe her story, even though she starts the video AFTER the shooting?

Other urls found in this thread:

she sounds like she is acting but that doesn't mean the mercenary didn't shoot him unjustly

the dick shouldn't be pulling people over in the first place

There should be a camera in the police cruiser that stopped them right? I'm not saying she speaks the turth, but we'll just have to wait before more evidence to come out before passing judgment

>that doesn't mean the mercenary didn't shoot him unjustly
You know how I know the officer shot him justly?
>He was black and had a gun.
Statistically, you can't prove me wrong.
True, but 99.9% of the time, the dindu didn't obey and order, or said he had a gun before reaching in the glove box and not obeying an order to stop, etc. We all know this.

>Let me speculate and assume her mourns aren't truly heartfelt because of "the way it sounds"
>The guy is a "dindu", or, black male that was justifiably killed, because the woman's mourns don't feel genuine to me

Sup Forums does it again. You sure offered nice facts to justify your argument!

>mangle the quote for obvious strawman
>if I pretend no one will notice
haha, dumbass

It's all fake. Screencap this.

Spread your truth pol comment section is without moderation:

I'm fairly certain she was in shock, she doesn't fully come to the realization that her boyfriend is dead until after she gets out of the vehicle and is placed in handcuffs. That's when she starts to burst into treats.

>be chinese manlet mercenary
>think you can make your quota by pulling over blacks with broken tail light
>use threat of force and point gun at him to provoke the black and make him feel scared when he hasn't hurt anyone
>black guy may or may not have reached for gun, who knows, regardless he would have been justified to kill the mercenary for threatening his life for no reason
>chong out and shoot him 4 times killing him when he hasn't hurt anyone and you were the one who harassed him in the first place