When will the autist neckbeards on Sup Forums finally accept the truth they are a joke?
Sup Forums BTFO
Is this satire?
Is this?
Shit skinned, muslim AND gook?
lol. How do you even survive? You're shit skinned and ugly, no mating prospects. You're muslim, so you'll never be able to relax or do anything properly. And you're asian, so you're naturally autistic and assburgery.
>leaf calling an Asian country a muzzie hole
O, the irony
I see you are a triggered neckbeard?
ah fair enough, I was thinking of Indonesia.
On your way son, my apologies.
Don't waste your time with the idiots on here. They still live with their parents and have a very bleak future.
>When will the autist neckbeards on Sup Forums finally accept the truth they are a joke?
The joke is you thinking Sup Forums isn't satire while posting a Sup Forums is satire meme.
>Thinking that Sup Forums is conservative
Go back.
Vast majority of IQ is hereditary. So rich or adopted negroes having lower scores doesn't actually prove anything because it has only been a generation or two since they've been granted identical opportunities as whites in america.
Why do you fags care about IQ so much? Black people aren't cucked like white people. That's why girls like black dick so much.
>murican dindu don't understand da pic
Did you even read the whole image?
Or doesn't l'il Jabari want to read the l'il words?
Bunch of non arguments and strawmans.
Sup Forums is conservative because it's impossible to be socialist/communist when niggers and mudslimes still make up a majority of the world population
kill the subhumans using good old tried and true conservative capitalism, then ascend to the socialist utopia
>t. white person
>literally no arguments
As expected from a stormfag.
>no it is a straw man! Not an argument!
A neckbeard is a neckbeard, and you obviously are a neckbeard that can't handle >da truth
What the fuck, a georgian?
Most everything is a joke. Pretending your life has purpose, and meaning other than working your ass off until you die a forgotten fool, that's a fucking joke and it is on all of us.
Do you not know that the only people that get respect, are dead people? Nobody gives a shit about the living, but as for the dead, they're the ones not here - everybody loves them, and enjoys making up urban myths about them.
>Hahaha I called him a neckbeard, I sure trolled him
Shut your mouth manlet and learn how to address your superiors.
>IQ is hereditary
how is this an argument against the difference between blacks and whites?
>your superiors
Whahaha, how does it feel getting cucked by Emperor Putin.
Do you watch and encourage him when he fucks up your inferior and trivial country?
Read the rest of the post.
And if you think africa, australia or north america were identical geographical locations to europe or asia in terms of developing your culture then you are a fucking moron. There is a reason why the ancestors of those places were fucking savages and that's because they were stuck with hunter-gatherer lifestyle.
>hahahaha some peasants got baited by Russians and country of 3 million got defeated by the biggest country, what a losers, that also makes you a loser right?
I don't get cucked by anyone, neither does my country and even if it did, I'm not my country.
how does it feel like being a poor manlet faggot and knowing that you'll never be as superior as me?
This just reinforces what I just said.
Ayyy lmao, you are exactly the kind of beard described in the meme
Op is a faggot
>You have this psychological condition and you are also very angry, I know this because I'm an expert at being a sandgooknigger. also you are a beard, hahahaha
Tell leafs and Strayas teach you a thing or two about shitposting, you are utterly incompetent.
0 being no correlation and 1 being perfect correlation, there is a 0.5 to 0.8 correlation between IQ of the child and parents. So there is some regression to the mean for all traits really, including intelligence, but two smart people are more likely to have a smart child.
oi i roll
O, See me rollin'
Roll me in 2
>Sup Forums is one person: the image
Nice false dilemma faggot
>If Sup Forums is not completely satire, then everyone must be 100% serious
Sup Forums is not satire you reddit scum
for the fans!!!