Other than white supremacy and racists reasons, why on earth would people vote for Trump?
Other than white supremacy and racists reasons, why on earth would people vote for Trump?
Dank memes
i dont want the mudslimes to take this country over and Hillary is a NWO shill.
at least Trump would be fucking up out of ignorance and not intentionally
Economic growth, nationalism, America being respected again, our rights being restored
I like walls
So basically this isn't because Trump is a "genious". So this it is like "Anything but Dumb shit hillary"
Freedom, security, and success?
Ahhh...hold on
ewww stinky
this. and safer neighborhoods.
The rotten Establishment Democrats are against Trump
The rotten Establishment Republicans are against Trump
Hillary Clinton will usher in the North American Union for her globalist masters, there will be no more United States of America if she becomes POTUS.
She is one of the most corrupt politician in America
Trump is good because hes not stupid enough to think he knows best. He will hire the best. And if they dont work out they get shit canned and some one else gets in.
Hillary has been a politician too log shell have her click and things will only be her way.
What's wrong with racism and white supremacism that those aren't sufficient reasons to do something?
To make liberals angry
Because of people like you.
To reverse the globalisation of our economy; Detroit is the result of a "free trade" Globalised Economy, when Japan took over the automotive industry.
What does white supremacy and racism have to do with our need for sovereignty and the utterly disrespectful way your nation forces your surplus population unto ours?
Many US jobs have left for places like China and Mexico; Trump will reverse this by giving us better trade deals.
Trump is the better option for USA on a global, leading country level. Hillary will bury the country behind China.
t. Jewish economist
But what do I know?
Dunno i voted trumb bcuz I'm a white supremacist/nazi and i want to see trump bomb mexico and extinct them
>cave under the bridge
It's fun.
Because he's better than Hillary.
He didn't say any of that. You're fitting what people say to your own perceptions and not listening to them.
>implying racism and white supremacy aren't good enough reasons
I also care about my 1st and 2nd amendment rights, which would be in danger under Democrat supreme court appointments.
>white supremacy
Where the fuck did this come from?
Anyhow, I haven't decided who I will be voting for yet, but maybe I can point out a few things to you that you might not have considered:
NATO membership requires a specific percentage of gdp to be spent on military. The latest I checked, I believe that only three members besides the US met this requirement. The US pays a disproportionate amount of money into this particular international organization and gets nothing out of it. While Trump hasn't, as far as I'm aware, targeted NATO specifically, it does illustrate one of his points about our allies carrying their own weight.
>international aid
Trump has attacked this, specifically, that we shouldn't be giving aid to countries that actively work against us.
>border enforcement
As a guys who lives in a country with some very harsh immigration laws, I can't wrap my head around why you wouldn't be able to see where this may be attractive. While I'm not so sure building a giant wall is a great plan, harsher immigration law and actual enforcement is a very attractive option for many.
Of course, given that Mexico prints out pamphlets on how to illegally enter the US and get welfare, I can understand why you wouldn't share our viewpoint.
Lastly, at least for me, the fact that he isn't a career politician is attractive. I'm tired of Clintons, bushes, and Bernies who have never done anything but political bullshit act like they know or understand anything close to what a regular American lives. While I don't think Trump does either, the fact that he is less distantly removed is nice.
>white supremacy
He literally says he's the biggest cuck for zionist Israel owning america and he sold his daughter to a kike, and converted her to judaism so his jewish overlords see how much Trumps want to be their pet.
>racists reasons
He makes campaign with Milo, an homosexual jewish nigger lover who literally sells "big black cock" shirts to girls and promotes race mixing
Long story short, there's no difference at all between voting for Shillary of for Trump, they're both fighting to show who's the one sucking Israel cock harder.
Trump is for the middle class, Clinton is for the rich and poor.
You sound like an IDIOT.
To keep out mexicans
Nice counterpoint, leaf. Not that he had much of substance to say in the first place, but it made you sound like about as much of an idiot as him.
Im a legal migrant who got his citizenship just to vote for trump because I believe that controlling borders will force those illegal immigrants to take the time and money to immigrate legally. Illegals pay thousands of dollars to be smuggled across the border, if they waited a little longer to do the immigration and bribed the right mexica officials with those thousands of dollars, they could be across the border in a matter of months. Sadly Mexicans for the most part, fucking retarded and un-interested in doing things the right way, regardless of risk and consequences.
because I'm a woman,and I don't want the first woman president to be a token like the first black president was
we all voted for obama because it was "time for a black leader" and now I don't think we'll see another black president for 100+years because he was so lousy
I want there to be a woman president but I want her to be the kind of leader that people will want more of in the future instead of just a one time token
>wants women in leading positions
>wants women being able to vote
I wonder if and when you'll figure out that you're part of the problem.
how often does that edge require sharpening?
You were always an idiot and don't deserve to vote
>comes to Sup Forums, complains about edge
Way to prove the point, sugartits.
Trump is truthful about his beliefs. He wants America to focus on America, not other countries. He wants stronger borders and laws dealing with illegal immigration.
He is the exact opposite of Hillary. This is the USA and I want a president that caters to his country and that isn't afraid to voice his opinion. You never know what Hillarys intentions are... she lies about everything. You can't trust her with shit as simple as emails, or shit as serious as her involvement in watergate or benghazi.... Why would you trust her in office??