Why do americans make fun of Europe and other countries' immigrant numbers when their white percentage is
Why do americans make fun of Europe and other countries' immigrant numbers when their white percentage is
well at least america and europe are WHITE countries.
I know right, but at least they're 60% rather than 0% argentinabro.
Because there are more white people here than in any European country.
You faggots in your tiny baby countries never seem to grasp this.
There are also more niggers in your country than any European country... hell, probably whole Europe combined.
The fact we fight over this instead of eradicating the undesirables is quite distressing. Quit in-fighting like children.
There's more niggers than the population of canada
Welcome to Nu/pol/.
They might as well rename this place to Twittereddit: The Board
this needs a nice chart
Because white Americans know from experience that multicultural societies are hell and want Europe to stay white in order to prevent it becoming a multicultural a hellscape like the US.
Triggered because it might acually happen in the future
>america and europe are countries.
Lost my shit, and you american paid for this kind of education?
The truth is most american posters know there is no hope for America. Also, the 60% number is totally false. I live in one of the whitest areas of one of the whitest states and I still see niggers fucking everywhere.
Realistically, america is 40% white currently.
We call euros cucks to shame them into action, since we are already a lost cause.
Come to the north. Niggers can't survive here and I live in a 100% white town not even joking.
Someone should really ban you for posting this same exact thread with the same exact picture four times a week. At least come up with some new material. Maybe something about our cops being trigger happy, you know to keep it relevant.
You're no better than that faggot with the native American so when do you leave thread. I know you're autistic but come on dude.
>percentage of a population
>more important than sheer numbers
so if we're 60% of 325 mil, does that mean we still have more white than argentina's 1%?
thats because white people are all at work during the day.
You have more niggers than some African countries tho.
The country overall is 40 percent white, yes, but overall they have more whites than Europe
It's even worse then that. These are all considered white in burgerland.
always the same guy pushing this funny meme